MATTHEW’S MESSAGE – August 13, 2010

Jane Burgermeister

I’ve never used these messages before for personal requests, and Matthew said that forthis purpose, I can. Please read about Jane at

and send light to her and all who want to punish her for honestly reporting what H1N1was about

Full information:

Effects of ascension's late stages; suggestions to relieve symptoms; weather technology; ascension data, who will go along withEarth; animals; 2012; Gulf oil spill; Obama, law of attraction; media,discernment; delayed announcement of ET presence, landings; economy

1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. I begin with apersonal note about the lapse in these messages. My mother’s energy and timewere dedicated to caring for Bob during the last stages of his illness, andafter his transition she needed restorative time. Both of these souls who areso dear to me are doing well.

2. Now then, many Earth residents perceive your world as tumultuous as ever. Warscontinue and so do poverty, corruption, oppression and other ills, so it isunderstandable that people who have long lived in such conditions often feelhopeless. You know that changes of unprecedented magnitude are afoot, yet youmay be encountering unsettling feelings too, perhaps depression,discontentment, undue impatience, fatigue or physical discomfort. You may feelrestless, “rudderless,” floating without clear purpose or direction, or feelthat nothing of significance is happening in your life or even anywhere onEarth.

3. It may be because world transformation is so far underway that many are having one oranother of those sensations — as microcosms of Earth, you naturally areaffected by the magnitude of changes she is undergoing. Everything in yourworld is in acceleration mode and there are frequent rises in the vibratorylevel along Earth’s pathway — you still may be adjusting to the most recentlevel while she is moving into the next. Vibrations in the energy planes yourplanet has reached make maintaining balance in body, mind and spirit a greatereffort than previously. When you are in a state of imbalance, your energy flowis jolted or blocked, causing your electromagnetic system to malfunction andproduce a variety of unsettling physical, mental and emotional sensations.

4. Another effect of the higher vibrations is inner stirrings of dissatisfaction withpersonal situations. Individuals who are following intuitive feelings to changelocations or work or relationships are faring better than those who areresisting soul-level guidance to get on track with karmic experiencing chosento complete third density lifetimes.

5. The vibrations also are magnifying human characteristics and behaviors, making“good” better and “bad” worse. Generous persons share until the cupboard isbare and those with warm hearts serve wherever help is needed. Greedy onesacquire more and more and give nothing, and heartless individuals causeproblems for others. Played out on the world stage, light-filled people arethriving spiritually and activities of light nature are ever expanding in scopeand positive results. People whose attributes and deeds are of darkness areregressing spiritually and their intentions and efforts are stumbling alonginto eventual futility. Interaction with individuals in the latter group canindeed be stressful because your light body’s energy is resisting theirs.

6. A possible source of anomalous sensations and behaviors is Earth’s ascensionroute that puts her in new alignments with the other planets and Sol. Althoughthe juxtaposition of solar bodies always has affected Earth’s residents, thedifference now is her rapid, steady course out of third density. Not only yourfeelings, but others’ attitudes and reactions that seem to be erratic,irresponsible or shocking may be due in part to unusual celestial influences.

7. The increase in geophysical activity is another potential source of stressfulfeelings because your bodies are affected by Earth’s shockwaves. Anotherconsideration here is that earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, violent storms andfloods are relieving the negativity that caused the planet to spiral downwardand, until about seventy or so years ago, had confined it for millennia tothird density. The lessening of negativity also has an effect on bodies.

8. Let us digress a moment to answer a pertinent question: How much drastic weather andearthquakes and other ‘natural’ disasters are manmade? It would not be much ofan exaggeration to say “all.” Just as in Nature, a technologically createdearthquake, for example, cannot have isolated effects — the energy releaseinitiates activity in similarly vulnerable areas around the globe and thosetrigger still more upheavals. It is the same with clouds and winds. MotherNature, however, knows when to take a time-out so her lands and seas and skiescan settle and she can regain balance, and she spares areas meant to be safe.The ones who are manipulating your weather and generating geophysical disastersdon’t care about healing respites for Earth or any exclusion from destruction,death toll and suffering.

9. Returning to possible causes for unpleasant symptoms you may be experiencing,we offer practical suggestions to lessen their effects and duration. Fatiguenever is your ally — get sufficient relaxation and sleep. Drinking a lot ofpure water will help energy flow more smoothly throughout your body and letyour electromagnetic system better perform. Physical and mental exercise,meditation, solitude, being in Nature, positive thinking, creative projects,melodious music — all are aides in balancing your energy.

