Management Notice: Prepare for Transfiguration
Written by David Wilcock Friday, 03 September 2010 20:34This new reading came in just before David appeared on Coast -- chock-full of useful spiritual guidance for you to read, contemplate and enjoy!A VERY EXCITING TIMEBefore we get to the new words from 'Management', I have some great news. This is one significant part of why I've been so unusually preoccupied and busy these last few months.After a long and intense process, I am very happy to announce that we now have a finished first draft of the CONVERGENCE movie script -- and it is fantastic!I've been extremely fortunate to have Jim Hart and his partner Amanda Welles writing this script for our grassroots-funded company, Convergence Pictures LLC -- with my direct supervision, support and oversight.Jim sat with Carl Sagan for two years to develop the screenplay for CONTACT. The movie THE LAST MIMZY was also co-opted from an earlier script Jim wrote, originally titled "MIM-Z", but was significantly different than the original.I mentioned both of these films back-to-back in my 2012 Enigma documentary as having an intense Disclosure message, having no idea they were written by the same person. That synchronicity is what actually attracted Jim to this project in the first place!Jim also wrote Hook for Steven Spielberg, Bram Stoker's Dracula for Francis Ford Coppola, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life, which featured Angelina Jolie, Muppets Treasure Island, Tuck Everlasting, Sahara and the uplifting August Rush.You can read Jim's credentials here on IMDB, where he is listed as James V. Hart.As you can see on his IMDB page, he has a variety of new projects in development as well -- and some of the most impressive ones aren't even listed at this point. I would definitely put CONVERGENCE in that same category.OPENING TO THE POWER OF MANIFESTATIONI was blown away when I read the script. After all this time -- developing this film since 2005 -- it is only five and a half years later that we now have a truly impressive script, from one of the top screenwriters in the industry!In earlier drafts of CONVERGENCE I wrote myself, I invariably patterned the female lead character after Jodie Foster in CONTACT.It truly shows how impressive synchronicity can be when I ended up having the man who created that character for film -- arguably the single best, most qualified writer in the world -- come to this project!There are truly no limits once you open yourself up to the true powers of spiritual manifestation, and are willing to work with ceaseless dedication on your ultimate goals.Furthermore, Jim's usual turnaround time on a script write is 3-4 months -- but in this case, due to a few key factors, we've been developing the core elements of this script in some form since April 2009.With a writer of Jim's caliber, this is a very unusual situation -- and it also means the script has that much more 'sizzle', forethought and development than most.I do feel all of this has happened for a reason -- and now that I have seen the proof, in black and white, I can say that all the sorrows and struggles of the last five and a half years have been well worth the effort.We are now in the midst of our first major rewrite -- what I call "the big science pass." This has taken a great deal of time and energy, not to mention soul-searching, to perform.GETTING ALL THE DETAILS RIGHTJim and Amanda's script was the result of intense, detailed planning of the story and characters for well over a year before the first pages were ever even written.I was heavily involved in this process every step of the way. The entire story has been carefully designed to create the best-possible delivery vehicle for my scientific breakthroughs to reach a mass audience.We've also set it up to be a franchise -- where the subjects explored in the first film can easily transition into sequels where the cosmic scope of what we address can be literally unprecedented in Hollywood.By continuing to work with independent financing, we can use this medium to spread the truth -- instead of the same rehashed nonsense that has been passing for entertainment so often.Jim has also poured a great deal of heart and soul into this project -- including bringing in thematic elements that are very near and dear to his heart, which he's been wanting to write about for many years. (I cannot go into detail about them at this time due to the need for confidentiality to protect the script at this stage.)I still have a lot of pressure on my shoulders at the moment, because now that we have a finished first draft, I'm very intricately involved in re-tooling it with all the most advanced breakthroughs I've come up with in my work on the new book.Many of these breakthroughs didn't even come about until June and July, as I went into the final stages of finishing the manuscript. So, it seemed like everything happened in the proper time and place, following a greater schedule I was not consciously aware of.MORE ON THE WAYIn the midst of all this, and other stunning developments I can't talk about yet, I got contacted by Coast to do a show -- and our transcribers have now finished their part of that process.It's a huge, huge document and it will probably be the next major post to this site that gets made. It is a lot of work to get these shows posted once the transcription is finished.I have had an extremely powerful set of opportunities show up and they have required my full attention. I look forward to getting these deadlines cleared so my life can calm down again!I thank you for the many, many letters of support and encouragement as I've been working through all these challenges. Even the hate mail is really just love in disguise -- I feel bad because you guys have been missing new material from me you can hate about.The wait is over! And let me pause and just say how proud and satisfied I am with myself lately, so you guys have something satisfactory to start the newest hate campaign with... and by the way did I mention my good friend President Barack Hussein Obama...ABOUT THE READINGJust before I was on Coast, on August 10, 2010, I had a reading flow in. I was finally in a place where enough things were working properly in my life that I could trust myself to be receptive to this information.This reading came through at an astonishingly slow speed -- only three words at a time. Except for brief parts, I was completely unaware of what was being said.The protocol, when properly followed, involves getting your analytical mind completely out of the way, so the words can flow through without there being any analysis or understanding of what actually is being said.It takes a lot of stored energy to do this, and I was very fortunate that this reading went on for 90 minutes straight.MORE OF THE BACKGROUNDI had done a personal reading for myself a day or two earlier -- the first one in many months -- and it had been very useful. The stage was set for a great "global reading" that I could share with everyone.I have been reticent to attempt any readings while my mind was so preoccupied with the tasks at hand. As Carla Rueckert, channel for the Law