I am posting this article to strengthen the name of Wilhelm Reich a person defamed by mainstream media and pop scientists. His books have been burned and as a consequence, many people have lost their lives because thanks to his investigations it is p
what (10)
This is me and my sister Anna. I love my sister more than anything in the world. She has always been one of my best friends.
Last year me and my sister started drifting apart. She got a boyfriend and i was too busy working to pay
Mr Obama at 29July2013 will proof to us if he is with the side of GFL forces or against ?
He promised to Ashtar cooperation at early past time and he is making now the China boy .
What we sow so shall we reap. How a man thinketh so he is. So find your highest truth, because that is what you sow, that is who you are.
I like to share this insight with you:
I see what I did the last months and years, I pointed my finger outward. I
For I have loved
Lingering of a familiar scent
Fills my head as I search
Careful not to abandon
This image from long ago
I was always waiting
Placing my hope
On an unsure feeling
Pray my voice finds way
Into your heart
And bring you home
Here I am
Always think
Greetings friends,
Today I am going to put my heart on my sleeve and discuss with you my personal worldview. Please have an open mind and realize that these are my opinions that I chose to hold close to my heart, I am not making any attempt to sw
What Will Happen During the Shift
Lucy brings to my attention a lecture Drunvalo gave quite some time ago on what might be expected during the “shift” that we now call Ascension. There are a couple of points that some peo
What is a Starseed? – Part 1/2
What is a Lightworker? Are YOU a Lightworker?
The term ‘Lightworker’ has been around for about 40 years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work. The definition of Lightworker has evolved as our understand
I am Faleekastrina. Thank you for your question.
It isn’t something missing that keeps anyone from creating anything,
rather it is something there that should not be, something in the way.
For instance, if a person lacks discipline, their higher awarene