10. Your bodies need light-filled foods for a strong immune system; eat more freshfruits and vegetables and less meat and sugar. Illegal synthetic drugs,chemicals in prescription medications and alcohol not only are barriers tolight-absorption, they exacerbate the conditions you want to remedy and cancreate new types of dis-ease. Make every effort to avoid or defuse abrasiveencounters — the energy those generate is a formidable deterrent to achievingbalance and well being. If, despite employing those suggestions and any otherpractices that usually have served you well, your symptoms become severe andpersistent, please consult a trusted health care provider.

11. Now then, with the combination of that wide variety of energetic influences, theobvious turmoil in your world and unawareness of profound changes taking shape,it is little wonder that some believe the “end times” are coming and othersinterpret December 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, much the same way. Bothperceptions are wrong, but indeed an end time is coming — along Earth’sascension pathway into the era of the Golden Age, all forms of darkness on theplanet will end.

12. There are many questions and misconceptions about ascension, who will accompanyEarth, what will become of the people who don’t, and what to expect in thehigher densities. First, ascension has nothing whatsoever to do with the“raptures” of religion, so please do not try to fit that concept into theuniversal truth. Ascension is the process of Earth leaving third density andtraveling through fourth on to fifth. Although this movement is into planes ofsuccessively lighter energy, not into progressively higher elevations such asclimbing a stepladder or a mountain, souls’ growth in conscious awareness andspiritual clarity can be thought of as upward, thus ascension is the mostdescriptive term for this advancement.

13. In the timeless continuum, the beginning and completion of Earth’s ascension cannot bedated — you could say that both “times” have been known for untold ages. Inlinear time, the ascension process began in the last years of the 1930s, whenatrocities long committed by humankind against each other reachedunconscionable measure and nearly depleted Earth’s light that is the life forceof her planetary body and the bodies of all her residents.

14. Her cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized myriadspiritually advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their own vast lightinto Earth’s body. The massive infusion of light from those distant sourcesstabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose from negativity’sstranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third density and continue toward herultimate destination in fifth density. Her soul originated in that high planeand there it remained throughout the millennia that her body spiraled everdownward as more and more human and animal blood was shed and the environmentravaged.

15. Ascension is possible for all who have absorbed the light, and the souls whoaccompany Earth will do so in their physical bodies. If bodies lack organs orlimbs or have physical, emotional or mental disorders, farther along theascension pathway there will be healing of all disease and replacement of missingparts until the bodies are perfected and mental and emotional health is sound.In fourth density the bodies of aged persons will become youthful and livehealthfully much longer than your current life expectancy, and life spans infifth density can be tenfold or more than yours are now.

16. There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can ascend andwhich cannot — it is strictly a matter of science and souls’ own choices. Lightchanges third density’s carbon-based cellular structure to the crystalline formthat lets bodies survive in the higher frequencies, or vibrations, of fourthdensity and beyond. That is why persons who choose to live in the light canascend with Earth and those who choose to cling to their dark ways cannot.After a time in spirit, souls in the latter group will incarnate in a worldthat corresponds to their Earth lifetime energy registration and have moreopportunities to “see the light.”

17. Not all light-filled people will go all the way to the Golden Age — it depends on thelongevity clause in soul contracts. Prior to birth many of today’s populacechose to enter spirit life before Earth reaches that era, and among them arehighly evolved souls whose light is as bright as noonday sun. Those who camefrom higher civilizations to assist Earth in special ways during her ascensionmay quickly pass through Nirvana on their way to a higher density spirit world,most likely the one serving their original homeland, or they may manifest newbodies and incarnate in another civilization for different kinds of growthexperiencing. Others will stay for a time in Nirvana, which will remain Earth’sspirit world and ascend in tandem with the planet. Souls who have completedthird density karmic lessons may choose another Earth lifetime or join acivilization in a different fourth density world.

18. A large number of people who have lived in godly ways will choose not to ascend withEarth after the truth about the origin of religions emerges: They were designedin darkness to deceive and control the peoples, be the most divisive element oflife on Earth, and reap wealth for the heads of churches. Although everyone onEarth knows that truth at soul level and it is a contract choice to consciouslyremember it, many of the devoutly religious will be unable or unwilling toaccept that their deep-seated faith is founded on false teachings. By so doing,these individuals deny the light within truth, that they are god and goddessselves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls in this universe.Their next pre-birth contract will again include the provision to becomeconsciously aware of that truth during their next physical lifetime, which willbe in a third density world.