of One series, has said, "It is very, very easy to do channeling. It is very, very difficult to do channeling well."Finally I am in a place where I know that my stress level has decreased enough (since finishing the main text of the book) that I can again do a quality job, and bring in data directly from the Source.As I wrote in the previous blog, I was very jazzed by guessing our departure gate out of Heathrow Airport in London. I only had a one-in-fifty chance of getting it right and I nailed it -- when it really mattered the most.The state of mind I went into in order to access the number '36' and have it be the correct answer is the same state I must hold for significantly longer periods of time to do a reading.In this case, each individual set of 2-3 words comes in as a unit, much like the number 36 did. It is a long and sometimes cumbersome process, but time slips away from you after a while and you don't realize how long it has gone on for.There is also a 'translation' process necessary to go from the natural intuitive flow, which comes in visual images that are paired with emotional impressions, to actual words -- but I have many years of experience now in doing this.THE PRECURSOR DREAMWhat tipped me off that a reading might be possible was the dream I had just woken up from.There are very, very substantial changes going on in the world at this time, and this was clearly a dream for everyone.In it, a former friend of mine, who was a heavy user of marijuana and alcohol, voluntarily decided to end his life by putting his head on railroad tracks as a train was coming.For whatever reason, in the dream I decided to honor his decision and allowed him to do this.The train came and he got swept underneath it. Now I was worried that he might be getting dragged, and going through agony before his death.I went to find help and discovered I was in a train station that was also like a methadone clinic for recovering heroin and drug addicts.When I finally found a staff woman and told her what had happened, she said there was nothing we could do to stop the train, and that I should accept my friend's decision.CRUCIFIXION OF THE EGOI realized when I woke up that this dream was talking about humanity in general at this time.We are all moving through a transformative process where a part of ourselves is voluntarily choosing to die.This is the part that has experienced searing pain and misery, and has consistently tried to stay in denial about what it is feeling in order to feel better.Things like the BP oil spill have heavily shattered those walls of denial.The train is symbolic of the transitional process we must go through to reach 'fourth density' as a collective.There are many, many incredible signs that we are on the verge of a breakthrough, and I have plenty of notes in my journal that I can write up as time goes on and my schedule frees up to point out how much things are changing.There is very abundant evidence that the negative elite are on their last legs, and I am stunned at the scope of data that is coming available, and how much it all interrelates.This reading set me straight by reminding me that the goal is not to talk about when Disclosure will happen, or when the towers of the negative elite will finally whimper and groan over into ruins.There is a much, much more important process going on at this time.REVISITING THE LAW OF ONE MATERIALThere has been ongoing debate about whether the shift into fourth density, described in the Law of One books, is a spontaneous energetic transfiguration -- the physical body becoming a light body -- or a slower, more 'ordinary' change.Recently, after this reading, it occurred to me that there was additional detail in the Law of One series that I had forgotten to include.Simply put, the source talked about how any given "third-density" planet, like the Earth is now, has a total of three 25,000-year cycles in which people can graduate to fourth density.The fourth density is an entirely different plane of existence that is separate and inhabitable upon its own.I realized that since people graduate from third density at the end of each 25,000-year cycle, most of the time, this means they obviously are not hanging around in any visible way for people who remain in third density.Clearly, the transformation into fourth density life is an entirely energetic process that cannot be simply written off as a slow, gradual upgrade.The Law of One is describing a situation where people are warping out of third-density existence as we know it and entering into a whole new reality -- once the planet itself moves into fourth density at the end of all three cycles of third density.This may seem a minor point, but it clearly illustrated for me that the process itself MUST involve some sort of dematerialization from third density / transfiguration into a light body form in order to occur.I've looked at a variety of scenarios for how this transition could take place, but this reading strongly reminds us that we truly are standing on the precipice of a breakthrough event in human history on Earth -- where many of us will be able to achieve this greatest of spiritual gifts, where we graduate from third density into fourth.Without further ado, here's the reading as it flowed in as of the morning of August 10, 2010. The headings were added after the fact and I again used intuitive guidance to help write them, but not at a level as deep as the reading itself.NEW READING AUGUST 10, 2010... "MANAGEMENT NOTICE: PREPARE FOR TRANSFIGURATION"VIOLET FLASHES INViolet flashes in. Circumstances as they are today would be better if you were able to approach the throne of the Divine like this as often as possible.EARTH CHANGES ARE AN EXERCISE IN DIVINE DISCIPLINELet me make a few statements regarding the coming Earth Changes. Those alleged changes are nothing more than an exercise in Divine discipline.Haiti, Chile and other quakes are very real. Yes, that is true. The greater equation is an anthropocentric one. I liken it to a bird whose wings are almost ready to fly.ALL THE PROPHECIES ARE NOW COMING TRUENow is the time where all the prophecies we have been giving over the years come true. Their final failing point only is that the candle wax burns lower than most would think is possible without the flame being extinguished.Nonetheless, you are ripe and ready for the harvest of consciousness. The earth has cultivated its bounty, and for this we are greatly appreciative of your efforts.YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PERSONAL EARTH CHANGESThere is something I want to tell you.Don’t give up hope, because the messenger becomes the message. You are experiencing a shift in yourself that corresponds to these Earth Changes.In your own way, you approach the Throne of the Divine, and release the constrictions that have formerly held you back from accomplishing the goals you set out to reach long before incarnation.THERE IS NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS PROCESSLet’s establish a few fundamentals here. There really is no need to worry about anything related to this process.We have never strayed from the goal of protecting you from