Maitreya`s Vision By; Mike J Hughes

It is only a matter of time before we see the shinning face of our elder brother Maitreya, who will soon be invited by a major American television net work, and soon after that he will be speaking to the entire human race through an incredible planetary overshadowing, along with the linking up of the entire satellite networks of the world in which he will reach and teach humanity on the arts of self realization ,and will inspire millions to set foot upon the path leading many to a spiritual journey of self discovery..

We are all living in times of great changes
, and most of us will be around to see our world transformed into a piece extraordinary beauty, and as the ages roll by we will see many who will begin to tread the path of initiation and to themselves become great beacons of light and pillars within the kingdom of God .We all have great and awesome power within us all, and must at some day demonstrate this high greatness on the physical planes, as well as the astral ,and the mental planes ,and to thus become Masters maitreyaof Wisdom and graduate out of ‘’school house earth’’ and extend our awareness far beyond the confines of this solar system, which means the taking of the 9th initiatiation ,which is the highest initiation that an earth man can take at this time ,and only 111 people in our whole human evolution have passed on to this incredible state of awareness.

The real Buddha who overshadowed Gautama gave up his mortal coil to in order to dwell in Shamballa and to serve the Lord of the world.

Many of the great Teachers and spiritual giants of our past will soon return to the earth as great Teachers, and as the divine instructors of humanity, teaching us the laws of right human relationships, and to thus take action and to master control over our spheres of influence.

Over the next 500 years this world will be full of child prodigies who will be endowed with super human powers and insights as to how we all can build a glorious civilization that will be based on sharing and justice for every human being in our world.

There is no reason to keep the people in our world starving to death in a world of plenty. It is well known that the developed nations of the world use and waste 80% of the world’s resources, which I find just disgusting at how the world can be so blind to this problem because they are so concerned about their own petty problems. It is well time that we get out of our selfish and carnal mind and evolve out of the herd instinct, and to use our higher mind and the Love aspect of the soul which heals all things physical, emotionally and mentally. Now this may be a very long time to undo, but time is the great healer, and in time shall all be well. As I look and see, I can see the untold millions who seem to have no soul or any of the higher faculties that seem to be as yet dormant and have not as yet even appeared in any way to be in the stage of blooming, as these human units are in a dark place when it comes to the other side, where they are in a very dark level within the astral worlds .The lower astral planes are a very dark and a very sad place to be, for all that they have feared in life now becomes very real indeed, and their sufferings will follow them for many incarnations .Each time these evil people come back into incarnation ,and when they come to the right age they will have glimpses of something to be feared, like a black cloud that stinks like sulfur which will again be reunited and will eventually find them at around the age of puberty, for this is the period when the human units finds and unites with its human counter part, the Doppelganger .

Humanity on a whole is now and for untold thousands of years creating a huge planetary doppelganger that we all must at some time face.Maitreya has intervened and will help all humanity dissolve this menacing force of evil that we ourselves must learn to overcome, with of course the help of our elder brother Maitreya who is the Christ for this world age which many know as the age of Aquarius, which its cosmic effect began to influence humanity at around1675ad and is getting more potent as the days go by. Maitreya is as well working with what we could call the energy of synthesis of which is streaming through Maitreya from a great being that we know nothing of, accept that he just wishes to be known as the Avatar of Synthesis .He is a being who has achieved 14 levels of cosmic consciousness while Maitreya has only 2 levels of cosmic consciousness .This great being has as well heard the invocative cry for help coming from the human kingdom, and is coming with Maitreya to help in the salvaging of our world to a state where spirituality ruled the actions of man in those far off days of long ago.

There are at this time thousands of people of goodwill throughout the world known as the ‘’New Group of World Servers’ emerging out of every walk of life, who carry within themselves the divine fire of spirituality burning within their hearts and minds , having the courage to serve their fellow man. Living a life of service is a very rewarding experience bringing a sense of well being and joy into the life who lives a life of service, life, and living, honesty, detachment, and an unconditional love for all humanity to share alike.Maitreya is one of the first of our humanity to achieve initiation and became a Master of Wisdom during the middle half of the Atlantean root race..

