Beings of light throughout this universe are cheering you on during this time of transition into the Golden Age. Keep foremost inyour vision the glories of that world that already IS and awaits yourarrival!

Earthquake in Haiti - cause, effects; sending light to dark-hearted individuals; power of negative thoughts; global economy, debts; answerswithin; vegetarian diets; stargates; no “second Earth”; reincarnation

1. This is Matthew with loving greetings from all souls at this station. As Earth’s ever-accelerating ascension pace takes her intoprogressively lighter energy planes, we see more and more hearts andminds opening to the light even as turmoil continues. Unwilling toaccept that their efforts will end in utter futility, those withnegativity at their core still are fighting tenaciously to keep theirdwindling strength from disappearing entirely.

2. We see the widespread grief, confusion and massive destruction in Haiti, and we weep. Not for the tens of thousands who died, as thosewho need special care are receiving personalized attention fromdedicated souls in Nirvana, and others are joyful about returning tothat wondrous spirit world. No, our sadness is for the millions whoselives are even more desperate now, far worse than their family elderswho have endured the pain of impoverishment for many decades. Knowingtheir soul contracts does not render us immune to sadness about thepersonal tragedies still unfolding for our brothers and sisters inHaiti, where the starkest evidence of the best and the worst inhumankind exemplifies the extremes of duality.

3. The earthquake was not of Mother Nature’s making. It was the intentional work of those among you who have the technology to createsuch catastrophic planetary upheavals. In this case, it was to cover anattempt to move through Haiti a vast fortune from its discovered hidingplace to a secret destination. If there can be a sliver of a silverlining in that diabolical act, it is that no longer is the truth hiddenabout weather control technology and its wicked uses—the information ison your Internet for all to see. The use of this kind of “weapon ofmass destruction” cannot be prevented, and once set in motion, onlysoftening, or leveling out, steps can be taken. As devastating as theearthquake was, without our space family’s intervention that lessenedthe impact on Port-au-Prince, the death toll and destruction would havebeen even greater.

4. The best in humankind was the instantaneous compassion throughout your world and the outpouring of assistance. This is creating light tohelp rid Haiti’s soil, water and air of the negativity that caused itto become the poorest of countries. Despotic dictators who lived inopulence denied their countrymen even basic living standards, thusconsigning them to debilitating diseases and virtually no healthcare,educational opportunity or source of livable income. Loans that couldhave alleviated those conditions and the suffering they caused insteadwent into the pockets of the dictators, and the peoples felt helplessto improve their lives or their children’s. When those decades of fearand oppression ended a few short years ago, the country was beset withpolitical turmoil, and soon the Haitians’ hopes of betterment weredashed.

5. The souls who chose to embody in those harsh circumstances known of Haiti did so willingly to balance other lifetimes so they couldevolve spiritually, the goal of every soul. Many who recentlytransitioned to spirit life had fulfilled their soul contract choicesto complete third density experiencing, and in time they willreincarnate in a fourth density world of their choice. Those who diedbefore completing their soul contracts have the same opportunities todo this in Nirvana, where they have help in accomplishing their karmiclessons and prepare to evolve out of third density.

6. In all instances, these souls are serving their families and friendsin two ways: Their leaving reduced the amount of negativity caused bytheir former wretched living conditions and also prevented thenegativity that living in even worse circumstances would havegenerated; and those souls are beaming light from their spirit home toall on Earth with whom they are bonded in love, and to Earth herself.

7. A positive aspect of the quake and the tremors that followed is that even with “softened” destructive capability, they released amammoth amount of negativity from this small half-island nation. Thatreduction in negativity will allow the beaming-in and anchoring oflight to facilitate the Haitian peoples in rebuilding their lives andtheir country.

8. Despite everything they have experienced in the past weeks—grief, injuries, traumatized psyches and desperate circumstances they stillare encountering—a resilient spirit still shines brightly. With medicalteams and other helpers from many nations coming to their aid, albeitinsufficient to relieve much of the suffering or supply all basicneeds, the peoples of Haiti know the world has not forgotten them. Thelight in their newfound hope added to the light of all who arehelping—whether directly by their side or prayers or donations fromaround the world—is far greater than the negativity of combined griefand trauma.

