Outer Revelation!
The crystallization of our souls...
Gleaming like the thousand diamonds in the sun.
Warming the Universe around us, taking us to new levels of consciousness.
Inner embrace of love....feeling more than we can imagine!
The stars are calling our name, the birth of our dreams must awaken!
Take us to the sky, drench us in your divine light!
Fire in the heavens, igniting the dawn of of a new age....
Let us be one!
Let us all feel more! The Divine Spark Lives!
Uncover the great mysteries within. The keys of Life!
Awaken our souls!!!!
Let our energy ignite Love, the most powerful energy in the Universe!
So it shall be :)
I am Forever Grateful! :)
~N~a~m~a~s~t~e~ :)
Hope you are both having a lovely Christmas :)