With everything happening in my Life and on the spiritual stage at this moment, I feel a very strong desire to give a personal update and detail how the energies of this time are treating me personally. We had expected a much earl
vibrations (9)
This is a song I wrote, because I enjoy writing music. Parts of this song were improvised, and the pace is accidently switched-up a bit from 0:10 to 0:16.
We see the world and we wonder
Yet we know that things will change
Others see all of us
Hi Folks,
I am from Mumbai, India and would like to post to get information about if some-one else on this forum is facing the same as I am. so elaborating a bit.
Recently say from Monday we that's me and my wife, are facing lots of bad vibrations or s
Dolores Cannon says that we are all on our own journey to raise our vibrations and we are not allowed to change others' minds, except for those who are unsure of what they want.
So for those who are unsure of what they want, here is my view on how to
Zorra Raising Vibrations
Zorra/Zaraya Has Repeatedly Reminded Us Of The Importance Performing This Technique Daily...Several Times A Day! Take Note To Duplicate Zorra's Demonstration; Seated In The Lotus Position. Someone In A Wheelchair Unable To Cro
5D Body High Vibration Protection Protocols
Worldwide Tele-Class on how to use High Vibration Protection as we transition from 3rd to 5th dimensionality
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This is Fred speaking. It is my honor to be here once again, with each of you, as the Spokes-Being for this marvelous Temple that we all come to for great healing. This evening is another special occasion. It's a special occasion of acce
Good Evening,
This is Fred speaking. It is a pleasure to be with each of you here again. Thank you so much for coming to the temple and being part of these energies. Meleriessee shared that she thought that there was a special occasion this evening
If you ever are encountered by someone with the lower vibrations just remember whether it be verbal abusing you, physicality or even going against you deepest beliefs, just remember its the lye's and programming talking not them. If they had the same