Do you ever get the sense that it's not "SC" (spiritually correct) to express passionate will? In the 'New Age Movement', where 'acceptance' and 'surrender' are the big buzz words, is there still a place for passionate courage, commitment and determi
synchronicity (5)
Every action you make creates a ripple in the universe. You unconsciously telegraph your thoughts to others. Synchronicity is the law of unity. We are all linked. There is no separation between you and anyone or anything. We are all connected.
There a
(« Effect of Butterfly » by Anastasiya Markovich)
The third part of « The Idler » is entitled « Upward. »
The idea behind the movement is quite simple : once the necessity of evolution has been recognized and accepted, there’s only one way to go and
(detail from one of my old kindergarten paintings)
The Idler was born of a combination of concepts discovered while exploring various domains of knowledge during the second half of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s.
« The idler who does not ar