Matthew's Message -- September 1, 2012


Message from Matthew


September 1, 2012

Ascension process on target; Earth’s destination fifth density; ongoing ET assistance; disclosure process; Hatonn: Obama reelection key to ET arrival, Golden Age master plan; fear deters soul evolvement

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!

2. Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe:ascension itself and disclosure.  Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.

3. By your late1930s, economic depression had taken a heavy toll on your society and the rise of Germany’s Third Reich was leading to invasions of nearby countries.  Gaia, Earth’s soul, knew what was brewing in her energy field of potential.  She knew that her planetary body, which was nearly bereft of light, was too weak to survive the inevitable World War II and other savagery that would ensue due to the hold of darkness on her humankind’s consciousness. 

4. That is why—and when—she cried out for help.  The immediate response was the massive infusion of light from distant civilizations that enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and slowly start rising into a higher, yet still very dense, energy level.  That was the beginning of her ascension.

5. Now we shall fast-forward to this year at hand. During its last days and the early days of 2013, the planet will travel through the celestial window between third and fourth densities, where the energy wisps of both densities briefly comingle, and it will enter fourth density, where Earth’s Golden Age begins.  

6. But that glorious milestone is not the end of her journey. Ascension will continue until the planet is securely within fifth density, where Gaia originated in antiquity and so did her planetary body.  After eons of being in the low densities that were commensurate with the collective consciousness of successive civilizations, Gaia’s body will have returned home.

7. Indeed, Earth’s exiting third density will be heralded throughout the lighted universe!  However, knowing that this brilliant process will continue for long years to come will prevent despondency from befalling those who are expecting a dramatic event to occur on December 21st.   When nothing of dynamic proportions happens that day or any other in that same narrow timeframe, how sad it would be if those who are counting on something spectacular become so depressed that they decide at soul level to join the others who also choose not to remain on the planet for different reasons.  

8. Now then, let us speak about disclosure. Because this has been tied to an official announcement about your universal family’s presence, many lightworkers feel discouraged that this close to the end of your year 2012, still no such acknowledgement has come forth.
9. Although the Illuminati’s former power base has been shattered, they still have strong influence in some areas, and one is the media. By suppressing information they do not want known, they have prevented the majority of your populace from learning that souls from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations are surrounding the planet in thousands of ships or working side by side with you or living in Inner Earth. Thus, most in your world have no expectations whatsoever about meeting members of our universal family. So, in the collective consciousness there is a dearth of truthful knowledge about them and very few thoughts about welcoming them. 

10. That, combined with the dark ones’ tenacious hold on some military sectors that can pose risk to you and landing parties, continues to delay an announcement and landings in numbers. But most assuredly, this has not diminished one iota the ongoing assistance of your brothers and sisters!

11. Essential strides in progress are continuing covertly on the ground and ships’ crews are continuing to use the technology aboard to reduce toxic pollution and block the functioning of powerful weaponry. They’re leveling out the effects of earthquakes, decreasing wind velocity and steering major storms away from heavily populated areas while still permitting the same amount of negativity to be released.  Constant coordination between land and sky intelligence units is thwarting Illuminati “black ops” attempts such as organized terrorism and lengthy power outages or interruptions in communications systems.

12. So that you won’t dim your personal light by negative feelings because there has been no “disclosure” to date, we ask you to expand its definition, exposure or revelation, to include your expression “coming to light.” That is exactly what has been happening ever since Earth started her ascension course!

13. In those earliest years there was no evidence that anything unusual was happening, but as Earth’s journey continued and the light intensity increased, it started revealing despicable activities that formerly were known only to the malevolent perpetrators and those who were directly affected. As the long-time entrenched darkness was coming to light, without realizing that they, too, were responding to light’s vibrations, the peoples started opening their hearts and minds.
14. Consider the worldwide change in attitudes about war. The allied forces’ unity of spirit during WWII—it is patriotic to kill and honorable to die—has evolved into global rallies and meditations for peace.  Consider how much information has come to light about corruption in governments from community level to national, and in multinational corporations and financial institutions. Pedophiles have been identified in the priesthood and in organizations that at one time were considered havens for your children, and individuals once thought to be mentors or idols have fallen as their dark characteristics have been revealed.  
15. Now put those disclosures and all others into their proper context—an integral aspect of Earth’s ascension.  As the planet traveled through successively higher energy planes, more and more areas of criminality and abhorrent conditions that once were hidden have come to light. This was imperative so the peoples could see how darkness was controlling their lives, and in light of that realization, they were motivated to bring about benevolent changes.

