Photo: Christ is alive. He is risen from the limitations of the physical body, the astral body, and the causal body into Omnipresence. One with omnipresent Christ Consciousness, Christ is risen in the heart of every flower, every ray of sunshine, every noble thought. He is risen in the atomic age, and all its devastation's will not hide the birth of his spirit of new life, new humanity, rising from the cradle of wisdom and universal love. He is risen in our minds, our hearts, our souls — there is no separation between him and us. He is walking in the garden of our love, in the garden of our sacred devotion, in the garden of our meditation. He is risen in every atom and cell, he is risen in the clouds, he is risen in all planets. He is risen in the universes and the wandering radiations around the universes, and in the cool light beyond. He is risen from the universes into the quiet of Cosmic Consciousness. And he will rise again in you, through your devotion to the inner presence within. When your wisdom shall awaken, you will behold the resurrection of Christ within you. And through your meditation and divine communion you shall be resurrected with him, from the sepulchre of the body and mortal consciousness into the ever blissful infinitude of Spirit. “O Christ, thou art resurrected in Spirit. We rejoice in thy resurrection, and in its reassurance of thy promise: that as children of God, having descended into the sepulcher of flesh, we too shall reascend into our Father’s kingdom. On this day, all our devotion, all the cries of our hearts, all the perfume of goodness within us, we lay at thy feet of omnipresence. We are thine, receive us! Through the Christ Consciousness, resurrect us with thee in the Eternal Spirit. Keep us in that kingdom of Bliss ever and forever.” -Paramahansa Yogananda

Chapter 22

MASTER MICHAEL (our Creator Father) and JESUS (2007)

First off it should be noted that Michael-Jesus was of dual origin. Meaning it was our Master Creator Father Michael who incarnated into the man Jesus at birth, which was preplanned. This would be his seventh and final bestowal to restore his kingdom from the Lucifer rebellion and gain his sovereignty and become a grand master Creator son. And this was the only bestowal in which he incarnated at birth as an unconscious Creator God.

In the next chapter I try to explain who Jesus is as man, the second half of the dual origin, and I mention the first half which is Lord Michael of Nebadon, our personal Creator and Father, also called Christ Michael, but best known as Master Michael. It is only fair to explain in greater detail this other half. The whole idea of two, one plus one divine deity being incarnated or bestowed into the same body is really complicated and hard for most to understand (dual origin). Normally there is only be one bestowal, usually the Paradise Sons, the order of the Avanols, but on special occasions a planet will realign with our creator, Paradise Son Michael and he will bestow upon us instead.


And as I explained before, Michael is a Paradise Son which means he was created by a higher God called the Eternal Son. And this son was created by the first and only supreme creator God, the first cause and center, the alpha and omega. I won’t try to explain the first God in this book very much except to say he was the first because he always was, and always will be and outside of him there is nothing. He is true perfection in the finest pure love and he created “a son” (the eternal son) because he wanted to share himself. And when this son was created there became the very first “trinity ”, father, son and Holy Spirit. This “Eternal Son” as he is now called created many other beings. There’s a whole family of deity Gods, Paradise Sons, brothers and sisters.

It should be noted here about the Paradise Trinity Sons. I will try to keep it as simple as is possible for I know many people will be reading this new information for the first time and trying to understand how it all fits together. So here goes.

As stated before, all the Creator sons are from the Eternal Son in paradise and their order is called Michaels and, our own Michael creator father created everything in this Super universe. The trinity concept repeats itself many times. For example, the first creator, the eternal son, and the Holy Spirit are the first trinity. Then the eternal son and his son (Michael) with the Holy Spirit are the second trinity. And the third trinity of trinities is Michael (our creator), us, and the Holy Spirit. Then we have the concept of the Creator sons (Michaels) and two major other sons also hailing from Paradise and called Paradise Sons.

The first of these who came after our Creator son is called the Avonal Sons as mentioned. These are magisterial sons and/or bestowal sons who bestowed themselves upon the inhabited planets, those with beings evolved enough to be able to understand higher spiritual concepts. There is one Avonal bestowal son for each inhabited planet (in our case, which Michael created). This Avonal son bestowed himself very much the same as our creator did when he incarnated into the man called Jesus.

These Avonal sons are also born on worlds from women as male children. They live a life much the same as Jesus did. They work or teach a higher spiritual concept of religion, same as Jesus, but they don’t usually die a violent death as Jesus did. Some even become rulers of countries and worlds. But they always lead creations back to the creator, first father and then the trinity concept. They always work in conjunction with the creator son Michael of that universe. It could be said that they teach the religion of the grand master universe of which we all are part of.