19. Regardless of the reason a soul leaves this lifetime, physical death will comefrom any of the many causes that exist now. There will be no mass departure ofdarkly inclined persons when Earth reaches some specific vibratory levelbecause the amount of light within bodies varies. And there is no way for youto distinguish between light-filled individuals who leave Earth lifetimes inaccordance with soul contracts, those who choose to leave rather than acceptthe truth about religions, and persons whose bodies’ viability is snuffed outbecause they lack the light to survive in the vibratory level Earth entered.

20. In most cases there can be reunions of souls who live in physical or spirit worlds ofdiffering densities. Those who have evolved into a higher density can astrallytravel to a lower density that has sufficient light to assure the visitors’departure. Reunions are not possible with the souls that are consigned by theirlifetime energy to first or second density worlds, where intelligence is almostnonexistent and no memories or feelings exist. That is not punishment — itoffers those souls a new beginning free of the negativity they created thatautomatically led them to those lowest levels of existence.

21. The innocence of animals, who act from instinct, never from malice, automaticallyqualifies all except a few species to ascend with Earth. Along the way thosewho now are wild will become tame, predators will become vegetarians, and allwill live peaceably with each other and humankind. Already there is evidence ofcross-species friendship, even mothers of one species nurturing infants ofanother, and instances of bonding between wild animals and humans.

22. Animal numbers will shrink in the next few years as instinctively they will breed lessoften and produce fewer offspring. While most species will be able to adapt toenvironmental and climate changes as Earth is restored to her Eden self, whenthere were no temperature extremes and all lands were arable, species living inpolar regions will not survive. Their souls will go to Nirvana and continueevolving, and in time they will incarnate in a world where conditions aresuitable for their new bodies and life purposes.

23. Now then, despite the emphasis on the final day of year 2012, there is noabsolutely fixed date for Earth to be within fourth density. There is a“celestial window” for smooth sailing, so to speak, but it offers a degree offlexibility in your calendar’s time. And please remember that ascension is aprocess that has been ongoing for about seven decades, so do not expect adramatic occurrence to herald the first day of the Golden Age. January 1, 2013,often considered to be The Date, will be little different from the daypreceding or following it. There is no validity to the notion that immediatelyprior to Earth’s entry into fourth density there will be three days of darknessor, as other reports have it, three days of burning sun.

24. It is not so that life after 2012 will be much the same throughout many centuries.Just as life on Earth has not been static, but has progressed through manyphases of development, so too will life in the Golden Age. The difference isthat everything will be taking place in the peace, harmony and boundlessopportunities for learning and evolving in that glorious world! [The messagedated December 31, 2007, “Essay on 2012” gives a comprehensive description oflife in that era.]

25. The last phases of the transition from third density to fourth will present somechallenges as the Illuminati keep trying to stir up trouble spots. Heeding yourintuition will carry you through the bumpy episodes, which can’t last muchlonger anyway because the dark ones cannot fight in the light, and the light isgrowing stronger by the day.

26. You don’t consciously remember that you were eager to incarnate during thismomentous time on Earth, and although many, many others also wanted toparticipate, they lacked the innate abilities, experience and courage thatqualified you to be among the chosen. Few can be in prominent leadership roles,but all of you are leaders simply by BEing the shining god sparks you are! Donot for a moment doubt that you are powerful souls whose contributions to thelight are helping assure its triumph over darkness — in the continuum, youalready are victorious!

27. Now we shall address questions about situations of current interest. By Earth’sinvitation, other civilizations lessened to the extent possible the damage tomarine life and coastlines caused by the oil in the Gulf of Mexico; and byEarth’s desire, there will be no explosion of methane gas that could causewidespread sickness and loss of life. Your planet’s healing ability and otherworlds’ technology can remedy or prevent these and other types of manmadedestructiveness, whether intentional or by negligence or ignorance.

28. The oil spill was a major turning point in Earth’s favor. The oil companies’ dominancein energy production has been drastically reduced as demands for alternatesources have soared. Soon you will see long-suppressed technologies coming intouse for many purposes, from curing diseases and eradicating pollution toproviding light and heat and transportation fuel.

