Loving Yourself & Mother EarthSelf Love & Creating a Reality of Lovethrough Action and Consumer ActivismBy ZaKaiRanDo you love yourself? If the answer is yes, then I'll ask you another question, if you love yourself, then do you act like it? How do you show it? If you do actually love yourself, then you must act like you love yourself! If you are not showing love to yourself, then you are not really loving yourself. Thinking or affirming you love yourself, is not enough, because that is not how reality is created.To create a reality, you must think, speak, feel and act that reality, in the way that you want created, so that reality becomes truly real and manifests fully in this reality. You must show the universe that you love yourself before the universe truly believes that it's true for you. Then the entire universe goes "OK, I see that that reality is really true for her/him, and I must rearrange reality to accommodate that truth". This is the universal law of Truth, Divine Resonance & Reflection, whatever truth you truly resonate with, that emanates out from your energy fields, creates that reality, it reflects back to you the reality that you have created within.Here is another example of creating reality: most people complain about the state of social life on planet earth, with all of the corporate greed and political corruption, and wonder what they can do to change the world. One of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to make change on planet earth is our purchases. What do you purchase regularly that directly supports corporate greed, and human & environmental exploitation, and what do you purchase that supports social cooperation, global responsibility and environmental health?Where does the paper you buy for your computer or your toilet paper come from? Is it from a renewable sustainable resource, recycled sources, or did it come from rainforest trees, chopped down just so that you can wipe your bum? Unless you educate yourself, you probably don't know, because companies are not required, nor do they have a financial interest, in notifying you where they source their paper from.I know you all buy good oils to cook with or to use on your salad, but how about the oil that is used to make those crackers or cookies you bought? The oil might be genetically modified canola oil, or palm oil, harvested from regions of Indonesia that once contained beautiful rainforests and once housed the amazing and lovely Orangutans.Of course buying certified organic fruits and vegetables, buying recycled paper, and products that are not genetically modified, and made by ethical companies, is a powerful statement of self love and love for Mother Earth. If you make sure you never purchase any products that have been made with Palm Oil and companies that even use palm oil, then you are showing yourself how much you love yourself, how much you love the earth and trees and how much you love Orangutans.ChocolateWhere does the chocolate that you love so much come from? Unless it is certified organic and fair trade, there is no guarantee that the cocoa beans are not sourced from sweat shop/child labor plantations in west Africa, which is where most of the chocolate that people eat is sourced from.Body Care ProductsAnd what about the body care products you are putting on your skin, hair, teeth, mouth, eyes…? Do you know what all those chemicals are that are in your products? What plant did they come from? Chances are you probably don't have a clue what they are or if they are actually beneficial to your health, because the burden of education rests in your hands alone, not companies, that are not required by law to list the affects of certain chemicals, and not even required to exclude chemicals that are harmful to you and the environment because it's not food.And do you actually believe it when a product says "natural" or "organic"? Even if a product lines says "certified organic", often, there is a very small percentage of actual certified organic ingredients and the rest are chemicals. In this instance, you can show that you love yourself by first of all, educating yourself about chemicals and companies. In the full scope of the literally thousands of body care products, there are really only a few that truly care about you and your health, whose primary motivation is not just profit, but education and global responsibility. (And the one that I know truly cares about your health is ONEgroup/MiEssence).So do you love yourself and mother earth enough to take the time to educate yourself about chemicals and ingredients in the products you purchase or intend to purchase. By doing so, you are empowering yourself (and ultimately others because you naturally will educate others) and you are sending a powerful message to the universe that you are taking a stand for planetary health and prosperity consciousness). And you are sending a powerful message to the greedy corporations that you will not support their destructive, uncooperative and greedy behavior. And by buying wisely, you then empower smaller companies, (energetically and financially), that really care about you, the earth and all of humanity. This is basically consumer activism, and a very powerful way to make change on the planet, because none of the greed and corruption would exist if the masses didn't support this behavior. But this greed machine knows how to manipulate the masses through their fears and insecurities.Empower yourself by finally realizing that beings who lack divine awareness, live their lives primarily based on their fears, by their first three chakras, and the biological territorial imperatives of caveman consciousness. They even enter relationships for fear of being alone, or fears that they are not loveable…And love yourself by giving no energy to your fears and by placing your energy into the good guys, rather than judging the "bad" guys. This only empowers them and their reality of conflict and control, because your attention is on them and their nefarious behavior. This is how reality creates itself, based upon where your attention is. What you focus on is created around you and supported by the universe, because the universe is unconditional and will help you create any reality you desire. So your choice is to place your attention on trying to change the old world, which empowers this old world of fear, lack and competition, or you can focus your attention on creating a whole new world - it's your choice! And in the case of consumer activism, that means only supporting companies that are focused on creating this new world, not exploiting the resources of the old world.The world is literally in your hands, what will you do with it?How can you personally create a whole new world of divine cooperation and mutual support? How much do you love yourself? How will you show it? When was the last time you got a massage? Bought yourself a new dress, shirt…? Treated yourself to ice-cream…In divine love!ZaKaiRanLinks:https://zakairan.mionegroup.com/toxicToxic Ingredient Directory - How safe are the ingredients in your brand of skin care products? How certain are you that they do not contain chemicals that could be harmful to you and/or your children?If you are not sure, use this toxic ingredient directory and find out for yourself. This information has been sourced from Material Safety Data Sheets (or MSDS), which is recognised as the international standard for providing safety information about chemical ingredients used by humans.