It is saddly when I see some Groupes saying:" I will show you this,I will teach you that, Here's a course with deep Teachings from our Ascended Masters and many Martial Arts Masters BUT I will charge you 4 payment of 89.95 by "Master Card" ! ??????????? Who is Master Card. You want to make a gift to St-Germain stop paying your Credit Card as our debt being forget!!!!!!!!!!!(Nesara)!!!!!
We are always reminding us little phrase like ( Small step for man Huge step for mankind!) Well let's make huge step for mankind and let's get rid of the money barrier wich stop us to accomplish those big steps for mankind. "No No No this is my country we are better then you" LET'S GET RIDE OF THOSE KIDS HARASSEMENT we are all humans trying to LIVE on the same Planet!
All our ascended Masters and Councils taught us things we need to do or concentrate on! Let's reunite and shine the Light of Love for the sake of Gaïa and ours and the same time. By being Multidimensional being let's all get toghether by physical reunion or meditation and SHINE!
I am wondering if we will still put movies on Facebook trying to proves to others things that we know being the truth. Let's not think we are a Beings of Light know we are Beings of Light! This way we will be able to raise our Vibration to ascend and then things will be the way we want it to be! (Peace Love Joy etc.)
Peace Love Light and Prosperity!
Namaste to you all!
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
All the People that joined the Zeitgeist Movement or wants to join. In Greece the made many revolution concerning of the Budget that they refused. In London they Made a Big March in March or April and so on Japan to for no more nuclear power wich puts lots of money in their hand etc. I started to play with it couple of years ago With MasterCard. Let's not be affraid of them!!!!!