the inevitable upsets and inadequate decisions that have so often been made on your planet.This spell in the woods is a temporary one. While you are trying to find your home, in one sense, in another you recognize that you have indeed arrived in the here and now.AN OVERWHELMING CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVEThis tsunami so many concern themselves with is not a physical one. It is an overwhelming change in perspective brought on by unpredictable personal events.And in that sense, we are responsible for fomenting these changes within yourself.THIS PROCESS IS GUIDED AT THE VERY HIGHEST LEVELSThis process the Earth is now going through is guided at the very highest levels to insure that you will approach whatever level of progress is suitable for you, without ever straying too far, if at all, from the course at hand.A PART OF YOUR PSYCHE NEEDS TO DIEAs we demonstrated in David’s dream, there is an aspect of your psychological makeup, if you will, that must allow itself to die, or at the very least give way to a greater level of beingness within yourself.This is the mystery for which so many are unprepared. They haven’t experienced enough humility within their own lives to be honorably certain of the illusory nature of this so-called ‘ego’ – this false sense of self that is built upon illusion and materiality.I would prefer that we reframe the discussion away from the minor trivialities of each day and its unexpected turmoils, and instead re-orient our focus towards the same spiritual practices that have sustained the masters for millennia throughout the Cosmos.THE TRUTH IS VERY SIMPLEThe truth is indeed very simple. And with that truth comes the reconciliation of the desires of the divine self with those of the mortal mind, so to speak.It isn’t that hard to ruin those castles of falsity that the ego mind or personality self, if you will, would erect.This time around, I have left to you as to how to figure out the straightest and narrowest path to these changes.Opening yourself to service, and being willing to help others, indeed reconciles many of the conflicts that have otherwise plagued these thoughts and actions.EACH LIFE IS PRECIOUS BEYOND IMAGINATIONComets and their dust may indeed contain organic compounds, and the Universe is alive on a level most could not conceive of.That doesn’t mean that we fail to notice each and every subtle nuance of the dance of consciousness.Each life is precious beyond imagination, and our goal is to topple those false castles and replace them with that which rings true throughout the millennia.BE AWARE OF THE PEACE AND STILLNESS OF EVERY MOMENTIt is simpler than you may think to open yourself to this process. It does not require elaborate training or investigative protocols into arcane arts and sciences.Rather, it is simply an awareness of the peace and the stillness of each and every moment.OPENING YOURSELF TO RECEIVE INFORMATIONWithin the bounty of that moment, there is endless opportunity to open yourself to receive information from higher planes in a clear and understandable manner.Much of this information comes through in the form of subtle, fleeting bursts of thought that you are accustomed to seeing as imagination.You may be accustomed to hiding yourself from the Divine – instinctively.Many of you feel that to go topless, in the energetic sense, is far too naked and exposing.By energetically topless, we mean letting go of this illusion of privacy, and actually opening yourself to receive direct communication from your own Higher Self – regarding you and your path and what is most suitable for you.EMBRACE THE LOVE BEHIND INTUITIVE MESSAGES – EVEN THE STRENUOUS ONESRegardless of the means through which communication is possible, any authentic reception of such data will invariably involve feedback notes on various manners in which you may decide to change yourself for the betterment of your own vibrational ministry, let’s say.It takes a great deal of practice to learn to accept these dream messages, intuitive promptings, or other such forms of communication with the love that was intended behind them – even when the message can seem rather strenuous, as in the case of an obsessive, repeating nightmare, let’s say.Every dream contains data that is relevant to your higher quest for knowledge – and they will not pull punches.You will hear things about yourself that can seem overwhelmingly negative or disappointing. And in many cases, the simple lack of accountability that so many would feel, in the spiritual sense, causes them to shut down or ignore the potential value of these transactions.To wake up in a sea of water and [be] barely able to reach the surface is the emotional equivalent of what we are discussing here.IT IS MUCH EASIER TO DENY THE MESSAGESUltimately we are aware of the need for this fragmented sense of self that has been constructed to effectively die, and give way to a greater integration of the truth of your Being.As a sovereign citizen of the Universe, you are entitled to certain inalienable rights. And of course, you have veto power over any intuitive message that would come along.In fact, it is much easier for you to deny these messages, and undermine their significance by failing to appreciate the seriousness with which they are imbued.REMEMBER THEY ARE OFFERED IN LOVE AND GRATITUDEMore importantly, however, when you get these notes from the Universe, please remember that they are offered in love and in gratitude to you.It can seem that so many have said hurtful things to you over your years of life that any such messages of potential significance in how you may change yourself for the better could be seen and construed as insulting.THE FRAGMENTED SELF SEES IT AS DEATH, NOT INTEGRATIONThe fragmented self builds elaborate fortifications against any attempt to be identified and ultimately attacked.It perceives these changes as an attack because it does not like to go along with the plan of its own projected destruction that will take place within a certain timeline – according to a sequence of events it knows well, instinctively speaking.YOU ARE NOT BEING WEAK AND DEFERENTIAL TO FOLLOW THE SUGGESTIONSIn the ideal sense, the humility of your Being in the midst of these intuitive suggestions is such that an appreciative attitude and a willingness to investigate these suggestions does not imbue you with the sense of having been weak and deferential.THE GAME IS CHANGINGSoon you will have new responsibilities to uphold, as the game is changing.There is no need to compensate for any apparent lack that you may have felt in the past. Let’s look at what you are doing right, as opposed to what you may be doing wrong.VERY DIFFICULT TO MAINTAIN A SENSE OF SELF WITHIN SUCH CHANGESThe fragile nature of identity is easy to lose track of. It can be very difficult to maintain that sense of self in the midst of such overwhelming emotional and spiritual changes.And yet, the space between thoughts is indeed a fine place to be.TRY THE SUGGESTED CHANGES ON FOR SIZEI like that aspect of the journey. It doesn’t involve a marriage certificate having to be signed the minute you decide to humble yourself to the guidance.You