Like everyone else on all sides of the political spectrum here in America and around the world I was in a deep state of shock on 11/9/16 with the result that Donald John Trump had won the electoral college votes. It looked like Trump was shocked too.
times (4)
And so what will happen now? The significance to all life on the planet of this momentous shift cannot be overstated. She's created a new reality in the Fifth Density. And specifically - of utmost importance - she doesn't need this old fear-based rea
We’re in a warfare, any way you look at it. Only it’s not a warfare of hate, but of love. It’s not a warfare of physical violence, but a spiritual one of intention and a Truth directed life...The medieval matrix, no matter how fancy and hi-tech it ha
Jesus and Extraterrestrials according to Contactee Sixto Paz Wells
(As Interviewed in 2011 by Mexican journalist and UFO Investigator Johanan Díaz Vargas)
Translated by: Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera