This is from a 2023 astrology predictions seminar in Santa Fe on December 18, 2022. Horoscopes include U.S.A., Joe Biden, China, Russia, Brazil, U.K., France, Germany, Israel, Iran, the Federal Reserve, and the New York Stock Exchange. Mundane astrology methods will be described in the following toolkit:
Let's now go to the horoscopes.
The next chart is this same A.F.A. horoscope as above, but now has included asteroids and esoteric points. My reason for this chart is the Midheaven and Ascendant placements. Pallas Athena is in Conjunction with the Midheaven (look for the arrow below). Pallas Athena was a tough bitch; a brilliant military and war strategist who would rather be at home making pottery, weavings, or competing in archery contests.
Also note that the constellation of Orion is rising at the U.S.A. Ascendant point, with Mars on the U.S.A. Ascendant (and near the middle of Orion's Belt). Both Mars and Orion are associated with war, and Gemini (the Rising Sign) rules "verbal or written declarations."
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,