9. The darkest of hearts that created the earthquake have no light except the spark of viability, the life force that is every soul’seternal connection to God and Creator Source. Their conscience hasatrophied from lack of use, and now that their corruption andunfathomable fortunes are being uncovered, they commit heinous deeds tohold onto what they feel is their rightful power and possessions. Thedark-hearted ones cause massive harm to produce fear and agony becausethe energy of those emotions refuels them. We and other messengers ofthe light have urged you to send light to those perpetrators ofunconscionable acts because only light can heal their damaged souls andthus change their deeds. You can send them light by imaginingyourselves holding a candle or a flashlight to guide a lost soul ontoan illumined pathway.

10. Messengers of the light have told you about those who act in darkness so as to help you break any hold they may have in your livesand beliefs, and the same information will be revealed to the public toserve in that same way. As those truths come forth incrementally,please help others understand that they need not condone any actionthat causes atrocities and agony, but the light in forgiveness willserve all of you far, far better than the negativity of demandingpunishment for the perpetrators. A part of third density mentality isthe refusal to forgive individuals who are considered “evil,” and itisn’t consciously known that as equal parts of God, every soul in thisuniverse is eternally interconnected with all others, or that thedarkness in any one dims the collective light in the “universal heart,”or that one’s own light is dimmed by judgment and condemnation of thosewho are bereft of light.

11. Individuals acting with dark intent don’t remember that when Earth life ends, every soul will have to review every minute of it—notonly watching everything they did throughout the lifetime, but feelingevery emotion exactly as it was felt by every person whose life theytouched in any way. The next lifetime of those ones who are lost indarkness will be a hell of their own creation—a punishment, if youwill, that is far more severe than any you could ever conceive—anduntil they accept the light constantly beamed into those denseplacements where their lifetime energy output consigned them, therethey will remain.

12. We ask that you please keep in mind what is in store for those lost souls as we address other issues in which you have expressedinterest. Yes, the recent snowstorms in the eastern parts of the UnitedStates are another incidence of manmade technology used forself-serving purposes. Virtually closing down the US government was themain intent because so doing also impacts many other countries. Thesnowstorms— just like the clumsy “Black Ops” attempt on Christmas Dayto explode an airplane by means of a very confused individual operatingunder mind control, then the devastation in Haiti—are intended todisrupt actions underway to remove the Illuminati’s tentacles on untoldwealth and their toehold on the global economy.

13. Previous messages have identified many disparate groups under the Illuminati “umbrella,” the pyramid organizational structure thatkeeps lower ranking members uninformed about the intentions of those atthe peak, and the powerful global network that for centuries hascontrolled everything that influences life on your planet. We know ofthe opinions that US President Obama is leading his country in thewrong direction, and we tell you that if only you could know howprudently and wisely he is moving behind the scenes to upset the entireIlluminati apple cart, instead of concerns about his direction, therewould be rousing cheers.

14. The larger purpose to be served by assuring you that Obama’s intentions are aligned with the light is of utmost importance. Theenergy of negative thoughts about his leadership and all othersituations anywhere on Earth that are seen as worrisome is flowing outinto your world and delaying effective resolutions to tumultuoushappenings everywhere. It is the energy of love-light that motivatesthe spirit of cooperation among peoples and brings an end to conflicts,violence, deception and unjustness. Some of you say, “We are the oneswe have been waiting for.” YES! The truth in that expression ofpersonal responsibility derives from soul-level awareness that youchose this lifetime specifically to help speed Earth along herascension pathway.

15. So the individuals who propose that a collective will to make your world a better place will achieve that without extraterrestrialhelp do make a good point—absolutely you must act, must set the pacetoward world transformation, because it is your world. But thoseindividuals are way off track by not acknowledging that without manyother civilizations’ immeasurable help that started about seventy yearsago, none of you would be where you are because the planet would havedied. And we assure you, your space family’s continued help will bewelcomed by all except the ones who are fighting mightily to preventreforms anywhere.

16. We can tell you what is fomenting behind the scenes regarding the truth about the global economy, but because Earth’s energy field ofpotential is in such wild commotion, we cannot discern what informationwill emerge first or the order in which other facts will follow. We cansay, though, that it cannot be much longer before the “first spill”because all the corruption must be exposed so it can be eliminated andan honorable system implemented. It is possible that the end of theFederal Reserve in its present form will be the first public “news,”and it seems likely that close on its heels will be a new and muchfairer system of taxation. The disclosure that the United States’unmanageable debt is due to the owners of the Federal Reserve banksvery likely will include that the system was slyly established acentury ago along with a corporate structure that fundamentally haskept the country under England’s dictate. However, because UnitedStates’ chaotic economy was the first domino to fall, so to say, andthe line of dominoes around the globe swiftly followed, the longhistory of corruption within all major banking and lending institutionsworldwide could be disclosed first. Somewhere along the way will emergethe Bush and Clinton families’ involvement with the RockefellerIlluminati faction that helped to mortally bleed the coffers of theUnited States. Did you think it rather ironic that both of those formerUS presidents rushed to show their keen interest in what was going onin Haiti?