can investigate the changes that are being suggested, try them on for size, see what works for you, and discard the rest if it does not feel appropriate.WE DO NOT WISH TO CULTIVATE DEPENDENCYThis message is tailor-made to the needs of the many, based upon our observations of those who have heard the messages through this instrument known as David Wilcock.It is our goal to assist you in your evolutionary process, and we do not wish to cultivate a drug-like dependency on the words of this instrument.We have noticed that so many are concerned with the frequency with which the one known as David writes.When there is an interim period where he would otherwise be preoccupied, there are many disappointing letters indicating how deeply his presence is missed.Again, our goal is not to promote David or his works. David is one aspect of a much greater collective initiative, and it has many, many facets.Our goal is to reach the shoreline of your awareness, and set sail with a craft of our own design in collaboration with you – such that there is no need to worry about the future, or concern yourself with the frequency of available materials of any kind, whether they be David’s writings or otherwise.[Transcription Note 8/28: I just finished a long conversation on the airplane with someone about sailing right before going back in to add in these headlines and comments. Another great synchronicity!]LEARN TO TRUST THAT HUMANITY WILL NOT GO EXTINCTThis time, the victory that is at hand is your own. It is an adaptation of the deeper meaning of what it is to trust.Do you really need David’s words to explain to you why each new fear-porn situation, as he calls it, is not going to transpire?Have there not been enough examples, even in the recent past, such as the alleged swine flu vaccine scare and now that of the Deepwater Horizon / BP oil spill, that you may see how these events are very carefully and precisely monitored so that no actual extinction-level events take place?THE STAKES HAVE TO SEEM VERY REAL TO GET YOU TO AWAKEN TO COMPASSION FOR OTHERSIt can be very captivating to contemplate the death of lots of people, and that is for a reason.You are indeed living in an illusion. The terms of the illusion include the fact that life comes and goes, on every level, including that of the human.This does not mean that there is a callous disregard for your safety and well-being, or that you are swimming with sharks who shall inevitably tear you to pieces at a given time when they identify you.Quite to the contrary, this world is [part of] a holographic universe whose purpose is to further your own process of evolution by helping you achieve levels of self-realization that would take myriad aeons of time in higher realms to achieve.The stakes within this illusion have to seem very real.THE FRAGMENTED SELF CLINGS TO THE MATERIAL WORLDThe fragmented self we spoke of before most desperately clings to the identity of the material world.Its existence is predicated upon the desire to stabilize and enhance the consistency and the appreciability of the material universe for its own benefit, and the benefit of friends, acquaintances, family and people it identifies with.SEEING THE DEATH AND SUFFERING OF OTHERS ULTIMATELY CREATES A DEATH OF THE EGOIC MINDTherefore, when [the fragmented self] is faced with a phenomenon as complex and seemingly troublesome as suffering and death, it is inclined to feel that this desire for consistency and stability has been heavily threatened, if not eliminated.The fear of the so-called Illuminati or New World Order forces is ultimately a reflection of the egoic mind, if you will, knowing the inevitability of its own destruction.EGOIC DEATH IS NOT A NEGATIVEAs we have said, that destruction is not a negative event at all.With the collapsing of the falsehoods and the lies that one so habitually tells oneself comes the opportunity for large-scale transformation on a level never heretofore possible.YOU WILL SEE THE COLLECTIVE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOULYou will indeed see the collapse of things you thought stable and secure.You will stare into the mouth of the dark cave, and wonder what monstrosities may lie on the other side of that portal.You may indeed find yourself faced with seemingly mortal challenges – both individually and collectively as a whole.TRANSFIGURATION COMES AFTER LETTING GO OF MANY CONVENIENT CRUTCHESThis [time of seemingly mortal challenge] is not without precedent. It is written into the very fabric of the Universe.It allows you to be present at the moment of your own transfiguration.This, of course, comes in the aftermath of the letting go of many strictures and complexities of consciousness that seemed so convenient for you in the past.THE ELITE TRY TO USE UNIVERSAL LAW TO CREATE EARTH CHANGESThe material world is a feedback instrument for your consciousness.There is individual and collective free will.You have watched those we could deem the planetary elite attempting to use the creative power of the mind to foment said Earth Changes and other such violent events by making films and stories about them – in the hopes that all the people seeing and believing these events will in turn hasten their arrival.NEGATIVE GROUPS TRY TO REDUCE POPULATION – BUT THIS IS HOW PLANETARY AWAKENING TAKES PLACEIt is absolutely correct that these power groups wish to dramatically reduce population on Earth.They also feel that this is a benevolent action due to the consequences of the so-called “population bomb” – if the numbers were left unchecked.There are indeed complications involved in any such population boom.However, those complications are part of the greater picture of the apparent planetary crisis you shall be faced with at the end of an era such as this.You have not exceeded the boundaries of any such universal plan or initiative.It is instead extremely consistent with what has come before on many other worlds.THESE PROCESSES ARE GUIDED VERY CAREFULLY – AND ARE NOT MEANT TO INVOLVE MASS DEATHThe changes that will transpire are not meant to involve mass death and casualties.There are certain unavoidable losses, from the physical perspective, that will occur.This is the result of so many hazardous situations that portray themselves to you as palpable threats to your existence.Please be advised that these processes are guided very carefully, so as to preserve free will – such that no one meets with an experience that is other than most useful for them at that time.NO ONE IN THE HIGHER REALMS ENJOYS SEEING YOU SUFFERRemember your soul is outside physical form. It chooses an incarnation such as the one you now have for the purposes of its own evolution.Everything in this material world that you see around you is ultimately holographic. That being said, no one in the higher realms eagerly anticipates you feeling pain, or being injured, or going through upsetting events.There is no sarcasm nor sardonic glee in watching you go through your darkest moments as a person.THE LAW OF KARMA IS IN EFFECTHowever, there is what many have termed the law of karma in effect.This, of course, means that what you measure out to others shall be measured