I was 11 years old. It was dark outside-nearly midnight at my home in Tampa, Florida on the very wrong side of town. Something had woke me, urged me to get up and leave my house, walking all the way down to the end of the street where the main road w
twin (20)
The twin flame reunion process is one of the most challenging, compelling, and confusing experiences for both partners involved--and often for other people in their lives too. In our previous article “How Do I Know If I’ve Found My Twin Flame?” we di
I've been reading Elizabeth's postings about twin flames. She says that many of our current partners might not be ur twin flamesand that there will be separations from our current partners to seek our real twin flame that is on the ships and that onl
Twin Flames embody the energies of Creation, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
A Twin Flame couple is a cell in God's heart.
We all know there's been a stagnation lingering in the air. You all sense this. The full on attacks and manipulations leading to delays this past year and half have been due to constant bureaucracy, idiotic protocols and male chauvinism. It's been di
Part 5
I had to take a few days off since my last post. Trying to put all of this into words hasn't been an easy task... it has brought up a few things I hadn't previously considered, and I needed time to reflect. I have also had contact with another
In regards to all of those so called Twin Flame Runners:
What are all of us ANCHORS to do when our boats have gone adrift? I say: Give them the slack they need! Because much like the birds migrate according to the seasons...flying north to south and
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. No truer words were ever said! Each incarnation here is another web of karma and another adventure. Some of us will remember our past lives and those we've left to end up here so there can be much heavy feeling re
For I have loved
Lingering of a familiar scent
Fills my head as I search
Careful not to abandon
This image from long ago
I was always waiting
Placing my hope
On an unsure feeling
Pray my voice finds way
Into your heart
And bring you home
Here I am
Always think
I've been thinking about this topic for some time. It's very touchy because there's not a lot of information out there and in anything vague like this there are those exclaiming either it is impossible for twin flames to be same sex and such such...I
Dear Ones,
As many Light Waves are showering onto your Beautiful Blue Planet Earth your Hearts are expanding and filling with the energies of these Divine Light vibrational frequencies awakening to a New Golden Era of Unity Con
You are a Being of Love and your Light shines as Love moving out. You are ever meant to move outward inGiving of Love. The most powerful way that Love moves out in Givingis the movement between the two streams of consciousness of your Soul– you in th
Collapse duality within and change the hologram
We live in a holographic universe. What is within is without.
What does this really mean?
The journey begins before we incarnate. We choose o
The energies of this time of Awakening are highlighting Relationships.......especially intimate relating.
This is a key part of The Awakening now.
This is the mirror for growth towards self-love and self ACCEPTANCE.
What a true