--------------------------------------------------------------Ethical & Organic Shopping Australiawww.ethical.org.auEthical Super Market Shopping Guide:http://www.ethical.org.au/guides/Free PDF: http://www.ethical.org.au/downloads/2009/ECG_Guide2009.pdfEthical Paper: http://www.ethical.org.au/guide/search/Chocolate, Healthy, Fair Trade and Organic: http://www.ethical.org.au/guide/browse/guide/?type=126Sustainable Seafood Guide: www.marineconservation.org.au--------------------------------------------------------------Ethical & Organic Shopping USAOrganic Consumers Association: http://www.OrganicConsumers.orgThe OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topicsEthical Consumer: http://www.ethicalconsumer.orgRecycled paper: http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/FreeBuyersGuides/miscellaneous/Recycledpaper.aspxToilet Paper: http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/FreeBuyersGuides/householdconsumables/Toiletpaper.aspxChocolate, Healthy, Fair Trade and Organic:http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/FreeBuyersGuides/fooddrink/chocolatesnacksandsweets.aspxhttp://products.mercola.com/organic-dark-chocolate/--------------------------------------------------------------Genetically Modified FoodsGM Foods Australia: www.TrueFood.org.auShoppers Guide to Avoiding GE Foods (Australia)Shoppers Pocket Guide: http://www.truefood.org.au/documents/TrueFoodGuide2009.pdfShoppers Guide, Full List: http://www.truefood.org.au/documents/TrueFoodGuide20090325.pdf--------------------------------------------------------------GM Foods USA: www.truefoodnow.orgShoppers Guide to Avoiding GE Foodshttp://truefoodnow.org/campaigns/genetically-engineered-foods/shoppers-guide/http://truefoodnow.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/web_new-ge-booklet.pdf--------------------------------------------------------------Fair Trade OrganizationsAustraliawww.Oxfam.org.au/fairtrade - Make Trade Fairwww.FTA.org.au - Fair Trade Association Australia and New Zealandwww.fairtrade.asn.au - People for Fair Trade - A better deal for third world producersFair Trade Shop - Siham Craftlink Pty. Ltd. is an australian importer, wholesaler and retailer of unique, handmade and high quality craft items sourced from Fair Trade Organizations ...www.sihamcraftlink.com/index.html---------------USA and Other CountriesFairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) -http://www.fairtrade.net/The Fairtrade Foundation - www.fairtrade.org.ukFair Trade Federation - www.fairtradefederation.org=--------------------------------------------------------------OrangutansBorneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) AustraliaBorneo Orangutan Survival, primates helping primates. ... Forest - Home of the Orangutans. About Palm Oil. Wanariset. Nyaru Menteng. Mawas Reserve ... www.orangutans.com.auOrangutan Hospitalhttp://www.orangutanisland.org.my/news/move-over-er-welcome-to-the-worlds-only-orang-utan-hospital/print.htmlPalm oilhttp://www.orangutans.com.au/Orangutans-Survival-Information/About-Palm-Oil.aspxThe single greatest threat facing orangutans today is the rapidly expanding palm oil trade. Rainforests are being cleared at the rate of 300 football fields per hour to make way for oil palm plantations.While there are millions of hectares of degraded land that could be used for plantations, many oil palm companies choose to instead use rainforest land to gain additional profits by logging the timber first. Palm oil companies also frequently use uncontrolled burning to clear the land, resulting in thousands of orangutans being burned to death. Those that survive have nowhere to live and nothing left to eat.Many everyday products contain palm oil. It is found in ice cream, chocolate, biscuits, crackers, chips, margarine, fruit juice, batters, soap, toothpaste, laundry powders, detergents, cosmetics and pet food to name but a few. It is also found in a wide array of products sold in natural food stores.Palm Oil Free Products: http://www.orangutans.com.au/Orangutans-Survival-Information/Helping-you-buy-responsibly-Palm-oil-free-alternatives.aspxNotes: Companies are not required to specifically state "palm oil" in their products. Palm oil is usually listed as "vegetable oil", and sometimes "palmolene".--------------------------------------------------------------Green LivingCare2.com - The Largest on-line community for healthy and green living, human rights and animals welfare - http://www.care2.com/Planet Ark - Your Daily Guide to Helping the Planet - www.planetark.comAustralia:Clean Up Australia: www.cleanup.com.au - Recycle your Computer…Climate Change Australia: www.greenhouse.gov.auGlobal Garden - your FREE gardening magazine on the internet. (Australia) - www.global-garden.com.au--------------------------------------------------------------Donate Your GlassesGive the gift of sight. You can help someone else see clearly by donating your old glasses.www.charityguide.org/volunteer/fifteen/eyeglasses-donation.htmhttp://www.uniteforsight.org/http://www.onesight.org/--------------------------------------------------------------Mobile Phone Recycling - http://www.mobilemuster.com.au/Recycle your Book - www.bookcrossing.comwww.WeAreWhatWeDo.org - Small Actions X Lots of People = Big Change131 Small Actions to Change the WorldLandcare Australia - www.LandCareAustralia.com.auLandcare is a uniquely Australian partnership between the community, government and business to 'do something practical' about protecting and repairing our environment. More than 4,000 volunteer community landcare groups - including bushcare and urban landcare, rivercare, coastcare and sustainable agriculture groups - are tackling land degradation in every corner of Australia.
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