back to you.THE LAW OF GRACE KEEPS YOU FROM BEING FULLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL YOUR KARMAThere are caveats to this law, which the one known as Edgar Cayce called the Law of Grace.In fact, were you fully accountable for all aspects of that which you know to be an infringement upon free will, the karmic events would be much too severe for there to be any learning value in them.You would feel perpetually tormented and cursed by bad luck in the vast majority of cases to which we are referring.EFFORTS ARE MADE TO SCALE YOUR KARMA TO AN UNDERSTANDABLE LEVELTherefore, efforts are made to scale the intensity of your experiences to a believable and achievable level – where you can then appreciate what it is that comes your way, and potentially understand the deeper significance of that which has happened.David has called such events, when they arrive, a “karmic blast”. And for now we will use that term.WHEN KARMA APPEARS TO HAVE TAKEN PLACE, REMEMBER YOU ARE LOVEDWe would humbly request that when you receive a “karmic blast”, you step away from the apparent feelings of judgment and criticism that your mind would be quick to assign to those events, and instead understand and reflect upon the fact that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine.When these balancing events occur, they are administered with a hopefulness that this will finally penetrate the heavily-fortified defenses of the personality self, or ego mind, and get a message through about how those thoughts and deeds that you have created in turn affect others – by then bringing to you the reflection of those experiences through your own lens.It really is never intended to be punishment, but we so often see great tears and great forlorn emotions arising from such “karmic blasts”.IF YOU REACH CERTAIN GOALS, NEW ONES WILL MOVE INTO VIEWEach soul chooses an incarnation for a particular purpose. There are indeed goals that you have set out to achieve, prior to ever taking on this body you now enjoy.Should these goals be achieved, your Higher Self is more than capable of upgrading the software, so to speak, and bringing in new levels of the curriculum of evolution that may not even have been chosen for you in one lifetime otherwise.It is not as if you stop growing once you reach a certain level.THE DEATH IS PSYCHOLOGICAL BUT MAY INVOLVE PHYSICAL LOSSES AS WELLThe death of this distorted personality self is a psychological event, which may also be heralded by certain physical consequences and upheavals in your own life: the loss of a significant relationship, the loss of prestige, the loss of assets and financial instruments, the loss of pride.Whatever the consequences may be, it is quite accurate to reflect upon the non-random nature of your experiences.EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASONIt is an illusion to assume that things have happened to you without causation in a spiritual sense.I fully understand how difficult this can be to appreciate, for the mind is conditioned to see itself in an acausal universe.PRIVACY AND SECRECY IS AN ILLUSION IN THE HIGHER SENSEIt is believed that there is no “glass ceiling” as you go about your private thoughts within your own mind.Many have utilized the illusory nature of privacy and secrecy to foster this apparent notion of the ‘hidden’ and the unrevealed.On the other hand, you can shut down these false perceptions very easily, by opening yourself to the significance of each and every moment of your life.THE LAW OF KARMA WORKS MUCH STRONGER FOR THE POSITIVENothing happens by accident. And the law of Karma works just as well – in fact, much more effectively – in returning and remunerating positive gifts to others as it does in balancing that which is deemed as an infringement upon others.The counterbalance of positive karma is actually much more significant than any negative backlash you may feel has occurred.YOU ARE IN A MASTER CLASS OF TRANSFIGURATIONSo let’s not kid ourselves about the greater implications of what you go through.It is not something that leads up to a person becoming similar to David or others with his intuitive talents.What you are growing into will go far, far beyond that level.This is a master class.And the goal is nothing more than transfiguration.YOU CAN CATCH THE WAVE – AND BECOME INTOXICATED WITH LOVEYou do have the opportunity to “catch the wave” of transformation that flows through your planet at this time, and [it] can captivate you in its good will to the point where you do become intoxicated with love – not in any negative way, but an overwhelmingly joyful remembrance of your true identity as the One Infinite Creator.In that moment, you have become akin to a gas station.Others are naturally filled with abundance by simply being in your presence.There is a positive attitude that radiates from you without there being naïveté.APPRECIATE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WHY THESE THINGS HAPPENIn such cases you are able to see through the seeming pain and destruction of certain experiences that come along, and appreciate the deeper significance of why these things are meant to happen.THE EXPERIENCE OF A PHYSICAL UNIVERSE INTRODUCES DUALITYThis illusion of a physical universe with stars, planets and voids of space has been carefully and delicately constructed from a single thought – a single identity that is One.Of course, the experience of a physical universe introduces apparent duality into this Identity.REMEMBERING YOUR TRUE SELFHowever, with this apparent duality comes the shackling of an aspect of the mind to a continuum of incarnations and strenuous experiences in the course of its remembrance of its true self.Cascading like a waterfall through each and every new twist and turn in the plot, your beingness approaches itself yet again.For every experience, every environment, every other self you meet is but a reflection of the timelessness and the foreverness of your own identity.That is the great realization that collapses the mysteries of the physical world.That is the moment where you no longer see your environment as somehow separate from yourself, or your experiences as somehow separate from yourself.YOU ARE THE COSMOSYour identity is the Earth. It is the others around you. It is the planets. It is the Sun. It is the Galaxy. It is the Cosmos. And it is all the different densities within said Cosmos.Let us be clear that even a single moment of realization of your cosmic identity can be more than enough to brighten up the walls and let a little light in to a room that may at times have felt like solitary confinement.But you are not confined to a body.YOU ARE NOT RESTRICTED BY BEING ON EARTHYou have not been restricted by incarnating on Earth at this time – or whatever planet you may be reading this from, or hearing these words within.Instead, the table has been set for you to come and have a meal that is the harvest of your own labors.WHAT YOU ARE BEING SERVED IS WHAT YOU HAVE CULTIVATEDNothing that comes your way is by accident.It is the result of what you have created.So like the farmer who enjoys her home-grown vegetables with each meal, your life is akin to a