29. Are you still convinced that US President Obama is a highly evolved lighted soul whocame from an advanced civilization to lead us into the Golden Age? Yes! Thereis no reason for us or other messengers in high stations to doubt that, but weunderstand why some of you do. Assessments and conclusions can only beaccording to information available to you. You don’t have our vantage point inthe universe or our information sources, and you have no way of knowing all theundercurrents that will be ushering in your new world.

30. Doubt about Obama’s light-filled intentions is arming his opposition — that is why weurge you to withhold judgment and to envision him and your world in goldenlight. Negative thoughts and feelings about Obama’s leadership are reducing hisability to persuade his own government and other leaders to act in harmoniouscooperation to achieve a peaceful world with shared wealth and well being forall. This is not his failing, but rather the law of attraction in operation —negativity aimed in any direction brings back to Earth more negativesituations. Along with vibrations intensifying the best and the worst of humantraits, the law is producing divisiveness in politics, ideologies andphilosophies that form all systems and organizations that regulate life in yourworld. Each side of any issue is blindly digging in its heels instead of givingan inch. But do not despair — that stubbornness to keep the status quo and toresist reform attempts is but one element in the picture whose full design soonwill “come to light.”

31. It still benefits the tattered wisps of darkness that control mainstream media toexhaustively cover sporting events or one person’s heinous deed and ignore theever-growing grassroots movement toward self-sufficiency, ingenuity,innovations, sharing resources and other signs that vast changes are occurringwithin hearts and minds. Like everything else in your world that is of darkdesign, mind control via the media soon will be history — all methods of mindcontrol operate at the low frequencies that will disappear as the lightcontinues to intensify. Your best source of honest information is the Internet,but be aware that it also is teeming with deliberate falsehoods, unintentionalinaccuracies and misconceptions — be evermore discerning!

32. None of the dire situations that some analysts and some channeled messages purport tobe likely, or even unavoidable, will come to pass. There will be no repeat of“9/11,” no third war world, no nuclear war in space, no worldwide riots becauseof food shortages, no inundation of coastlines until the seas reach themountains, no pandemics or lack of drinking water that will imperil oreradicate billions of lives, no invasion by a dark civilization, no planetarydestruction that will necessitate mass evacuations or underground living.

33. Hatonn asked us to give you his message: “My job as manager of communication betweenEarth and all other points in the universe is difficult enough. Please don’tcompound it by passing on false information or predictions that are purehogwash. Thank you.”

34. Some within the lightworker community are dismayed because the presence of othercivilizations has not been officially acknowledged and no craft have landed. Ifwe knew when the announcement will take place and when ships will land, wewould happily tell you, but even our best sources for that information don’tknow. Your space family members living among you are eager to introducethemselves and the thousands in crafts want to be on the ground helping you,but they must wait for the right time. The Illuminati’s diversionary tacticshave kept Earth’s representatives preoccupied with major upheavals that haveprecluded final decisions about a televised announcement, and there can be nolandings until your safety is fully assured — at this time, the Illuminaticontrol weaponry that poses a risk of danger to large numbers, and no chanceswill be taken with your lives.

35. Although there are optimistic indications of economic recovery, anyimprovements are purely by manipulation. The longstanding corruption inbanking, investments and commerce cannot much longer be hidden, nor can theusurious interest rates and unfair taxation continue — the Illuminati’sworldwide economic network is crumbling irremediably. Your monetary system willreturn to precious metals as its basis until such time that your heightenedconsciousness no longer requires the use of money in exchange for goods andservices.

36. Concerns about current homelessness and unemployment are natural and so areponderings about what will be the lot of homecoming troops if all militaryforces in the world are disbanded. Those concerns would vanish in the blink ofan eye if you could see as we do the peace and joy, the harmony andcooperation, the abundance of life’s necessities and enjoyments of Earth’sGolden Age. Not only are lighted souls throughout the universe cheering you allalong your pathway to that glorious world, we see you living there!



Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Heartfelt thanks to all who sent prayers for Bob’s recovery. I’m sure theenergy of your caring helped in his transition and adjustment to spirit life.After receiving customized care in Nirvana’s “ICU” to strengthen his ethericbody, Bob was reunited with souls with whom he has love bonds, including ourdogs who are there, and he’s enjoying the active, diverse life in Earth’sspirit world.

I’ve never used these messages before for personal requests, and Matthew said that forthis purpose, I can. Please read about Jane at

and send light to her and all who want to punish her for honestly reporting what H1N1was about.]
















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