There was a few times where he retreated to his ancient place where he had a lot of work to do and to digest that which he has learned about humanity for well over many centuries .There have been many times when Maitreya has intervened just in time before some kind of disaster was to strike, and so many times he has helped many to receive healing if and within the laws of karma.. Our world is in a state of unbelievable depravity, and is a non-sacred planet,, meaning that our world and the individual human units have not as yet taken the first divine initiation, which to us is the third initiation, and we all as yet have a very long journey to tread before we can be considered as a divine and sacred planet.Evolution takes us along its slow and wise steps in the unfolding of ourselves as divine beings. We are all divine beings and it’s just a matter of precipitating this divinity onto the physical planes of our world, and that’s what the science of initiation is all about. Each and every time we come into incarnation we evolve a little bit more with each reawakening

Maitreya now comes into our world to teach humanity how to tread the path of universal self discovery, and to help us begin the art of self realization which, in time leads to God realization, and by this time we all will be Masters of Wisdom, but this is a long ways into the future, many millions of years from now. Soon we all will see Maitreya as the great Teacher he is, and the world will be such a more and pleasant place to live. Soon we all shall see the return of the ‘’Ancient Mystery Schools’ where all of those who are nearing initiation will come and undergo much training to make them fit for the Christ principle, which is seen as the first initiation. There will as well be a very advanced school for those who have at least taken the first or second initiation.

These advanced schools will be for those who are preparing for the higher initiations, such as the third, fourth, and fifth initiations.

The head of the schools will be second or first degree initiate that will have a dome like structure in which he will live, study, and at night will have the ability to work on the inner planes such as the astral and mental planes, and doing work with the Masters or himself doing some work of goodwill, having been a member of the ‘’New Group of World Servers’ during his former incarnations.

Most of us who have been involved with this kind of work for a long time as a way of life and service have already taken the first initiation ,or at least coming up to that point in his own evolutionary journey. As Maitreya comes into full contact with humanity there he will bring with him 7 great deva Lords who will assist humanity in knowing the secrets of health and cleansing, medicine, and the new science that will fuse together science, religion, and philosophy into one working Unit that will one day become the foundation of the new age of higher thought. Man is now ready to receive new and fresh spiritual energy from above, and to work this energy into his constitution as all of the old cells are what we would call cast off, which will be the material that will be built into the bodies of all future mammals and other species within the animal kingdom that are warm blooded. After Maitreya has been discovered for whom he really is, which will be the day of declaration, then we shall see the coming of many other Masters to take up their places within and around the world. The Masters have come to that point in their own evolution where they must come and assist humanity as we move into the new age, for this is their part to play in the helping of humanity everywhere..

We all have our duty to become all that we can for the sake of helping humanity come to the realization as to its own divinity, and of its astral freedom and to one day become a Master of Wisdom. During the Atlantean civilization Maitreya was the initiator at a number of sacred schools that was open for all who were deemed ready to undergo the tests and trials of those who were ready to pass through the gates and take the first initiation, of which there were not many at that stage of spiritual evolution. It was during sleep that allowed the Atlanteans undergo their development upon the astral planes in their various classes depending upon the point of evolution attained during any one incarnation. Upon awakening, each of the students would not recognize each other on the physical planes as to what happens during their times of classes that take place at the Mystery Schools. We are now in the fifth root race, and the spiritual hierarchy has shifted its activity onto the mental planes where the teachings of the Mystery Schools have their activity in regards to the initiations of various groups of advanced human beings. As more of our earth men achieved liberation, they are able to take the place of those cosmic beings that have been here long before any men of our earth humanity were able to tread the path and achieve the fifth initiation, thus achieve at becoming a Master of Wisdom.

After one has become a Master of Wisdom there are choices that the Master has before him, He can stay with humanity out of divine Love and sacrifice and work with this sort of activity for a very long world cycle until all of humanity is treading the path of initiation and can therefore control his own destiny, and we are far off from that day as humanity is still in its infancy when seen from the ‘’spiritual evolution’’aspect.My job in all of this is to create a climate of hope and expectancy for the return of the Great World Teacher in whom many know as Maitreya,and he has a grand uplifting vision of what humanity could be if only it got its act together and began to share the resources of the world and began to cooperate with each other in a peaceful manner .Deep within us all are the seeds of high greatness and the potential to become divine as we all bring out the best in each other and learn to live as a soul infused personality. We all have within us all that divine spark of divinity that will one day bloom forth into that which we call divine man.Maitreya is the eldest brother of the human race ,having been the first of our humanity to become a divine being sometime during the Atlantean root race..

