People will have a hard time believing this and that's ok. I'll preach it forever! The link is at your disposal, as I continue below. The Spirit has lad me, as It will lead you saying, "The Last Shall Be First!". The last tablet, Tablet XIII is calle
wisdom (25)
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
Pablo Picasso
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This blessed medicine of our ancestors comes to us, not as a thunderous proclamation, but as a gentle whisper into the very heart of our beings.
It comes from the lost teachings of the Grandmothers, the keepers of our most sacred and profound wisdom.
Celebrate Peace:
The Summer of Peace is a 3-month celebration of possibility, potential and the peace that has already been created even in the most unlikely places.
It is a call
They are the learned
If wisdom they earned,
To the Guru they turned,
God they churned,
Untruth they spurned,
Ego they burned,
To heaven they returned,
They are the learned.
(Offered at the lotus feet of my Guru Siddha Nath)
There are countless scenarios that take place for everyone who lives in virtual duality reality, involving Love’s refuse that by decree for the need to clear find us in the middle of.
Virtual duality reality is meant to bring the initiate before a st
Endeavor to fill leavening tides of proclaimed somethingness
Calling out to Be-ing of great lasting endorphins
Incredulous sands prolapsing before starting
Courage step toward me dearest chord
Arising doubts streamlining past attempts
Will the abandonment
I was recently reminded of the fact that I have an ego. At first when you hear this, you get angry. Actually the ego, does not like to be acknowledged as something bad. It gets hurt and angry.
"I" was also hurt and angry.
I am able to recognize its vo
The renowned 19th century preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, observed: “Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a
Message from Jen
Well, it certainly has been an amazing week. I’ve been learning new things by the hour, it seems, and I have felt an uplifting shift in my own vibration. This shift for me has not just come from doing this work with Peter, but also fr
This one comes from the heart. In a way each of these blogs I write are acts of intuition, but generally I decide what seems topical or interesting, then write with a plan towards that. Tonight I have no idea what will happen since I’m determined to
I sometimes find it all so sad that some people will try to get ahead and hold on to their old selfish ways even when they know that they will be dead within a short period of time ,and will clutch to the material world even after they are dead and g
1 All matter is merly energy, condensed to a slow vibration.
2 Were all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectivly.
3 There's no such thing as death.
4 Life is just a dream, and were the imagination of ourselves.
5 Let us respect our own right to b