The Ascension Evolution Wave or The Wave is a configuration of energy that is a collaboration of frequency and light. The frequency is a wave impulse that has been light-encoded with specific information formulated to awaken lower frequencies to a hi
wave (9)
Being asked to actively participate in the awakening process of Earth has challenged many unconscious beliefs.
First, I was uncertain why I had been asked to bring through these frequencies. Everyone asks, "Why me?"
Next, I wondered if I was capable of
I first experienced the impact of the Wave on February 8, 2015. Initially, I saw the Wave in a deep meditation and was pulled onto it by a force of generated gr
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
We are speeding toward a powerful gateway on September 3 – 9. The energies are quite intense day to day, in a good way, as our cellular structure gets a
Universal Mother Mary ~ Calling for a 1,000 Wave riders!
Universal Mother Mary ~ Calling for a 1,000 Waveriders!
june 4, 2014
WaveMy beloved children I am beckoning you to come and open your hearts t
Issue # 70: Earth-Keeper Chronicles April 2012
"The 2012 Solstice of OM" |
"Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. And so again we speak of Shasta. Indeed its importance is tantamount to the expansion of
Issue # 70: Earth-Keeper Chronicles April 2012
"The 2012 Solstice of OM" |
"Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. And so again we speak of Shasta. Indeed its importance is tantamount to the expansion of
I don't know if Carl Calleman is correct about the end coming in October, but he is a very smart man with some good ideas. This is his new blog, very interesting times we live in, no?
The beginning of the Fourth night of the Ninth Wave
of the Mayan c
Okay, this a really long posting, but if you are curious about the Mayan information regarding the Ninth Wave of Unity Consciousness then this will be of interest to you. Just skip ahead if it bogs you down, there are two contributors, I will leave
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