
Matthew Ward offered advice to developing telepaths in his message of Feb. 18, 2006.  In that message, he incorporated a channeling from Sananda through David and Celest on the same subject. Many people are or will be developing telepathic powers in the near future; all of us after Ascension.  These comments may also be of interest to those concerned with the credibility of sources.




Here then are Matthew’s comments.


13. So that you can distinguish between the dark souls and those through whom dark entities are working and thereby deal most effectively with all, I asked my mother to gather information that will assist in your identification and protection processes. And now, Mother, please add that and also the guidance for connecting telepathically with light beings and assuring that sources you reach are who they claim to be. Some readers may know this innately or may have learned it, those to whom this is new can benefit a great deal from it, and all who wish can make this guidance available to receptive people.


S: Matthew, I’m just going to write my notes and not take time to put them in literary fashion because I know you want this to go out.


14. The eyes are a direct reflection of the soul’s frequency. To distinguish between light-filled souls and dark, look into the eyes. The eyes of a lighted soul shine with aliveness; dark souls’ eyes are dull-dead, devoid of warmth or light. A person with a lighted soul can hold a steady gaze when talking with you; a person with an “ordinary” dark soul or is heavily influenced by darkness keeps glancing around, unable to meet the light in your eyes.


15. Strategic touching. Dark entities know that the nape of the neck and lower back are especially vulnerable to their entry into a body’s energy system. Someone who grasps you in either or both places probably is NOT being playful or affectionate—the darkness in them is trying to infiltrate you. This doesn’t come from that person’s intellect or conscious awareness; it’s an automatic response to their influencing dark entity’s attempt to interrupt your energy flow so its streamer tentacles can enter.


16. Tone of voice, choice of words, topics of conversations. Indications of dark entities working through a person are gossip; sarcastic, hurtful or boastful remarks; unjustified criticism or blame; monopolizing a conversation; in a large group, insensitivity to others’ conversations by speaking out loudly; obsession with talking about fearful subjects. When you’re listening to someone and can’t tell whether the person is speaking from ego or soul, mentally ask your soul and pay attention to your immediate reaction—it is instinct, one way the soul communicates with the consciousness. ALWAYS listen to your soul voice—it never lies. Soul knows when lies come from other sources and alerts you via your instinct, intuitive thoughts and sensations—trust them.


17. Characteristics; change of behavior. Controlling or intentionally harming others, torturing animals, uncontrollable anger, greed, dishonesty, insistence that only their beliefs are right, and egotism are obvious reflections of dark souls and dark entities operating through unaware people. Infiltration by those entities is evident in people who formerly did not exhibit those traits or condone the actions and suddenly their behavior includes one or more; a slight tendency toward the traits or actions and/or cracks in the psyche “invite” this.


18. The aura, like eyes, is a dead giveaway. Ask your soul to let you see the person’s aura (energy emanating from the body) and look two inches above the head. You may see only a fleeting glimpse of color, a form or geometric symbol; depending on what you see, you know whether light or dark energy is flowing from the body. A cross or some other symbol you feel is sacred will identify a lighted soul; if you are light energy-sensitive, you may see gold, white, blue or rainbow prisms around the person. The auras of dark souls are dark, corresponding in degree to their energy emanations, and any symbols you see will be the opposite of what you think of as good, or light—e.g., a small viper, a tail (may be lashing out), an inverted cross or a broken star.Look down, about two inches in front of the person’s feet, for the same kinds of symbols that are in the aura.


19. Radiated energy.Energy-sensitive people can feel warmth radiating from lighted souls and cold from dark ones. With the pretense of seeing something on the floor, feel the energy by the feet; dark energy at that point is icy cold. Icy cold hands (unless holding an iced drink) or clammy hands is another indication of dark influence IF that’s in conjunction with the primary signs that darkness is present.


20. Other physical reactions. The negativity of dark energy streamers is very heavy and creates a heaviness in your sensations when you’re in the presence of dark souls or people under the influence of dark entities. Also a lighted soul usually starts to feel repulsed, and some will begin to feel their skin itching. Dark energy is parasitic; it drains your energy and uses it to refuel itself. After such an encounter, your body may need lots of water, sea salt or even sugar to spontaneously regenerate itself. You may feel a sudden stiffness as the chakras work to protect themselves against dark energy streamers or feel throbbing in your temple or third eye area. Chakras always instinctively act and react to protect the root system and alert you to the dark energy through physical sensations.


21. Levels of darkness. Dark forces attack their equal in the strength of light-filled beings. Lesser-strength entities will move away from bright light; they can’t bear to look into it or stay near its energy. The more light in a person, the stronger the entity sent to invade it; “tests” for light beings become correspondingly harder because new, stronger entities come. Dark souls and people through whom the stronger entities work have NO power over souls who stay steadfast in the light and know its greater power; your “safety net” is WITHIN, not in any external source. ALL levels of darkness can be defeated by knowledgeable action on your part.


