This is the biggest Secret of Life, found inside the tomb. The quote is one of the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus, author of Hermetic Corpus. As Within – what do we think within ourselves, So Without – will be expressed or reflected on the w
subconscious (11)
Excerpt from The Power of your Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
William James, father of American psychology, said that the greatest discovery of the nineteenth century was not in the realm of physical science. The greatest discovery was the power
By Jim Tolles
Beliefs and belief systems offer us a broad way to interpret a lot of life experiences, feelings, and sensations and to generally make sense of things. They aren't inherently troublesome things. But by and large, beliefs aren't being use
By Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD., Cellular Biology
Earlier in my career as a research scientist and medical school professor, I actively supported the perspective that the human body was a "biochemical machine ‘programmed’ by its genes. We scientists believe
By Tania Kotsos
In accordance with the Law of Attraction, you attract into your life those things, circumstances and conditions that correspond with the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. Every ar
By Tania Kotsos
Past negative experiences tend to influence our daily thoughts and actions long after their event. Life is supposed to be a wonderful collection of always new experiences but too often we focus on the negative experiences of our past
By Dr. Joe Dispenzav
The Power Of Imagination transcends logic and taps into the infinite field of potential where all probabilities already exist. Imagination is the magnet that draws the thing imagined from the place of infinite probability to fini
By Nick Arrizza
No, this is not some new age fluff. It is actually about the most profound insight that has come into human consciousness in the last several millennia and which every Human Being already knows in their Heart yet has reluctantly refuse
By Remez Sasson
What are affirmations? They are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they get impressed on the subconscious mind, which consequently is triggered into positive action, to make the posit
Discover 8 Proven Ways To "Hack" Your Subconscious Mind Into A Portal To Infinite Happiness, Phenomenal Mental Balance, Endless Spiritual Energy and Dazzling Pleasures Beyond the Physical Dimension...
Beyond Consciousness: 8 Subconscious Techniques to
This is my very first blog post from my website,
Probably nothing new to all of you here!
What can we say reality really is?
First and foremost, your reality is proof that you exist. The fact that you can conceive of ideas, feel