understanding (10)
Modern physics is dominated by the concepts of Quantum Mechanics. This page aims to give a brief introduction to some of these ideas.
Until the closing decades of the last century the physical world, as studied by experiment, could be explained a
Listen to my new episode GALACTIC UNDERSTANDING athttp://tobtr.com/s/5596703. #BlogTalkRadio
Wes Annac: Hello on this beautiful evening, dear friends. Per a (not-so) recent discussion with a Galactic soul on a certain radio show, I’d like to request some more information about the healing and cleansing work you’re doing in our skies.
The Plei
Allow me to introduce everyone to Dr. Carlos Blair. You ask, "Who is this Dr. Blair."
Note: SanJAsKa is a Representative of the Pleiadian High Council & the Pleiadian Council of Nine.
The truth concerning our existence and the assistance we have been giving on your world can no longer be hidden, and revela
The 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom is divinely beautiful to embellish upon our essence. In the Cosmic level we feel this expression of the color of Golden Yellow to incorporate within our Crown Chakra. It is only activated in this way on the higher dim
Non-Violent Change
“I am quite aware of the fact that there are persons who believe firmly in nonviolence who do not believe in a personal God, but I think every person who believes in nonviolent resistance believes somehow that the universe in some f
We look in the Mirror, but what do we See ~
A deeper Reflection of Ourselves, Emotions in a Great Vast Sea.
Hypnotic Essences, Transformative Energy
Lightning of our Souls Desires, Consciousness of a new Reality
Energy rising, Peaking at the Surface
I am proud of these guys! Well Done!!!