meal. And what you are being served is what you have cultivated.A LOSS OF STABILITY IS OFTEN NECESSARY TO OPEN YOU TO SPIRITIf you do not appreciate what life has been serving up, look to that which you have cultivated for insights into how you may seemingly improve your experience.This does not require exceptional talent or even stability in any physical or financial sense.In fact, the more destabilized you become, the more open you are to receiving these messages from Spirit within your own dance of existence.It is in those moments when the comfort and convenience of the physical world are disrupted that you then have even more opportunities to turn within and rely upon that trust.LEARN TO TRUST THE GREATER INITIATIVE RATHER THAN OVER-ANALYZINGI wouldn’t get too concerned about the stages that you will go through, or what will happen and when.These are the flailings of the egoic mind in its attempt to control the experiences it shall have, rather than handing over its delicate and fastidious analytical abilities to the much greater trust that can come with an awakening to the initiative that has been brought through to this planet by its very existence within this Cosmos.You don’t need to over-analyze. You don’t need to judge. And you don’t need to fear.EVERY EXPERIENCE IS A MIRRORWhatever experience comes your way, even if it is strenuous and difficult, know that at this magical time in your planet’s history, it is manifested for a specific purpose.In almost all cases, it serves as the mirror – showing you a slightly, if not greatly exaggerated version of what you yourself have been doing.EVEN THE VILLAINS WILL EVENTUALLY GO POSITIVE – OR ELSE DISSOLVE BACK INTO UNIVERSAL ENERGYIn order for this illusion to work properly, those who would serve as villains must be led to believe that what they are doing is part of their own cosmic destiny and plan.And in some senses, that is true.However, even those who have indulged in the left-hand or service-to-self path shall most likely turn positive – as the other option is, of course, to eventually dissolve back into the background energy of the Universe.This comes in time, over what you would consider many, many eons – but the shift can be made quite rapidly once greater illumination is attained.OUR TEACHINGS ABOUT INITIATION WERE GREATLY DISTORTEDLong ago, in your physical terms, we visited your planet and gave certain teachings about the integration of the Higher Self with the mortal flesh.We spoke in detail about the necessity of the death of this egoic mind and its constructs.We also offered a path of initiation whereby this procedure could be dramatized in the course of sacred work.As you probably well know, or have intuited, these practices were not lost – but the compassionate nature of them was indeed filtered away in the apparent violence of that which transpires during the course of one’s own initiation.It was believed that God, if you will, was a rapacious, destructive force with sharp teeth and little concern for your sorrows as you go through the great churning upheavals of the personality self.It was believed that chaos was the key to evolution, and the deliberate creation of chaos an essential element of compassionately helping others to evolve to their potential.WE DID NOT ANTICIPATE HOW SEVERELY OUR MESSAGE WOULD BE CONTORTEDWe now understand the necessity for this type of misunderstanding to have arisen, but it does not mean that we agree with such a perspective.It should be obvious that after many thousands of years, a phenomenon not unlike the telephone game can happen – and many misunderstandings can and will occur.What we did not anticipate was the degree to which those beings in the Universe who lean towards the negative path would be capable of contorting our message beyond all rational nuances.We did not anticipate that it would lead to the worshipping of death and chaos as if it were a spiritual path.THOSE WHO WISH FOR CHAOS HAVE LOST TOUCH WITH THE ORIGINAL TEACHINGSAt this time, there are those active within your planetary elite who very much wish to incite chaos on a planetary level.In their blood lust, they have completely lost touch with whatever it was they felt this process would do that was positive.Their own sense of egotism has grown far beyond the ability to self-reflect and understand the compassion with which these messages were originally offered.MANY WITHIN THE ELITE ARE NOW AWAKENING TO GENUINE COMPASSIONWhat intrigues us, however, is to observe how many of those who are within these groups are coming now to a personal realization about the greater nature of what it means to be human, and the compassion for others that comes out of that understanding.To actually worship and embrace chaos and death as if that were the path is to greatly move away from the most natural, organic feelings within oneself – which is the desire to love and be loved in return.THE TORTOISE AND THE HAREIt seems so simple, and yet much as in the legend of the tortoise and the hare, the calm persistence of love will eventually win out over the seemingly rapid race run by those who believe themselves to be far ahead of the game at this time, in the planetary sense.There is no need to repeat the lessons for millennia and millennia, but if that is what has been chosen [by those within the elite], then it shall be honored by the Universe.AN INCREASING NUMBER OF DEFECTORSAn increasing number of defectors are coming out at this time, for they appreciate others on a level where this sardonic glee in their sorrow no longer has any emotional resonance.THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH CHAOS FROM THE FORCES OF NATURE ALONEIt was believed that by fomenting chaos, order would result – and that this was a compassionate action.However, at this time, the transitions your planet is going through create more than enough emotionally valuable experience for others to move through. There is no need for any other forms of chaos to be introduced.THOSE ON THE NEGATIVE PATH WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PROCEED PAST CERTAIN LEVELSWith that being said, it is also the case that those who would wish to deliberately create such upheaval will find themselves unable to ever proceed past certain levels.And thus you do see many plans that have been made, and continue to be made – and literally a religious worshipping of the thought and the idea of that worldwide disruption and chaos coming to fruition.It is what many of these insider groups cling to like a life raft, as they well understand that in the teachable moments of chaos, there are opportunities to shift the equation and create sudden and explicit changes in how societies run and how peoples may think and conduct themselves.Yet, these plans will continue to be foiled by a seemingly hidden force. They will continue to just not work out.There will be upsets and seemingly inexplicable problems.Expectations, computer modelings will just not work out the way they had been planned.Somehow, things always change in a way that benefits the collective.THEIR DOWNFALL COMES FROM WITHINThe identification and exposure of these negative groups is happening