22. The innocence of young children and animals gives them heightened sensitivity to energy. Pay attention to the reactions and body language of children who seem suspicious or express fear for themselves or others and animals that keep a wary eye on their animal and/or human family—they try to avoid people whose energy is dark and feel a need to protect others from dark energy around them.


23. Protection. You must be aggressive against the dark forces. Write out and memorize the following words, which were given by God; these exact words are essential because the vibration they carry is your protection. After you have memorized this command and practiced enough so that the exact words easily come to mind, the command will come immediately and automatically as a sensation and verbalizing no longer is necessary. Practice quieting your mind, then saying aloud or mentally: “In the name of Jesus The Christ, I now command that if you are not of the highest, most evolved form of Jesus The Christ Consciousness, that you are to here and now disappear immediately and NEVER return.” Dark souls CANNOT disobey this command due to its vibrations.


24. The darkest souls are the most cunning, most determined; they seek a lighted person on one-to-one basis and engage in direct and steady eye contact, like a cobra, to mesmerize the person. To break the effects of their powerful gaze, think the word LIGHT with forcefulness. This command is essential in that situation; the dark soul can’t disobey its vibration, which is the light intensity equivalent of that soul’s darkness. This command isn’t a substitute for the other one that’s required for protection in other situations.


Checking Sources and Aligning Energy

Dictated by God and Sananda
Written by Celest and David


We have awaited the time when we would be permitted to address people who have not only a need to know about the importance of these issues, but especially when the times of massive energetic attacks by dark forces in the guise of the Light forces, would launch a tremendous onslaught against the innocent. The time is Now! We are writing this for those who are the initiates as well as for those who are already following the inner Knowing, yet can benefit by some other Spiritual knowledge they may not have. We firmly believe that there is never enough Universal Wisdom to know about and to put into practical everyday practice.

Most people have a major problem determining if their intellect is speaking to them or if it is Soul Voice. It is a “human condition,” one that is quite simple to rectify. Until a person becomes adept at discerning these important differences, they can easily misjudge the voices. Once that barrier is broken, it then can become a natural, non-stressful means of true communication.


One way that we know of that everyone can use is the “Soul Intellect Test.” We want you to bear in mind that this method cannot be controlled by your body or your mind. Here is the technique for finding the correct answer. Stand in an upright position, unless your circumstances are such that you need to be sitting instead, be barefoot, have your feet placed a bit of a distance from one another and close your eyes. Be RELAXED. While in this position raise both your arms so that each arm is extended straight in front of you, at chest height with the palms open and facing downwards. The arms need to be at a comfortable balanced level.


Think of an issue, or an answer that someone has given you, or perhaps an answer you yourself have arrived at, anything that you are seeking validation about; seeking to know the truthfulness of. Now if it is an issue, turn the issue into a question with an answer you think may be correct. Example: the issue is, “moving to a different state.” You as the potential “mover” want to know if in fact this is the right move for you. Turn it into a question. Be specific but don’t over-dramatize it. Remembering to keep your eyes closed, proceed to ask the question either verbally or non-verbally. Wait a few seconds after you have finished asking the question. Then keeping your body in the position we spoke of, just open your eyes and look at your hands and arms. One of 3 things will have happened. Either your right hand, right arm will be higher than the left or the left arm, left hand will be higher than the right or the arms will appear to be stuck in the same position.


Right arm=right hemisphere of the brain. Soul Voice.

Left arm=left hemisphere of the brain. Intellect.


“Both hands/arms are in the original position means”= insecurity about receiving the correct answers, a person who has problems relaxing and allowing the truth process to reveal itself. No, it does not matter if a person is right handed, left handed or ambidextrous. The “voices” cannot be manipulated. This is very important. Until people can come to terms with telling the difference between intellect and Soul, their personal evolution can be severely hindered. In time, simple visualization can work so that you can perform this even in a crowded public place. Those who have problems with this technique will need to relax and keep repeating this until it works. Those who have the problems are generally those who have been listening to their intellect too long.


Bridging the Gap


This technique merely requires concentration and focus; it functions as a wondrous way to alleviate and dissipate any and all interferences and interruptions in any “channeling” and interfacing with Higher Dimension entities and energy forms. It also means that those who are in contact with any of the Star Keeper Forces, (known on earth as extraterrestrials) can receive and transmit all pertinent information with great clarity and understanding. This eliminates a problem so many are encountering both here and in the Higher Dimensions, which is attempting to communicate through the density and the combustive energy of the third-dimension. It also eliminates the problem of not hearing all the words that are being sent to you.


