thenewearthtimes (71)
Welcome to The New Earth Times!
Photos of Christine's Security Ship.
Confirmed by Ashtar. July 2015.
Enlarged zoom image from the photo above.
Both photos were taken on a Galaxy G6 phone
and are un-retouched in any way.
A Note from Kathryn & Christin
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We CELEBRATE Resurrection! Ascension! For All!
Thursday, March 24, 2016 Edition #64
Fulfillment, Fruition and Abundance
by Mother God through Kathryn
CO RV! Lightworkers Respond to The Council's Question: "What Will You Do to Land the
THE NEW EARTH TIMES -" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"
Dear Family, A warm hello! I am your brother Michael, writing to give you my love today. In response to your questions... I bring you reassurance. All is progressing irreversibly into the Light upon surface Earth!
Together, we are accomplishing our mi
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"GLOBAL BOMBSHELL! Respected Former UK MP Says MI6 Is Covering Up…"