If you’re up for it, it’s fascinating. Karen shows a lot of images from CERN from Pattie Brassard.
It is sounding like those bizarre phenomena we’ve seen over California and Russia may be about extra-dimensional rifts or wormholes the draco are trying to open to bring in draco reinforcements, according to this 2nd video.
Thanks, T. ~ BP
Wake up time folks!!, I have watched both vids 1-1/2 times. This is very important stuff. It means that the Cern Collider is not Safe and is a lg weapon that concerns 100 of these smaller ones connected to the lg one. That what our Allies have been telling us is not true.it is all run by the Draco's and the top ruler of the cabal the A I who are using this weapon to gain mind control on us in combination with the chemtrails nanobots and HAARP. This is very serious stuff and actually a win for us as it will take them 5 to 10 yrs to repair this at least. To win this War and gain our Freedom we have to come together as one Force. But as long as we are devided and don't see this as something big , we will not win the war and gain our Freedom. Why has MSM not mentioned a word about it, for it is a great loss to them to control us. And the big question is ,why did it take so long to get it out on the Net and why are so many so called light workers not taking this serious, not even bother to watch the vids? OH MY !! Adonai