Besides teaching us basic principles they also end their bestowal same as Jesus and reveal the next life for all the evolving sons and also bestow the spirit of truth down on mankind again, same as Jesus did at the Pentecostal. And again we have the trinity concept in the spirit of truth, the first spirit being the creator father Michael of Nebadon, the next part of the trinity being the spirit of the Avonals, magisterial sons, and the third the spirit of the universe mother spirit. This completes the trinity of the spirit of truth then greatly uplifts and empowers those being of that planet.

Our planet Urantia (earth) is the exception to this rule since Lucifer’s fall. Our Creator Michael chose this planet for his headquarters and for his bestowal. So we are the exception, a 10 million to one odd. We got the real thing , hopefully to balance off the negative effects caused by the rebellion. Our planet was put in isolation, no communication with the rest of our brother and sister planets. This restriction will end once the Lucifer trials are over which is happening right about now.

These Avonal sons as magisterial sons are back now (to judge us) at the end of an age or dispensation. They are not always visible and they can choose what type of incarnation they want. But they don’t go through the cycle of birth and death. They just appear in a recognizable form and the Melchizedeks (see photo) who also accompany them can materialize to the human eye. I believe they are now here for the 2012 event which is upon us now.

So let’s do our spiritual homework, boys and girls, for Jesus and the Avonal sons will be testing us and grading our new accomplishments. They will decide (not our Creator Michael) who will pass on to the next world and who will stay in this school for a while longer. Some may even have to go back and do this all over again. Life seems to be a never ending school of learning about how to change, to become more like our Creators and their Creators, etc.

Now that we’ve explained the first trinity, there is another trinity of the trinities which is the order of Michaels, the order of Avonals, and the order of Daynals, called the Trinity of Daynals (the Daynals are also Paradise Sons) which are the true spiritual teachers. Complicated, huh? It is for me, too. Their only job is teaching, both on the higher spiritual realms like angels, etc. and on lower material realms like (highly evolved) human beings. Angels are evolving like us toward their creator and like us they have free will and can fail as some have.

These Daynals trinity teachers don’t normally start teaching us in the material world until we have evolved to the final stage of light and life which for earthlings is many thousands of years ahead. So we are not too concerned with them yet. We might say that the “Avonals” teach the lower grades, junior high, high school and junior college, but the Daynals only teach the higher trinity concept sort of like university bachelor degrees, masters and PhD. They complete our training helping us to transform from the material realm to the spiritual realm and the bodies we will be living in soon in the future as we are evolving towards God head by teachings us how to communicate and then mind meld with our higher self which is the Adjuster also called the mystery monitor.

I hope this helps explain the basic family of the Paradise Sons, but there is still much to learn about the extended family. In a literal sense we are all a part of the extended family of God, the father, son and grandson. We have much to learn so we need to open our hearts, minds and souls (at the emotional level). Jesus the man is back and an Avonal son and Michael plan to visit us many times in the future. To be in peace we cannot have split beliefs or thoughts. Let us remember that we are not split or separate from God. We are an extension of God. We are one, father and son.

We will have many more and different teachers than these in our future extended families and the very many different life forms we will go through. We must remember we are not these bodies but, like our creators, we are pure spirit and pure mind with a divine soul. So we will need many new teachers in the future countless lives we will have. Again, an example would be all the many other teachers we had through all of our past schooling. I myself can’t remember most of them.

As I mentioned in another chapter we also learn to become teachers to those below us, usually at the same time we are students to those above us. This book is my homework and attempt at teaching or exchanging information that I have received from all the above and sending it out to all those who haven’t read or studied the same material information yet. Lord Michael’s kingdom is called the Brotherhood. All are part of this Brotherhood ; angels, man, space brothers, higher celestial beings, etc. We are family. We are all truly one in essence. Our minds are all connected together on a higher level of consciousness. It could be said that we are of one mind, having come from “one” mind in the very beginning of our original creation.

What one mind knows or learns eventually all minds will learn or know (the hundredth monkey affect). Personalities stem from these deity's and so do spiritual bodies. All aspects of our being, body, mind, and spirit are but an expression and expansion of our soul, our true identity. We were thought into existence by a higher mind which we will return to someday in eternity. In the meantime we share Michael’s creations as brothers (family), learning about truth, peace, love, forgiveness, and learning how to get along together and enjoying our lives.

