I'm very happy to write this article about my book called "Love is in you". This one is in French and published by the Helios Editions in France.(http://editionhelios.pagesperso-orange.fr/)
This book tell the story of a man who takes a plane for vacation and during his travel, makes a dream who's very real. He returns in the 60's in north France and live the birth of a baby who's the first child of a young women.
During this expirience, he's invisible by all the people and he met the baby before his birth and the baby tell him what's the incarnation and why it's very important to live here on the surface of this marvelous world. After this, the reader meets Angels, Archangels and Masters of light and the discovering of the real love who's in each man, women, child, animal...who lives on this planet who's the scholl of life. This book is the fist part of the story : The beginning...
The book can be in stores in April 2011...if you know a publisher can be published the book in English...
With all my love,