17. Regardless of the order in which that information becomes public, it appears that delaying the televised acknowledgement ofextraterrestrial civilizations’ presence until after current upheavalssettle down is unavoidable. An announcement of such extremely criticaland sensitive nature requires the intricate planning that Hatonnexplained [November 19, 2009], and due to the serious matters that haverequired focused attention and disrupted program planning sessions,final decisions have yet to be made by participating countries’representatives. Much to the distress of the ones who caused thedisruptions via their strategic upheavals, the announcement programwill only be postponed, not cancelled as they intended.

18. An issue of great importance being considered by light-filled leaders is: How much shocking information can people assimilate beforeit starts wreaking havoc within the collective consciousness? You willgreet each revelation with rejoicing, knowing that it is a step closerto world transformation and Earth’s Golden Age. But ignorance of thatand many other truths—like the various kinds of mind control to “dumbdown” your brain functions, and the vast underground laboratories andliving accommodations for the “Little Grays” that are funded by theIlluminati’s illegal drug industry—is the lot of most people. Many mayindeed be living in honorable ways, but they are asleep insofar asheightened consciousness and spiritual awakening, and those cannot cometo traumatized psyches. So truths of startling nature must be anunfolding to the populace, not a bombardment.

19. We must tell you that it is with mixed feelings that we address these issues of most interest as indicated in emails sent to my mother.We do want to dispel the negativity generated by your concerns aboutinformation you have heard or read, but we do not want to sabotage oneof the primary aims of these messages: That you learn to communicatewith your soul-self; ask questions and be still and listen to theanswers that come intuitively. Because hearing and heeding the messagesfrom your soul to your consciousness is an essential step in soulevolution and the purpose of our messages is to offer enlightenment andguidance to assist you in evolving, once again we urge you: Seekanswers within!

20. Furthermore, even truthful information from external sources can err in omission of some facts, thereby unintentionally conveyingincomplete data that readers can assume is the entire story. Let mecite an example that in the Tapestry of Life is insignificant, butstill I gave a flawed bit of information. With thanks to all who wroteabout the medicinal effects of marijuana, I see the error in my reply[in the January 11, 2010 message] to readers who asked if certainenjoyments, including “social drugs,” could delay spiritual evolutionor prevent physical ascension with Earth. In my “Yes” answer, I wasthinking of heroin, cocaine and the assortment of synthetic drugs thatcause adverse effects on body, mind and spirit. Marijuana does indeedoffer medical benefits, and there are no damaging effects from itsmoderate use in a social setting. Legal consequences, yes, so I surelyam not encouraging its use without medical prescription! I am simplystating that with the sensible use I mentioned, marijuana is not amongthe drugs that form a barrier between the consciousness and the souland prevent the absorption of light.

21. Now then, animals becoming vegetarians will be a process of their choosing that kind of diet because it is more appealing, just asit will be for Earth’s human residents. As the light intensifies in allbodies at cellular level, humans and animals alike naturally willchoose foods that have light properties, and severed animal flesh doesnot. Without the current food chain, animals will not overcrowd theplanet; instead, they instinctively will reproduce more slowly or notat all. There absolutely is no “condemnation by God” for eating meatand seafood, but expressing gratitude for the animals that providethese foods is most appropriate. A strong immune system is the bestdefense against harmful substances in processed foods and seasonings,meat from animals injected with steroids, seafood contaminated withmercury or other toxins, and genetically altered foods; and the energyof light is the ultimate strengthener of immune systems.

22. We don’t know if a moratorium on all existing debt will be a blanket provision of the planned restructuring of the global economy,but it seems likely during the transition from the old systems to thenew. What we do know is that debts incurred by countries due to loansat usurious rates of interest from the International MonetaryFund—money that went to those countries’ greedy leaders in exchange forIlluminati control of natural resources—will be forgiven, and itappears that adjustments in individuals’ debts will be in accordancewith circumstances that caused the debts. The purpose of economicrestructuring is to fairly distribute the wealth of your world so thatno one lives in the poverty that enables others to live in luxury. Andthe idea that when the Illuminati’s illegal fortunes are recovered, amillion or more dollars will be given to every person on the planet ispure fantasy. In Earth’s Golden Age, the trend will be away from moneyand toward systems of sharing and bartering—the light intensity insouls will let those means of remuneration for services and conduct ofcommerce become as satisfying between nations as between individuals.