16. The light energy of your civilization’s growing awareness, aspirations and actions has been lifting the collective consciousness all along Earth’s ascension journey.  Only seventy-some years ago she was in death throes!  Her transit out of deep third density to the point of imminent entry into fourth density is a universal achievement unprecedented in speed and scope!  
17. By seeing disclosure as the essential and inseparable part of the ascension process that it is, there need be no disappointment or discouragement because official recognition of our family’s presence has not yet happened. Be assured, it will!  Their public reception by specific world leaders will be the crowning point of the entire disclosure process, and like you, we are eagerly anticipating that momentous day!

18. We do understand that knowing When? is very important to you, and I have asked Hatonn if he can give us an update on that.          

Thank you for asking me, Matthew.  First I want to say that I concur with everything you said about disclosure and why an official welcome is still on hold. And I thank you for explaining that our crews in ships are doing whatever they can to help you while they’re waiting to land and our ground crews are holding up their end too. We’ve been in readiness for a decade to get this show on the road!   

But getting on to when we’ll be “announced,” safety still is an issue, of course, but the new key is the November presidential election in the United States. It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants.  She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

 He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t.  Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth.  When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.
According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone.  It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age.  The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.  

Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members.  Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and whatshould be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election.  If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.  

Again, this is NOT political!  Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.

Matthew, that’s as close as I can come to a date when we’ll be “out in the open.”  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. 

19. Hatonn, we thank you for explaining the situation so clearly and for the assurance that whether shortly before or shortly after that election day, the official welcoming of our universal family is soon!That ends our concerns that souls might choose to leave when nothing dynamic happens December 21st—the spectacular drama will come with the introduction of our “space” family! 

20. Beloved lightworkers, we know that your sense of urgency for public acknowledgement of other civilizations goes far beyond curiosity. It is your heartfelt desire for war and widespread suffering and acts of random violence to end.

21. As we have stated in prior messages, the continuance of those circumstances is due in large part to the prevailing vibrations that are magnifying duality’s characteristics and behavior—“good” gets better, “bad” gets worse.  And in keeping with what Hatonn said about timing in the master plan, it called for only “good having become better” at this point. 

22. While the extra years of darkness caused horrendous adversity to many people, the greater importance is how their souls have been affected. When a short lifetime, trauma and severe hardships were not part of persons’ contracts, divine grace gave them evolved spiritual status, and when the perpetrators’ acts were outside of their contracts, their status devolved.  That is, the cycle of the eternal life of the soul was not adversely affected during those extra years of darkness, and many, many millions of souls took leaps forward spiritually and intellectually.

23. We feel that it is important to once again speak about the needlessness of feeling fearful about anything. You have seen that concerns about terrorism during the Olympic games were for naught.  We urge you to put all other fear-filled claims and predictions and reports in the same category—they will not come to pass!  This does not mean that the Illuminati have no intentions of trying to cause fear.  It does mean that just as their previous attempts have failed due to the intervention of our space family above and on the planet, so shall all of their other plans meet that fate until all darkness has been vanquished.  And soon it shall be!

24. This far along in Earth’s ascension, even the fears of many individuals cannot delay her steady pace or detour her course, but it can do that to the individuals’ growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. We are embracing all of you in unconditional love, that most powerful of all energies in this universe. If you will but accept this, you can be fearless about what is ahead and look forward with joyousness and excitement to the remaining days of this year and all years to come.  Oh, let us “edit” ourselves here—there are no linear time designations in the continuum that you are fast approaching, so instead of years, we say all lifetimes to come. 
25. Throughout your long journey in this lifetime, we have been traveling with you in spirit, and we are rejoicing with you that each footstep brings closer your victorious entry into Earth’s Golden Age.  

Suzanne Ward 

[Note from Suzy:  Earth’s Golden Age—Life beyond 2012, the fifth in the Matthew Books series, will be available in a week or so in eBook for Kindle on  The print edition will be out later this fall.

Two weeks ago I had the thrill of participating in “Transformation 2012” in Pagosa Springs, CO. The 150 people at the conference added a lot of light to the planet!

