I have discovered Dalores Cannon, a deep regressionist. So far I have only seen You Tube videos which are very interesting but she has many books out which I will begin to find and read.
One of her theropy sessions talked about how we have free choices in our lives.To do this or that not this maybe that and so on, well apparently if say I think, " I would like to buy that big screen TV" but then you decide.."No, I cant afford it" then what happens is each choice, each thought will play out. So in another dimension/world another me is buying that TV and in this world I dident. All a part of the duality we live in I guess. But can you imagine what the other world would be like then. I have allways wished I could win a big lotto, but haven't so maybey my other self did and is sitting on a beach in the tropics enjoying a life where their is peace and love not hate and war which is where I am today...ahhhh maybey we could trade realitys for awhile, that would be cool. I guess there is a new world awaiting for those of us that want to go to after the pole shift.
I also came across a excellent video called 2012 An Awakening. It answers a lot of questions so I will post it after I split it up in order to upload it on this site.
Where have all the flowers gone....