Simply take 3 small breaths and release them through your nose; close your eyes and be sure you are completely barefoot before you begin Creating this Bridge. Using simple visualization, picture a pillar, one that is like the ancient roman pillars, in this manner it is huge and round, not any other shape. The pillar is transparent; its size is at least twice the size that you are. Place yourself within the middle of the pillar and be sure that it extends way past your feet, into the earth. The top should be many miles above your head, reaching into the “heavens.” When you can see and feel this, call a golden-white light into the pillar, remember as you do so, the light permeates you as well.


When the light is in place, call upon” the gold dust of God” to interact and intermingle with the light in the pillar. You will be able to see or sense the dust filtering up and down your chamber; now simply ask the pillar (chamber) to begin the spiral and circular dance of connection. You should be able to see and/or feel the topmost energy reaching and expanding upward and outward as it searches for the coordinates to establish the golden bridge. Now if you are already in contact with specific beings, simply call their names. You will find that as you do so, they will immediately be able to communicate with you on a much deeper and easy to hear level.


If you are just beginning to connect with these beings, if this is still new to you, I encourage you as well as those who have more experience, to always, ALWAYS check your sources. [See “Checking Your Sources” below.] Be sure you really are connecting with who you think you are. When you have finished with the communication, simply state to yourself and those speaking with you, “I am signing off now.” At that point the pillar will disappear until you require it again.


The more you use this method the faster the pillar will integrate with you. For some people the total integration may take place after the first use. Those of you who are used to “hearing” the “INCOMING” clues can immediately put up the pillar. Do not forget, this is important for the beings attempting to reach you as well.


Checking your Sources


Here are the methods for checking Sources and receiving a true determination of the essence of the Source. Please note, these are Sananda’s words. If you have been receiving messages from one that alleges to be an evolved Soul or if you believe that someone is receiving these messages, then each must determine whether or not the information they are receiving is from the “Most Highly Evolved Sources.” Even the best-intentioned people can run amok and distribute mis-information if they do not know any better. In a very real sense, “The Source” is everything. All hinges upon the validity of truth; otherwise the information received is simply a replicated form of illusions. These are “strategically planned and executed illusions” that are dangerous and deadly, not only to those who believe them but also to the receiver of the information as well. Although we find it strange that so many accept at face value outpourings of demonic rhetoric, we do understand “the why.”


You need to understand that under the auspices of Universal Law the dark forces cannot cross a barrier that the Creator has made. What this means is that when it comes to untruths and lies spoken by the dark forces to their unwitting contacts on Earth, that there is a simple and truthful method of validating the origin of the entities that are imparting or giving the information. Many entities deliberately disguise themselves as being of The Light and unless you investigate it carefully, you can be deceived. Because the time of the False Prophets is here, it is now their desperate attempt to destroy the slowly built, unified field of consciousness that is spreading across this planet. Under this Universal Law you can not only determine the origin, you can also destroy the False Prophet, meaning the entity that is controlling the person, not the person themself.


When you are receiving information check the source of the information by demanding: “I now demand in the name of Jesus the Christ to know if you are a being of the Jesus The Christ Consciousness; if you are a being of the true God of the God Light Consciousness of The Creator, answer me yes or no.”


At this point three things can happen, they will answer Yes, they will answer No or there will be silence. This law dictates that these beings can lie about anything, but they cannot lie about this. When you receive silence or a No, immediately go into the words: “I here and now command in the name of Jesus The Christ that if there is any entity that is not of the most evolved form of the Jesus The Christ Consciousness, that is not of the most evolved form of God I Am, then you are to here and now disappear and cease to exist. This I command in the name of Jesus The Christ. “


The words of Sananda are very clear. You do need to be aware of the importance of accuracy in the words themselves. They must be repeated as He has spoken them, they cannot be altered. It is very important for people to know how this force tries to interfere with the verbalization and even the remembrance of these words. So write them down and read them just as they are now written or you WILL make mistakes. We know, we have taught this and watched it happen almost immediately. This is not a mantra, it is not an invocation, these are The Words of Sananda and therefore they are the words of God as well. There are Universal Laws designed by The Creator and The Creation that uphold truth, that can and do destroy deceit when deemed appropriate.


Matthew’s Guidance for Novices in Telepathic Communication


The capacity for telepathic communion is your birthright, a province of your soul, so welcome it and use it wisely. Ask for protection of the Christed light prior to recording a transmission or receiving information away from a computer. Do not receive when you are ill or fatigued physically, emotionally or mentally or when you are feeling stressed or fearful or angry—your energy level is low in those conditions, making it easy for low level entities to enter your energy stream. Become self-confident but be humble about your new communication ability. Do not become egotistical or focus on fame and fortune; the energy attachments of those thoughts and feelings are certain to connect you with dark sources. Please share with other soul searchers the light-filled information you receive. If they are experiencing the beginnings of their own connections, advise them about these precautions.

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