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"If you guys ever have a hippie infestation play some slayer and other crappy death metal music lol."
"Neil is my favorite-zany comedy -Neil was the hippie-Rick might be gay and a marxist-Vyvian was the punk rocker/almost skin head, and Mike was the '70s leftover still in school at seven years, the oldest of them, the shortest and the boss. Crazy…"
"Hang loose man and watch Neil the hippy in action.....Classic comedy from the 80s...🤣
If you want to see more, this British show was called; "The Young Ones.""
If you want to see more, this British show was called; "The Young Ones.""
"I'm getting some good laughs in at what we are posting. We need to start posting more comedy on this site lol."
"Well they do provide some excellent comedy. Not hard to make fun of them lol."