from within.It does not require any Universal admission from higher forces, stepping in and manifesting before you on a planetary level, to then tell you what has been going wrong and why it must be stopped.Instead, the transformation is happening now – from within the groups themselves.There are various factions, and then within those factions there are further sub-factions, and so on – ad infinitum.The point is that these different factional groups turned against one another because the very nature of these elite super-secret societies is to worship betrayal, and to constantly hunt around the pecking order for one’s position.There are inevitable and invariable challenges to any perceived hierarchy of authority, and no one can agree upon the goals or the fulfillment or the timelines with which said fulfillments will occur.LACK OF CONSENSUS CAUSES A ‘DUMBING DOWN’There is, in a very real sense, a dumbing down that happens as a result of this lack of consensus.Overall goals are still espoused as being of great significance and value, but there are many, many denominations of faith, if you will, each of whom believe their path to be the right one – and that their ticket shall win the lottery when the time comes.Of course, we are now speaking to some of those within these groups in this message, as well as others who simply appreciate our perspective, but are not in any way actively involved.MOST EXTRATERRESTRIALS ARE BENEVOLENT – AND CANNOT INTERFERE BEYOND A MINIMAL LEVELIt is absolutely true that the vast majority of extraterrestrials are benevolent and peaceful in nature.It is also true that they operate within, to some extent, a structured illusion of their own.They are obliged to help and participate in this planet’s evolution by working with so many on a spiritual level as guides, protectors and wayshowers.That is not to say that they understand the greater inevitability of the change that is happening.They too need to be inspired by the potential threat that they perceive – that these events may not go in the way that is most beneficial for humanity.And the charter they must work within at that level does not permit them to interfere with what is going on beyond a minimum level.AT ‘MANAGEMENT’ LEVEL A GREAT DEAL OF INTERVENTION OCCURSHowever, the level at which we operate is a level in which we can indeed manage and transfer planetary populations.You are free to laugh at this if you choose, but know that there are levels of the game, if you would call it that – this evolution of consciousness – wherein these planetary ascension procedures are carefully guarded and guided.IT MUST APPEAR THAT NO INTERVENTION HAS EVER TAKEN PLACEIn order to do our job most effectively, we must work from a level wherein it does not seem that anything is being done at all.Coincidences seem to happen. Things just have a way of working out.Every time that a destructive event is thwarted, it could be very much analyzed and traced back to easily discernible causes that seem to have nothing to do with spiritual intervention.That is the nature of how we work.YOU ARE HELPED ON A LEVEL EVEN THE BENEVOLENT ET’S ARE NOT AWARE OFThere is a level which you do not perceive, which even the benevolent extraterrestrials who help your planet usually are not aware of.This level does not involve sudden manifestation of ships throughout your skies – at least not until the appropriate moment has been reached.For you are indeed rejoining a Galactic family of humans. That is one of the greatest metaphysical truths you can approach.YOU HAVE MANY, MANY FRIENDS IN THE UNIVERSEHow truly well-populated this Universe is with those who would be as your friends!For they are not “aliens”. They are not other than you. They are your Self, as they are made of the same Consciousness that has imbued this Cosmos with the awareness you now enjoy as you hear these words.How can they be anything other than very close encounters when they happen?It is a family reunion. A rejoining with aspects of your Self that you may indeed seem to have lost – but truly were never far away.TIME-VIEWING TECHNOLOGIES DO NOT SEE THE ACTUAL TIMELINES THAT WILL OCCUREven the devices that the planetary elite would use to view through time and see events that have not yet transpired can be easily modified by these higher forces, if you will, so as not to telegraph what will actually transpire.Otherwise, the game would be spoiled.WE CALL IT A ‘GAME’ BECAUSE IT DOES HAVE A WAY YOU CAN ‘WIN’And the reason why we keep referring to this as a game is not to denigrate, in any way, the value and the importance of one’s individual experience.It is instead to uplift the nature of what you experience with the knowingness that it is all part of a curriculum that is headed towards a destination.There is indeed a way in which the game may be won, for lack of a better term.APPRECIATING WHO YOU REALLY AREWinning the game involves appreciating who you are.And that is the greatest question you can ever ask yourself.To meditate on the truth of your identity, and the vastness of that truth, is to eclipse the apparent significance of all the things the body would like to have –all the comfort and all the material pleasures it would seek to stack around itself –and replace those longings with the greater knowingness that in every moment, regardless of how difficult it may seem at the time, this truth of your Identity is right there.And it comes to you through simply awakening to the purity and stillness of the Now.SEE ETERNITY IN THIS MOMENTThis moment contains love. This moment contains peace. This moment is eternal.And even the nature of Time as that which indicates duration must ultimately fall away, for Timelessness is accessible in the moment as well.No past, no future – merely Existence. But it is not that mere. It is much greater and vaster than most could ever comprehend within the constructs of a finite mortal mind.THE FINITE MORTAL MIND IS A SPRINGBOARD TO YOUR COSMIC IDENTITYThankfully, the finite, mortal mind does not represent the fullness of who you are.It is a jumping-off point – a vehicle through which you may indeed embrace your cosmic identity, and catch a glimpse of that greater I AM presence that you can step into at any time.YOU NEED NOT FEAR THE PROCESSThe experiences that are being offered to you at this point are truly monumental. And you need not fear the process.For in the greater sense, you are the light. You are the love. You are the One Infinite Creator.This is as it was, as it is now, and as it always shall be. And nothing and no one can take that from you.TURN WITHIN AND YOU WILL RECEIVE ANSWERSWe stand at the ready, willing to assist any and all who call upon us for support.Rather than tormenting this instrument, David, with requests for his time and energy, you need only turn within.For you are the Cosmos. You are Eternity.If you appreciate our vibrations, you are more than welcome to call upon us for support.And there are many others to assist you as well. We are but one voice.We thank you, and remind you that you are indeed loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. Adonai, and amen.NEW UPCOMING EVENT -- UFO X FEST, SEPTEMBER 18TH AND 19TH
