For anyone trying desperately to catch up and make sense of it all, including the Russia thing, this 30 minute discussion with a former CIA contractor and Navy SEAL Michael Jaco explains it very clearly in this interview.
CIA Michael Jaco Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin
While the greatest show on Earth rages on stages worldwide for the unsuspecting, the awake ones are getting things done and fixing a broken system. Arizona is a battleground state and while the call to decertify the November 2020 election still has not borne fruit, we are making progress here in many ways, and I see lawn signs occasionally for ‘Kari Lake for Governor’ here in Phoenix. I’ve no doubt that’s where we’re headed as she is the clear favourite to replace RINO Doug Ducey.
Proof of Citizenship Now Required to Vote in…
If you missed Phil G’s two Project Looking Glass shows, they were very interesting and do explain how the Q Team could predict to the hour what would happen years later.
Jason Shurka has brought a lot of disclosure via his contact Ray and is doing a Q&A on his own which answers many questions many of us share. He also says he is working on a project to settle the flat or round Earth debate. That will be interesting as it will be recorded from above.
The shortfall occurs when people assume we are on Planet Earth. I don’t believe we are. The best evidence I have seen and heard to date tells us we are in an artificial construct from which we cannot ascend naturally and unassisted. What is this construct like? No idea. One day soon we may find ourselves on Earth the Toroid, but for now, I am hugely skeptical of any aerial views of Earth when it includes the statement that “this is where we are”. That Earth is probably somewhere else but due to the panic factor, I doubt anyone has been given official clearance to reveal the truth to us. I believe that truth will have to wait for some time yet. 1 hr. 23 min.
DISCLOSURE (Part 2) LIVE Q&A (Continued) | Live on March 26th @ 2PM EST
That BS in Hollywood recently at the awards show wasn’t worth the time people devoted to it, arguing about whether it was fake or impromptu. I wasn’t going to get involved because the truth always comes out later. It was obviously scripted if you ask me. Will Smith’s name was on the passenger manifest for Epstein Island so he is always acting,BP Link to Telegram.