now i have the idea that some things that people consider to be myth may actually exist beyond the curtains that blind us!
i'm curiouse as to what creature's people have experienced encounters with?
so far i'm aware of the existance of the dragon race!
ow ok, well i'm not able to do anything whilst living at my parents house at the moment so i can't see to much!
the magical beings and these veils aren't going to last long, according to prophecy and ancient scrolls soon there will be a great war between light and dark, for a small while it will be behind the scene's and everyday people will know nothing about, then whatever it is that seperate's us from the magical world will no longer be there and even if for a short time we will live amoungst them once again, i'm not 100% on the details since i haven't read these scrolls i'm only aware of what my mind remembers of them when i read them in a past life!
They live right next to you, but because of the veil, you can't see them. It is sort of like another dimension.
It is really hard to explain, it has to do with vibrations.
There are more out there than you can even begin to imagine.
Dragon, yes they are real, very real.
Before magick left those creature lived in harmony with humans. Then after a very large war they left and the veil was erected.