Signs and miracles are going on all over the world at this time, and is a signal that Maitreya is about to come to the fore and to begin to manifest ‘’The Plan’ that lies within that Great being who is indeed the planetary Logo’s ,and who’s name is Sanat Kumara [Lucifer] and who made a great sacrifice for all mankind that we all may have our intellectual and spiritual independent freedom .He came to our world 18.5 million years ago and so came the fall of those divine beings that we esotericists know as the divine human souls which have now begin their long evolutionary journey at evolving out their true selves through countless thousands of incarnations through much pain and suffering, and through much trial and error .All of this creates much character ,wisdom, and much of the nature of self realization and self realization ,and it is for this the Church of the dark ages had to blacken the name of Lucifer, for it was he who made the great sacrifice for all humanity by dividing himself into 60 billion divine sparks that became the individual and divine human souls.

We all have the seeds of high greatness burning within us always, and many are precipitating this great divinity onto the physical planes. Many of those who were initiates of the past will return in future times as Masters of Wisdom . The bulk of humanity who become Masters on this earth scheme go directly to the system of Sirius that will take them far beyond the confines of our solar system along their chosen paths of service.

Before we can choose our cosmic path of service we must first tread the earthly journey taking all of the initiations that are required before we can evolve our way out into the heights of cosmic awareness that lie far beyond our little system of worlds we call the solar system...

It is Maitreya’s vision that at least 3-4 billion people achieve the first initiation by the time the Aquarius age has come to an end and that many millions are treading the path that is known as the probationary path, and thus a portion of Maitreya’s work shall be done, and he thus comes closer to the end of his work with humanity for many millions of years when he will return once again at the end of the 7Th root race when he will return as a cosmic Avatar,’’ the cosmic Maitreya^,’’who will as well be the last great Avatar for this human evolution. By this time during the 7Th root race we all shall be Masters of Wisdom and will be preparing ourselves to tread one of the seven cosmic paths that stretch out before the liberated Master .

There is, at this time a great cosmic Avatar known as Sia Baba of whom many know as the incarnation of God of which he is a measure of. I myself have had some experiences with this great being .There was a time when I was praying to him to give me a sign that he at least knows who I am. The next day I was riding my bike to go to work the next day, and to my surprise there in the middle of the bike path, which is a very busy place was a nice little bag that was full of Vibuty?, which was a sacred ash that appears as a blessing to all those who are truly devoted to this great divine being. There was as well a nice photo of him giving a blessing, dried flowers, and a nice set of beads for mantra work and as well as a few other blessed things of which I kept for a very long time. But all in all I took all of this as a blessing, and a sign that yes, Sia Baba knows who I am and that truly he is a cosmic Avatar who is truly blessing this planet with his presence. This is an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

It is my information is that Sai Baba embodies the`{ Love of God] at a cosmic level, and that Maitreya embodies that same Love at a planetary level.

In time Maitreya will go all around the world and to visit every nation around the world to teach them their part to contribute to the coming new spiritual civilization that will make its way all around our world. Those nations that are more developed than other nations will be asked to give over what it may have in access and to share that which we all have in abundance .Soon, in time we are all to see a world that will be totally transformed, and each and every time we come back into incarnation we will see a world that is getting better with each and every year that passes by .Maitreya is here as the elder brother of all humanity, and he is here to inspire us all to create a new and glorious civilization that will be based on brotherhood and sharing. Those who are in the more advanced brackets of the human race will be trained to act as bright beacons of light to their fellow man. As I have said before, there are groups all over our world who are known as the ‘’New Group of World Servers’’ who are men and woman who have come out of every walk of life with the inspiration of good will and brotherhood galvanizing them along the path of evolution. They may be scientists, writers, politicians, spiritual teachers, leaders of all kinds, and so on, who carry within their hearts the reality of brotherhood, and the high thought forms that are clearly defined and that work along with the ways of natural evolution ,and who are in themselves a force of nature who have ,in most cases, have taken the first or second initiation and therefore have a very powerful effect upon their environment and upon those in whom they come into contact with on a daily basis. Over the next few decades we are to see the coming into incarnation of many very powerful human beings who have the magical ability to make a great impact within this world in which we all find ourselves. I my self have been working with these various groups for well over 25 years, and my job is to create a climate of hope and expectancy for the coming World Teacher, that many are now coming to realize is the great World Teacher in whom many know as Maitreya

