MATTHEW'S MESSAGE: June 11, 2011


All light beings are beaming love to you, and some are walking beside you, unseen but ever present.

Matthew’s Message: June 11, 2011

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the most dedicated lightworkers have occasional moments of doubt that everything long promised can be successfully accomplished during the months remaining before Earth reaches the threshold of her Golden Age. This is understandable. You have only your history as a frame of reference for a realistic time span between the onset of major changes and stabilization afterwards. 

But this is an era of revelations and transformation with speed and scope unlike any before in universal history, and once again we assure you that all darkness in your world will be gone by the end of your calendar year 2012. Furthermore, with everything in acceleration mode, linear time will pass more swiftly by the day, and the next eighteen months or so on your calendar will come and go faster than the past eighteen. 

What you perceive as time actually is energy in motion, and as Earth continues her journey toward fourth density, she will enter ever higher, lighter energy planes as she approaches the continuum, where everything that you deem past, present and future is a series of events happening simultaneously. In this moment you cannot imagine that reality, but you will know it as you gain spiritual clarity and understanding of the universal laws. Ah, what wondrous knowledge and experiences await you!

Now then, back down to Earth, where many of you are asking “When?” specific situations will start—or end. We know that you are requesting which day or week or month, so we also know that “Soon” is not a satisfying answer. In this moment, however, “Soon!” is all we can tell you—but please notice the exclamation point! That punctuation mark would have been appropriate all along because of the unprecedented speed with which your world has been rising out of deep third density, so why now are we adding that emphasis to indicate that stunning developments are imminent? 

The Illuminati have held onto control politically, economically and technologically several years longer than reasonably anticipated when the Golden Age master plan was designed. They know that despite the erosion of their global network, they still can control the population unless spiritually advanced civilizations come to Earth. That would completely doom all of the Illuminati’s dark activities, so they are determined to do everything within their power to prevent the arrival of our benevolent universal family members. 

Due to that determination and tenacity, timing adjustments relative to landings have had to be made over and over again, and contingency plans also have had to be altered. A recent example is, the globally televised program that was to include space family members was scrapped because essential aspects had not been finalized. The dark ones among you strategically initiated turmoil in the respective countries of your participating leaders so that they had to divert their time and attention from planning sessions to dealing with the upheavals in their nations. And that comprehensive program’s replacement, a straightforward announcement acknowledging the existence of other civilizations, no longer is considered sufficient. 

According to Hatonn, serious consideration is being given to a dramatic display of spacecraft and a simultaneous special bulletin on radio and television stating that the crews have come in peace and will land to assist us in ways that will be enumerated. Discussions are ongoing about the risks of “surprise” vs. the risks of waiting until safety can be absolutely assured for all involved. 

On one hand, the peak of the Illuminati has not been yet dislodged, and except for starting a nuclear war, those individuals’ free will choice to take other steps to prevent extraterrestrials from landing must be honored. On the other hand, Earth is in great need of technology that can rid her of toxic pollution, particularly at Japan’s damaged nuclear facility; that technology, which is aboard the ships surrounding Earth and has been of some assistance ever since the earthquake damaged the reactors, will be much more effective on site. 

There is another issue of urgency too. The nonstop manmade geophysical events and weather manipulation is having a double negative effect. The death toll, property damage, financial loss and other hardships to residents in the affected areas is obvious, but the other effect is global and not realized except by the perpetrators. 

At the same time that you are continuously adjusting to the higher vibrations Earth keeps traveling into and the influence of the changing juxtaposition of celestial bodies, you are being bombarded with low vibrations emitted by the quake and storm-causing technology, and the combination is producing new or stronger physical, emotional and mental anomalies. This is affecting persons who otherwise would be in sound health and it is exacerbating the dis-ease of persons with organic malfunctions and weakened immune systems. At the least, low energy and exhaustion are prevalent, and at worst, many individuals are experiencing severe pain, illness, depression and mental confusion. 

Only the elimination of those low frequency emissions can eliminate their effects, and because the various technologies being misused are integrated with power and communication systems, dismantling them without interrupting the services you need must be done at the sites. Security measures preclude unauthorized persons from entering those areas; however, members of our universal family have the ability to bypass those measures and successfully separate the various systems. 

Those two vitally important situations are the reasons for their imminent arrival, but please do continue being patient. Prudent preparations to manage all potential situations on the ground are imperative, and the locations and timing of landings are crucial factors of overall readiness. 

Another consideration is the realistic anticipation that a media blitz of “alien invaders!” will attempt to evoke fear among the masses. Although you will greet landings with jubilation, for most people it is one thing to see crafts in your skies and quite another to see them on the ground. By Illuminati intention, there is an abundance of “entertainment” that reinforces the invasion idea and a dearth of information about the civilizations that have been helping Earth ever since the populating programs started in antiquity. 

