Humanity is again on the threshold of a great evolutionary leap. A new era of a Golden Age is approaching. It is again a time for usto be given another chance to prove that we are worthy to manage ouraffairs.Around twelve thousand years ago, a great disaster (Flood of Noah) befell man. The reason for it was because he failed torecognize his responsibility to create harmony on earth, to utilizehis life towards its reason, to recognize the Oneness andinterdependence of all, etc.This failure brought disharmony on earth. In order to prevent humanity from destroying itself completely, a Plan wasdevised. A great disaster (destruction) became necessary toeradicate all traces of the higher technology of the human at thattime. In the process also all those who had the knowledge of thesetechnologies were destroyed, or became hidden. Man mentally becamedeprived of this knowledge.In the physical and spiritual spheres, man was also altered. He no longer had the direct knowledge of the Spirit. His spiritual eyewas closed and he physically became more bound unto earth. Thisevolutionary process continued and was completed in full effect sixthousand years ago.In the last six thousand years or so, a period of history was created for man. This was a period of strife, sufferings, and greatupheavals. Man was left to himself. However, whenever it wasnecessary, an intervention by the Heavenly Hosts directed man tohigher levels of understandings. Great events, scientificdiscoveries, social progress, etc., were directed to this presenttime.These all occurred to give humanity a lesson. This period was not intended to last forever. We are fast-approaching the end of thisperiod. The destruction of twelve thousand years ago and the historyof the last six thousand years all were done as lessons for ourfuture references. These lessons have to be learned, so similarmistakes will not occur in the future!The Heavenly Hosts once more are releasing the responsibility of governing the planet earth back to humanity. Hopefully, with thelessons learned and the system presented here (combined with theteaching in THOTH, the main book of the Mission of Maitreya), theintended harmonious and just human society will be created on earth.It is the time for humans to come to maturity. The apparent chaos wesee on earth, in this period we are in now, are the birth pains.Before describing the system suggested here, it is appropriate to explain why the present systems cannot work. In general there arefour main problems:(1) The process of selecting leaders;(2) The lack of awareness of humanity that any ideology or approach is valid only in a given time;(3) The attachment of leaders (and people in general) to a small portion of the earth, a specific culture, group, religion, ideology,etc;(4) The lack of a body to oversee the system (The Elders).