Maitreya is always sending out thought forms that are very clear and defined, and that many that are mentally polarized can tap into these high currents of mental energy and make good use of the mental thought forms that can be used to create the coming new civilization. Many of our world leaders today are acting under the direct impact and high ideals that come from the initiates, and as well as some of the members of the Masters of Wisdom who have been doing this sort of work for many thousands of years from their ancient retreats in the mountain and other remote areas around the world. Every 2000 years or so the spiritual hierarchy of this planet will send into the human civilization a great teacher who will lead humanity of that time to the next step towards it’s spiritual development. Such a time is once again upon us, and the eldest brother of the human race is about to come forward to lead all mankind into the light of a new and high civilization where we all shall overcome our limitations one by one until even death itself shall be overcome and transcended .

There are about 40 Masters of Wisdom, who shall make their way into the world to be with humanity throughout this new age, and a few of them can be mentioned here; there is the Master Morya of the trans Himalayan Lodge who embodies within himself the Will aspect of deity and who stimulates, and as well as galvanizes the great minds of advanced political leaders all over the world and who works to restore political justice where ever needed.Morya has made a great impact through out his past incarnations, and who was a great leader with each and every incarnation while treading the path of initiation and becoming a Master about 500 years ago and has therefore been occupying the same body in which he took the fifth initiation in. The Master Morya is to become the future Manu of the 6Th root race which will be a very advanced race that will be endowed with a highly developed mental body. It is during this root race that the mind aspect in mankind will come to a full bloom, and then we shall see achievements such as not imagined before. When we reach this stage in evolution we shall see the achievement of our spirituality where the divine spark that lies so deep within us all shall blaze forth like the noon day sun in all of its glory. The great 2nd ray Master, Koot Hoomi works along the ray of divine Love and has many friends in the little village where he has the company of other Masters as well such as the Master Dwul Kual who is as well along the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom.

There are many Masters who are now at this time dwelling in the Himalayan Mountains and who now know that they would be required to come forth and lead humanity onto the path of initiation such as they did so long ago during the Atlantean root race. Man has evolved so much since that time as we have a more refined mental body than we did even 10,000 years ago.

Another Master of Wisdom in whom we are all acquainted with is the Master Jesus, who is a very close disciple of the Lord Maitreya, as they are always working together at doing that they can to be extra helpful to those who are going through the ‘’dark night of the soul’’. To Jesus is committed the reformation of the church along more sane avenues of devotion and expression, and to have the original teachings restored for all to discover for themselves, and the extraordinary simplicity of the teachings that the Master Jesus taught to all who were seeking a better way of life.He, and the rest of the Masters teach that man is a divine being and that is the major reason why they are here; because they know that deep within the heart of humanity there lies the light of divinity that is slowly beginning to shine forth in many initiates such as Mozart,Bacon,Jesus,the Buddha,Einstein ,and as well as those who are a part of the ‘’New Group of World Servers’ in whom all are making a great impact all over the world at this time that will galvanize many towards living a spiritual life of service and sharing towards their fellow man.

The incredible incarnations that Maitreya has been through have enabled many to learn the mysteries of the spiritual aspects of their own souls, for Maitreya has taught many that the divine light lies right within them, and they need not follow any spiritual teacher, for the first and real teacher is ones own soul, which is as well the first initiator. Maitreya is the initiator of the first and second initiations, and are therefore initiations of the threshold .It is the third initiation which according to the ancient wisdom is the first initiation, for it involves the entire three bodies of man being fused together as one, and they are the dense physical body, the astral-emotional body, and the mental body. These three bodies which we all have developed within ourselves are the ways we communicate with each other or through the ways of mental form of telepathy which can only take place with those who are somewhat mentally developed and who are somewhat highly evolved and who are considered as old souls in a sense that they have much to share with all humanity, and who are teachers in the highest sense of that word.

Maitreya is here as the agent of divine intervention, and to prevent humanity from destroying it self from its own stupidity ,and along with the large group of Masters he has been working with. We should be making progress inspiring humanity at the construction of a new and glorious civilization .Some time in the distant future this planet will shine as a sacred world and will shine forth in the heavens as a brilliant beam of light that all of those who are dwelling on other planets will be amazed at the achievement of all those who are living on this planet which has as well been given the nick name of the ‘’Star of suffering’ Those who believe and who see the inner divinity within all living beings everywhere are working along with the forces of nature and who are considered as the saviors of all humanity everywhere….Such is an esoteric statement of fact.

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