I’ll also be speaking at “Scenario 2012,” October 26-28 in Sedona, AZ. This conference will be another meeting of kindred spirits whose love-filled energy will add lots of light to

Recently I was interviewed for “White Buffalo: An American Prophecy,” the spiritual odyssey of four brothers to discover what Turtle Island’s ancient sacred wisdom portends for America. Thedocumentary will be released later this year. Production website: www.whitebuffalomovie.comYouTube: 

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  • I am sorry, that the Obama BS is not that it is ''all that there is, there is much more, BS. I agree with Drekx on this issue here. We are being pressured to think that if we don't re-elect Obama that there will be no Disclosure or at least not for a very long time. We are to except that all of his mistakes and Executive Privladge laws that he made , taking away the peoples freedom was not his fault, is all lies. He is working for the DC as a double agent. And it is his fault, everyone is responsible for there actions.He is no different, besides he is a Dictator, who is a Illegal Acting President.  This channelling of Matthew is also from the DC. They give us only excuses for all the false promises made, that never happened. They tell us that there will be 100,000 arrests and so far there has been nearly no arrests. They say they have taken care of the chem-trail problems but they are still poisoning us morning and night with them. They say that they have clamped down a bit on the media and I say they have completely stopped all info not only on the occupy protest movement, no Bankster arrests being shown, and nothing about all the corrupt Mofia Banksters for many wks now. And when they did show a little bit of all the great scandals going on, they all get off with a slap on the wrist and fine and or slice of the pie, which is the Mafia  way of doing business as usual. Many of our other partners are warning us as Drekx is saying. That many of these changelings are from the DC and that we have to be aware of them. They promise us Heaven and give us Hell. They tell us that the Ascension is a minor thing and that we wont see much of anything happening on those dates and that it will be many yrs into the future before we see a great change. They tell us that if it wasent for those who refuse to die after they suffered so long that we would be much more advanced spiritually advanced. And are they speaking of us Elder light workers who refuse to die because we want to ascend and at the same time we want to expose them in there Genocide game? For we are the only ones who have been following this from the near beggining and we know what they are up to, even now in there games,not only to completly control the MSN but also to control the alternative news and the light workers forums such as this one ACC where they can put up anything that they want, and no one will stop them. Where they can pretend to be anyone that they want and give any false message that they want and get away with it all. But I don't thnk so, because we are still here to inform the younglings and newly awakend ones as well as those who are easly deceived and naive as well as the sheeples and the sleepwalkers. As Elders we have the past knowledge and wisdom to sort them out and put things reight. Its not a easy job, in fact we get a lot of slack even from those light workers who want to believe that these things  that they say are true and that they want them to come true. We understand this for we want them to come true as well, but we have to be realistic and except that they haven't manifested yet and that we are not winning the war, but we have only enjured the DC. And that they are fighting back with all that they have. And like in any war, you move ahead and then sometimes you have to move back. And you also have to realize that they enemy is also very deceptive and that they can decieve you into believing that you are winning when you are not. Its a very serous mind game that they play, maybe even more so than in the so called real material 3D life.Another example would be the economy which is failing and we think that we are winning but in reality,its what they wanted so that they could bring in the 666. The 666 can be in many forms not just the mark of the beast, which is the end result but also a means of a new monetary system, which would be another step before they issue the final credit system. They even have a name for it called''the Ameruo''. So as you can see things are not what they seem to be. We do have some help from our ET friends but it seems they are not allowed to do this for us. But it is we that must stand up and over throw the DC not them. When it looks as though we have done this, then they will step in to help us finish the job, until then we are nearly on our own. By nearly I mean that we have commrads in the subterranean Earth and the inner earth, who can help us now in our fight against the DC because they to are from this Earth for some time now. So we do have friends down here as well and soon they will pop up to join us in the overthrowing of the DC. There technology is far superior of the DC, so we can be sure of a great and fast victory. In the mean time, don't believe all that you are told, much of it is false. You will fell the true ones, because it will resonate in your Heart of hearts, Ok.  Blessing to all, for we are all one.Adonai

  • And as for the fictional "Hatonn," this is what our dear collegue; Ptaah (the Plejare,) thinks of this subterfuge:


    "Concerning the imaginary name Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, as well as the name Sananda (along with others), it is to be said that these are neither known to one of our peoples of the Pleiades nor to an allied people of the Federation nor anywhere else on any worlds or in any spirit levels of the far reaches of the Universe that are known to us, except on the Earth and in the brains of those swindlers, liars, and deceivers, who use these names for their lies and truth-offending fantasies."


    The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Contact Report 233
  • Obama is not the leader of Earth Allies....Indeed, he is not in any position to "lead all nations into a golden age," even if he wanted to, which he does not...

    The process of reform is a team effort and not one animated by one US President, as Suzanne Ward naively supposes and hopes that people will believe...

    Obama is a front man for the very forces that keep the dark paradigm in place...

    When the regime changes do finally get completed, along with the economic systemic reforms...Obama will be out, along with all the others...

  • Obama-BS

  • I'm John Jancar and I approve this message lol

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