The wind has begun to blow through the curtains of time to part the illusory fences of separation. The heavenly quartet strums a tune, a slow yet healthy melody that will prolong the tidal energy of the Father’s presence as He prepares to bridge the long created divide and fill the gaps in the hearts of His ones, with divine love. Think of Him as a Father reaching down to embrace His children in and with love, to enable them to feel a part of Him and experience His energy within them; to know Him as children should know their Father, through love only. This is Michael’s way.

Much is being said about the WAVE. Some sensationalise it to evoke fear out of ignorance of its true meaning and consequence; yet it is the single most important experience that you ones will partake of in this incarnation. Gentle ripples have already been sent out from Source as a precursor to the destined experience of Michael’s bonding.

Think dear ones of the effect of love. What you shall experience is a fulsome and creative burst of inner enlightenment through the osmosis of the Father’s love. It is different from the love you have experienced on your earth plane and from a love independent of God. This Love is cleansing pure and wholesome. It will be cathartic as well as enlightening. It will raise new hopes and bridge old gaps. It will fill with renewal the hearts and minds of men, a futuristic resolve embalmed in the certainty of divine respect and reverence for all. This will be no paltry undertaking but will revolutionise the thoughts of men that they may plot their future with fresh understanding and accord with divine will. For the experience will leave many trembling in joy and adoration and spark multitudinous desires all of which will direct them to applaud and live in the reflection of God’s light. The picture I paint is the best scenario that will apply to all who are open and awakened. A less rosy picture might be depicted for those who aren’t, yet the possibilities remain endless and WE shall only know the response of these ones at the chosen time.

I am here to state the effect, not the dynamics of the occurrence for surely you shall know when it is upon you. Prepare thyselves through the shedding of resistant thoughts and patterns which will pre-empt you from experiencing Michael’s energy in it is highest form, of your capabilities. Embrace the vision and the idea and let the resolve be instilled within thee that what you shall be experiencing is no more than that which you already are. This will be the greatest reminder of who you are. This is the moment when Love shall be fulfilled. Oh children, praises and adoration we do not need; for they perpetuate the feeling of separation when there is none. Reverence and love reciprocated is all that is required.

Know that you are all loved in the Oneness that WE are and separation of function does not equate to separation of spirit. We desire to effectuate a change in your thinking that you may be inspired and influenced to live every moment in a state of heightened awareness that you are none but God; and must desire to reclaim that Oneness. The energetic wave shall assist and shall fulfil many of your spiritual desires; yet it shall also place many back on track that they continue their journey in truth.

The entire universe will experience a roaring harmony as Michael reaches down to make His presence felt. We your celestial guardians will be watching and experiencing this divine occurrence with you. Records will be kept in the great book of life for you to revisit lest you ever forget.

Time is now heralding the cessation of time for creation to experience the concordance of Michael's descent. Let spirit guide and lead you until this/these eventful moment/s

I AM Nebadonia- Mother Spirit.