Some of you are not yet ready to implement your new skills for a variety of reasons such as 3rd dimensional demands...But when the time is right, no one will dissuade you from doing so...Your current understanding of romantic love does not even qualify as a starting point for Universal love...You love your significant other because they perform as you wish them to. They are perfect actors in your drama...What if your life were a comedy instead of a drama? How would that shift your beliefs, actions and love patterns?



Love’s Evolving From Drama to Comedy



Dear Ones,


We discussed during the last Creation Energies show that you were learning how to open your personal New Age software through your heart. For some of you this will be relatively easy. You believe, accept and expect that you will do so when it is time.


Others of you are not so patient. You hope to be zapped in some way. Perhaps you want to see new colors or entities, hear unusual sounds or something equally dramatic. Such zapping is not going to happen for most. Testing a new process does not necessarily make it instantly manifest.


Some of you are not yet ready to implement your new skills for a variety of reasons such as 3rd dimensional demands; it is not time to introduce your transition puzzle piece or you are too frightened by past experiences to test something that might make you different from the norm.




But when the time is right, no one will dissuade you from doing so. It is similar to those women who wake up one day with an extremely strong need to have a child. There is no logical reason other than it is time. So stop fretting if you are not yet sensing or functioning in new ways.


But for those who are – hallelujah! You are having so much fun with your new software. You can ring that bell, move that object, play with sunshine and thousands of other activities you did not believe possible even a few days ago. Think of your new skills as part of a fun video game.


All life, in all environments is a game of testing yourself about love – most particularly self-love. Many of you are tired of reading about love and the New Age. You fully understand that message – you think.


But the love you have experienced has little to do with Universal love. Old Age love is conditional. Perhaps the closest your Old Age love comes to Universal love is that felt by a happy mother of a newborn. But even that love is clouded with fear that her infant might not have all his or her fingers and toes, etc.


Your current understanding of romantic love does not even qualify as a starting point for Universal love. Many of you are angry with this thought for you love your significant other completely. We beg to differ. You love your significant other because they perform as you wish them to. They are perfect actors in your drama.


But now your personal play is shifting from drama to a joyous comedy. That statement is upsetting for some of you. How dare we trivialize your life and love?




Why do you believe that your love story cannot be a delightful comedy? What in your belief system requires all relationships to be dramas?


There are some lovely romantic dramas where all turns out well – at least as portrayed in a book or movie. But then, do you believe that such relationships continue as was true in the final high note? Or do you believe that those relationships would probably have difficult and unpleasant shifts and changes in the real world? Is not a drama about highs and lows?


In your Old Age thought processes, lows are expected. And are you not quite smug about those relationships that report no arguments, no drama, just an easy-going (and in your mind – dull) relationship? Where are the sparks? Where is the drama? Where is the joy of making up after a battle between lovers?


Many of you have an ideal of heaven or the afterlife on earth which is much like the dull relationship we just described. Entities floating about in white gowns proclaiming their love for everyone and playing beautiful music. BORING! And so it would be.



You have not yet created an in-between state in your earth belief patterns.


What if your life were a comedy instead of a drama? How would that shift your beliefs, actions and love patterns?


Perhaps you think we are making fun of you. We are very serious. Your love and life is shifting from a drama to a comedy.


Not the dark comedies that have recently become popular. But instead the old-fashioned light and airy slapstick type comedy – where everything turns out well; no one really dislikes anyone and all are having a great time. And so it will be. The New Age is a comedy.


How will this comedy format shift your life and earth?


Of course, you will experience much more laughter, fun and joy. And most importantly, inclusion not exclusion. For indeed, have you ever excluded someone who gave you joy?


We are not addressing the type of comedy that makes a person, group or entity feel less than. We are speaking of those comedies in which the bad things turn out well – and there is laughter as problems are solved. So it will be for you and earth.


One of the first indicators that you are testing your new software through your heart is that you will have a need to laugh more. You will understand the silliness of your dilemmas and of those who continue to see issues as “life or death” activities.


Your software test projects will be fun. How wonderful is that! Perhaps you try to move through dimensions and only partially complete that test – how silly. But not frightening. For you can easily try again if or when you feel like it.


Move in joy and laughter and you are testing your New Age software through your heart. Move in fear and anger and you have yet to tap into your heart.



So be it.





Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for


Summary of Brenda’s August 19, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Competition is no longer an important element between golden indigos, indigos or any other generation. In the next few days and months, you will test your personal New Age software through your heart center.


The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Joy is Your Teacher; Pain is Your Compass”


Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.


If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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  • Hoooooray! :D

  • Yes, Oh Yes--FUN--- JOY--JOY JOY-- WE ARE ALL SUPPOSE TO BE JOFUL CHILDREN OF GOD=DIVINE LOVE AND LIGHT ENERGIES living our divine Soul purpose and using our divine Soul power connections to direct Soul source contacts!

  • Thank you for your message.  I have been doing a lot of remembering when...and laughing out loud. It's a wonderful way to heal the heart!

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