That's it for the reading -- but that's not it for me!I will be speaking at the Bay Area UFO X-Fest as the final, keynote speaker on Sunday, September 18th. This is one of the hottest UFO events in the world, with a master class of speakers including George Noory.It is the continuation of the Bay Area UFO Expo that was started years ago by Victoria Jack -- and the torch is still being kept lit. If you have never been to something like this before, it's quite an experience!The event is complete with a film festival, and should be very well attended. This listing from SFGate gives you the address of the theatre in San Leandro, California and the showtimes. You can also go directly to their website at POST-CONFERENCE SPECIAL EVENTI also am doing a rare post-conference event at the same venue that following Monday, from 10AM to 5PM, with a lunch break from 12:30 to 2. We just finalized the details and they do not have a payment gateway to order that event yet, but it should be there soon.On that Monday, you get all this lecture content, an opportunity to meet me and to have your dreams analyzed in front of the audience, for only 70 bucks -- which is a discount, per hour, from our normal 16-hour weekend lecture rate.Bear in mind that Monday is not a stand-alone -- I will be referring back to what I spoke about the night before during the keynote address.The main X-Fest event itself is 89 dollars per day or 149.99 for both days -- and the nearby San Leandro Marina Inn is offering guest rooms for as little as 79.99 a night if you call them before September 10th and say you're booking for the UFO X-Fest.All information can be found near the bottom of this page. I apologize for the fact that everything on this page is in all capital letters... not the easiest to read, but the scope of the event itself will more than make up for that!EVENT DESCRIPTIONSHere are the writeups for what I'm going to be doing at these events -- a shorter, more compressed version of what I offer in my all-weekend events:UFO X-Fest Keynote Address, Sunday Evening:2012: GALACTIC FAMILY REUNIONThe human race is far, far more ancient than planet Earth — and the 2012 prophecies may represent a major leap forward in our progress towards a full reunion with our Galactic ancestors.Join David Wilcock in a stunning analysis of data suggesting that our Solar System is entering into a zone of higher energy in the Galaxy, triggering interplanetary climate change and undeniable advancements in the progress of human DNA evolution.Once you can accept that at least some UFO sightings are genuinely extraterrestrial, a host of new questions come up — including “who are they, where did they come from and why are they here?”In a richly-illustrated presentation with over 200 slides, David presents groundbreaking scientific evidence that human life is written into the very fabric of space and time itself, on a DNA level -- and is programmed to evolve on any given planet where life can occur.At the very highest levels of the UFO cover-up, it is already known that the ‘visitors’ are not aliens, not scary creatures, but human beings that are remarkably similar to people on this planet — and they are here to help.Earth has been visited since well before human life first evolved here — and you will hear David’s latest, greatest evidence for how and why the Great Pyramid and many other ancient stoneworks were constructed, worldwide.The levitation of giant stone blocks, the healing effects on biology and the Earth and even the creation of “natural stargates” to journey through space and time — all this and more will be explored as aspects of pyramid technology.Furthermore, David will argue that the miraculous abilities the majority of these humans possess do not appear over many thousands of years — they occur when certain discrete energetic shifts occur on a given planet... just like what is now happening here on Earth.Monday Workshop at the Historic Bal Theatre in San Leandro, CA:JOURNEY INTO THE GOLDEN AGE10AM-5PM (Lunch Break 12:30-2)In this ‘master class’ of science and spirituality, David shares the secrets of self-mastery and invoking direct contact with your Higher Self for guidance and support.Once you have become aware that you are not alone, and that the universe is built of conscious, living energy, the challenge is how to balance that awareness with the realities of everyday life.There is a philosophical basis of ‘ageless wisdom’ that is quite necessary to understand, adopt and integrate into your daily and hourly thought process in order to be best equipped for the changes that are now happening on and around the Earth — as we head towards our Galactic Family Reunion.Whether you believe these changes are real or not, the scientific evidence for a rapid burst of DNA evolution is highly intriguing. David’s evidence paints a compelling picture of personal and planetary transformation that is undeniable for all but the most closed-minded folks.These changes are now bringing many people through the same miraculous experiences David went through in the 70s, 80s and 90s, leading up to full, waking telepathic contact and communication with his Higher Self — an aspect of his own self that is millions of years more evolved than our physical bodies are at present.We all have a Higher Self guiding and watching over us — but we may endure many lifetimes in the darkness, never once having a definite knowing that this is, indeed, who we are in the greater sense.Accessing this guidance in a clear and reliable fashion is absolutely more precious than any other endeavor we could ever hope to achieve.Unfortunately, the techniques are almost entirely unknown in today’s world. Many people have experienced stunning advances in their own lives by following the simple, practical steps David spells out to achieve a greater awareness and communion with this timeless aspect of our own Being.Participants are encouraged to bring any dreams with them that they may have had trouble analyzing — as David will randomly select audience members and give them precious insights into their meanings that will help you learn how to access this, and other, forms of intuitive guidance.This is not to be missed — and at 70 dollars for the full seminar, this is also the most affordable way to avail yourself of David’s wisdom in person. Come and be healed on a level most can never even conceive of!COME CHECK IT OUT!I only do events like this once or twice a year, and this is one of those times. You do get a lot more content and opportunity to meet up with me at our all-weekend events, and our next one is in Tempe, Arizona in November, as you can see on this site.This is a special event where I will be speaking with William Henry, who has wonderful information to share about the Founding Fathers and their deep understanding of 2012 prophecies and the transmutation of the human species. Very, very fascinating stuff.Also, we're about to announce Miami in February -- which will include an on-site meet-up at Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida for those who are interested.That's it for now -- hope you are having the best day ever!