Several days ago I received this email from the granddauther of old and dear friend. In his letter he has asked that I share with all the Indian Nation in our country. "Yes" He is a Native American Indian, He is 86 years old and lives in the southwes
who (5)
When you are secure with who you are
It doesn’t matter what others’ choose to do with their lives
It keeps you busy with your own issues
Eventually you’ll be content with what it is you have
You don’t need to really bother with other people
They don’t nee
In an instant my Life seemed to change, and my whole personality was transformed. Where I once had close relationships with many friends and family members, I have now begun to find I have nothing in common with these souls.
Sept. 13, 2011
This i
i've realised some things lately, things i already knew but kind of came together and fit and made sence lately!
i am loyal to the one's who are loyal to me!
this saying has HUGE meaning, strong words and not much need to be said, weather it be frien