23. No asteroids or comets are being aimed at Earth by powerfulmalevolent aliens. Even if this were the case, you are surrounded bythousands of spaceships and millions of light beings with thetechnology to steer away any celestial body that could collide withyour planet. Another rumor to create fear, that “Planet X” is on acollision course with Earth, also is a falsehood.

24. What is your sun doing? It is responding to the rapid changes going on throughout your solar system. If your astrophysicists wereaware of Earth’s ascension through the “universal time window,” theywould know that stepped-up solar activity is a natural effect and thatSol poses no danger to your planet.

25. No civilizations will enter a stargate to take control and keep youfrom destroying your planet. Let us speak more of stargates, thevarious views about their purpose: Portals opened in antiquity bycivilizations who came to Gaia; openings that motherships can passthrough; areas where spacecraft crews observe happenings on the planet;channels through which our space family’s technology operatessuccessfully; safety zones for “walk-ins” from other civilizations toenter; energy vortexes through which light from far distant sources isbeamed to raise the vibrations of lands or seas dense with negativity;locations of intensified light that help to anchor light on the planet.There is some validity in each of those views, and we also seestargates as parts of the protective light grid surrounding your planetthat serve like beacons for the souls in free spirit and astraltravelers between Earth and Nirvana.

26. There will be no “jumping over 4th density and entering 5th”—the laws of the universe simply do not operate like that, and neither doesthe evolution of any soul. However, the time between Earth beginningascension out of deep third density and reaching her destination infifth will be universally unprecedented in its speed. The enormousenergetic differences between third and fourth density make that tripunimaginably difficult, and overcoming the darkness that pervades athird density world can take eons.

27. It will not happen on December 21, 2012 or any other date that you will be standing beside two others and before your very eyes, theywill disappear into their own “timelines.” Even the usual date ofDecember 31, 2012, will be much like the previous and the followingdays—that is, except for New Year’s Eve celebrations. The differencesbetween life in this moment and in the Golden Age will be amazing andmagnificent, but life will not differ dramatically from one day to thenext as Earth continues on her journey through fourth density and oninto fifth.

28. Understandably, there is a great deal of speculation about what will happen to whom at the end of 2012. There is no definitive answerbecause what happens to each soul will be in accordance with theuniqueness of each soul. However, we can say with certainty that thetheory of a celestial body appearing as a “second Earth” and becomingthe third density home for souls who do not physically accompany the“first Earth” into fourth density is erroneous. You are a soul in ahuman body. Earth is a soul in a planetary body. Her soul remained inits fifth density origin while her body spiraled into deep thirddensity during the millennia that her human residents were sheddingeach others’ blood, mass-slaughtering her animals and severely damagingher body. She could have chosen to let her assaulted body die, butinstead she chose to have its health restored so all of her residentsin their myriad life forms could continue. Moreover the “two Earths”theory accommodates only the people whose lifetime choices would placethem in a different third density world. There will be souls whoselifetime choices automatically will take them to first or seconddensity placements; and at the other end of the spectrum are the soulswho came from fourth, fifth and higher density worlds specifically toassist Earth in her ascension—when their mission is completed, theywill return to their homelands.

29. It also is understandable that reincarnation can be an enigma. We know of your thoughts such as “In another life she was Joan of Arc”or “He was Abraham Lincoln in his last lifetime.” Persons who have thesame wisdom, ideals and courage—or maybe the same skills and talentsand personality traits—known of greatly respected, admired and lovedindividuals who lived many years ago in linear time, may be personages,or soul parts, of the cumulative soul that includes those others. Theperson with whom you “endow” a specific other lifetime may be deeplyinspired by that same individual and emulate the qualities that madehim or her great, or the person’s high aspirations may attract thepowerful energy of souls you call “masters.” A family member may havechosen attributes very similar to those of a “departed” member. Perhapsbecause of shared lifetimes in the timelessness of the continuum, anyperson may seem remarkably like someone who lived long ago in yourlinear time. There are numerous sources of unseen and usuallyunrecognized influences in every life, but every one of you is andforever shall be an independent, inviolate, invaluable and unique souleven as you are an equally loved, integral part of the Oneness of All.

30. Beings of light throughout this universe are cheering you on during this time of transition into the Golden Age. Keep foremost inyour vision the glories of that world that already IS and awaits yourarrival!
Suzanne Ward


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