Why I believe the Rockefeller center Prometheus represents Lucifer manifesto of the 37 inhabited planets that swung over to his rebellion. If you look closely at the ring where Prometheus is indwelt in its design with the 12 zodiacs, that are the constellations he took over, our Earth (Urantia) is the youngest of this take over. Now in the Urantia book it states
53:7.1 (607.2) The Lucifer rebellion was system wide. Thirty-seven seceding Planetary Princes swung their world administrations largely to the side of the arch rebel. Now, that's about approximately a average of 1 to 4 inhabited planets per constellation that went astray,my theory is this could be in each constellation with Urantia being last. The reason I say this because Lucifer was imprison at the time of Jesus bestowed, Prometheus to help mankind gave the gift of fire (light bearer) in which he had stolen from Zeus, the same way Lucifer was the light bearer, who supposedly gave mankind liberation from God, making the Prince of this world (Caligastia) at that time a god. Caligastia a personality which humans are not able to see