When did human beings start considering themselves better than all other living species on the planet? When did we begin to consider other life forms insignificant or beneath us?
Our beautiful earth is, I shake my head as I type this knowing that
vibration (15)
Hello Dear ones, [a channeling]
you have much to discover in the new year. We wish to plant those seeds because we say you are about to get moving. Yes, some have been waiting for the big move for many decades, and many have said 'but they keep saying
we come to make some sense out of several nagging questions, and shed some light on the path before you.
Channeling, as it is becoming known, is not an accurate process. Both because of dark spirits that hack into the channeler's mind, and becau
How to Use Ancient Yoga To Promote Your Own Peace And Wellbeing
By Sitara Ansari, B.A (Hons)
By practicing the method of Yoga, it is yet another route on the path towards embracing Divine wholeness, fulfillment and happiness.
Yoga when translated means
Allow me to introduce everyone to Dr. Carlos Blair. You ask, "Who is this Dr. Blair."
Our New 5D Earth
Robert Perez a.k.a ETFirstContact41
Created and Photoshoped
My Vision of Our New Earth and Two Suns
It's funny how we don't see the most natural things in the world - what has become so familiar that we don't have to think about it anymore. Even our automatic functions of breathing and digestion, which take care of themselves, we sometimes take fo
The sun seems to be livening up again with three M class flares in under 24 hours. I don't know about any of you but I really feel these when they are happening. I told my partner last night my feet were vibrating with energy lol. Now I know why. So
The Frequency of Bliss
Ever enlightened ~ One ~
Basking in the Eternal Glory of the Solar Sun
Cellular Ignition - Cognitive Intuition
Explosion of Energy!
I'm Tuned into Your Vibration
A Higher Understanding of Eternal Revelat
Face like the Sky
Eyes like the Stars
Heavenly Whispers of Truth become Who you Are
Destiny Fulfilled ~ Jupiter illuminates ~ Lighting this world with a new golden Grace
Infinite Love
Swimming in Joy
Comforting every Cell in our Being
The Council tells us that the first step in spiritual development is an active love. With the following statement The Council explains to us some basic attitudes that we should try to establish within ourselves to begin to allow our natural godly lov
The energies of this time of Awakening are highlighting Relationships.......especially intimate relating.
This is a key part of The Awakening now.
This is the mirror for growth towards self-love and self ACCEPTANCE.
What a true