Now Lord Michael also created many leagues of angels plus the head of all angels and the guardian of all mankind or creation, the bright and morning star. His name is Gabriel, the morning star. There is only one of him. And when Lord Michael’s out and about amongst his creations, Gabriel then assumes as regent over his kingdom and never has Gabriel ever failed to perform his duty without error. But when Michael made his seven bestowals, it was his brother Immanuel that watched over his kingdom. The Holy Mother Spirit is equally administrator to our needs as her children. But Lord Michael is the only one who creates all life in our Super universe. It’s through him that we are created. It’s ironic because here on our world the women give birth to life and the male is the supporter and provider.

Christ Michael created trillions of planets in each universe with a total of 3,840,101 inhabited planets in Nebadon around a center sphere which is called Uversa. As I said before there are seven Super universes rotating around another larger center sphere of inhabited Super universes called Paradise where the second God the Eternal Son lives. This place will be the second stop when we begin the ascent back to the God head, to the original first creator’s (eternal son) creation Michael of Nebadon. Salvington will be our first stop, first home and resting place. Basically this is where we might say we were born or conceived. The last stop is called heaven (Havona) where we meet the original first Father Creator. In this sphere we find perfect peace. Those who have melded with there thought adjuster must be totally perfect before they can enter our final home and resting place. This heaven (Havona) is the greatest peace and joy we’ve been looking for.

It takes an evolutionary creation like us an eternity to reach this first home of the first God and we can stay there as long as we like and when we tire of perfection and desire adventure again, we get it. There are numerous jobs or tasks we can perform, maybe even doing some creation on our own, if not, then to administer and teach to other evolutionary creatures like ourselves. We will become masters of the highest form because we have been there, done that. So we know the whole process front and back. We have great compassion for our evolutionary creatures. To them we will seem like a god, and once having reached perfection we never have to worry again of falling or turning to the dark side. That will be a thing of the past. Some speculate that maybe, possibly this Jesus the man came originally from the head quarters (Jerusem) of our universe in past reincarnations of lives.

This creation plan began many trillions of years ago and in our universe, and in our galaxy many billions of years ago. The earth is eight and a half billion years old. The first human ancestors (Lemur type monkey) existed eight and a half million years ago. But man only became conscious or self realized at the time of what the scientists call the missing link, two and a half million years ago. So everything is very much older than what the religions and even scientists say. Science has now found human bones dating back almost two million years and more, so they’re starting to find out. The Lucifer rebellion started around 250,000 years ago about the time of the first Garden of Eden. And the angels are billions of years old, as is Lucifer.

In the first Garden of Eden, 200 more highly evolved very large human beings were sent down to inbreed with us to raise our stock of blood and DNA code from the headquarter world. They fell before the inbreeding plan was completed. Two major groups did evolve called Nodites and Adamites and they eventually moved from the Middle East and migrated and inbred around the world. The first Garden of Eden was on a peninsula and it sank. The second Garden of Eden was 37,000 years ago.

Many masters and teachers have been sent down to man. Adam and Eve were not the first human beings. Adon and Fonda were the real first human beings two and a half million years ago. 200,000 years ago Adam and Eve was sent down, who were giants eight-ten feet tall, and were not from this world. They were from our headquarter world of Jerusem of Nebadon. They were the planetary Prince and Princess. Christ Michael sent them down here through a time portal vortex. Their job was to breed 10,000,000 children in there blood line, then to inbreed with man and uplift his blood stock and DNA code for the next evolutionary jump or current dispensation, “2012.” This was the blue race. At that time some purple was also more highly evolved. They began inbreeding too soon at only 2,000,000 offspring. Eve had sex and got pregnant (sinned) from a beautiful man of the blue race, and Adam followed her, so the DNA was lost that would have greatly uplifted modern man, making us more pure and stronger to endure the 2012 (2016?) transition or turning point of the end times.

Lord Michael then later began to send down other bestowal masters such as the Melchizedeks. They came from a truly divine mission. They came from the higher form of life that Christ Michael had created. They are called the emergency sons, and since earth has now been in an emergency they began coming shortly after the default of Adam and Eve. They also took over as counselors of one half of the planetary prince’s post when Caligastia fell to the Lucifer rebellion. They retained the post until Michael came in the bestowal of the Kingdom of God on earth when he finished his sovereign mission. Lord Michael became planetary prince and head of earth then. 

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