In our last missive, you were able to see the power in declaring, that indeed, you are free. I AM FREE sets forth a vibration, that resounds throughout the universe, that you ARE and you CREATE, moment to moment. For those that were able to read Reco
sovereignty (6)
Greetings Fellow Travelers, We are here to tell you of new mining techniques from the dark energies. These personal documents that you all are creating and saving on the boxes in front of you for later access are being retrieved through the guise of
PUBLIC BANISHMENT ORDER Posted on September 15, 2011 by itccs
Issued against the Corporations known as the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, and United Church of Canada
By Elders in Council from the Inuit, Cree, Metis, Mohawk, Anishnabe, Basque
We, the People of Earth, extend greetings to all races in the Greater Community of the Universe. We acknowledge our common heritage before the Creator of all the Universe, both visible and invisible. We declare the planet Earth as humanity’s Planet o