Consequently, skepticism about strangers’ motives is natural, and persons who believe that they are to be feared will need understanding and truthful information. It may be helpful to have relevant books or printouts of pertinent parts of messages from light sources for family, friends, coworkers and neighbors who are afraid of the “aliens’” presence. However, feeling fearful is a choice, so please share your knowledge with those who are receptive and do not impose it upon those who are not. 

Let us return to the effects of the low vibrations previously mentioned—that is, how you can obtain some relief until the source is eliminated. It is important to not become fatigued and to avoid abrasive personal encounters and crowds. While the planet’s movement into a more favorable celestial alignment will be helpful, the collective energy level at the moment still is unusually low.

Get as much sleep and rest as possible, even if this means foregoing usual activities except exercising in moderation, which also is helpful in keeping yourselves in balance. Walking—not sauntering, but as fast a rhythmic pace as you can manage without overexertion—is the best exercise during this time. Spend as much time as possible in natural settings—the energy of trees is immensely beneficial—and listening to soothing music promotes smoother energy flow throughout your bodies. 

Eat less than usual, and a diet of primarily fresh fruit and vegetables will be more beneficial because those foods contain more light than cooked foods. Especially now those foods are more easily digested than meat, sea food and starchy foods, and it is advisable to reduce your intake of salt, sugar, sodas, tobacco and alcohol. 

Drinking a lot of pure water helps your bodies’ electrical systems to function properly, and monatomic gold will be helpful in ridding confusion and permitting clear thought, also in restoring temporarily faulty memory. If you are taking prescription drugs, especially antidepressants, ask your health care specialist if the dosage can be reduced—the chemicals in all drugs always have adverse side effects, and these are exacerbating the effects of the conflicting vibrations. 

Actually, all of those suggestions are applicable from now on. As your cells continue changing from carbon to crystalline, you will need less food and you will find light-filled foods more satisfying. Some changes from your former preferences and habits will come naturally in accordance with what your bodies and minds will tell you and other changes from your routine will require discipline. 

Now we move on to another timely issue. We have been telling you about the dark minds and hearts that cause death, destruction, suffering and turmoil. The purpose is not to “point fingers,” but to explain what has been going on in your world for millennia, what is happening now and why, and what is yet to come. The truths about those individuals and their activities will be emerging, and it is vitally important that you regard them from a spiritual perspective.

For long ages darkness dominated Earth’s civilizations, and when the planet’s very survival depended upon ending the cycle of third density karma that the darkness perpetuated, certain individuals agreed to create situations and conditions that would give billions of souls the opportunity to experience what they needed to complete their third density karma and evolve into fourth density. It was a massive collective agreement designed to immeasurably benefit many, many souls.

After those individuals fulfilled their commitments to be the “heavies”—and they did that extremely well—the agreement was that they would join the light forces and this part of the galaxy would be rid of all darkly inclined beings. Instead, they became so attached to the characteristics and behavior their roles required—greed, lust for power, brutality, ruthlessness, deception—that they refused the intense light being beamed to them and they reneged on their agreement. 

Regardless of the darkness that became pervasive in those individuals, they are inseparable parts of the Oneness of All, eternal parts of God and unconditionally loved by Him. God will not judge them—God judges NO soul!—but your world will when they are identified and held accountable for what they have done. Most will deny all accusations; others will admit the truth if it serves their own interests, such as immunity or reduced sentences for helping to convict others; and some will escape your legal and justice decisions by dying prior to the conclusion of their trials and appeals.
However, none will escape the consequences of their thoughts, intentions and actions in the “higher court” of lifeprint review in Nirvana, where they will experience every moment of the Earth lifetime. That process includes their feeling the identical feelings of every person whose life they touched in any way whatsoever, and in many cases, that number is in the millions. Your ideas of hell cannot begin to encompass the reality of what those individuals will experience during the lifeprint reviews or the primitive conditions of their next physical lifetimes. 

Rather than the harsh punishment that third density mentality will demand for those individuals who became bereft of light except the spark that is the life force of every soul, compassion and forgiveness will best serve you and all others in the eternal Oneness of All. This does not mean condoning or excusing any of the actions that continued after those individuals reneged on their soul-level agreements. 

It means that because all souls in this universe are inextricably related as independently experiencing parts of God, collectively you are family. Rather than punishing the weak ones in the family, send them light. When all members are supportive of one another, the family is stronger and grows in the love, wisdom and spirituality that is the goal of every soul. 

Now we shall return to addressing some issues being questioned. To parents who are concerned about how to explain to their children why people will die during Earth’s ascension, we say: The same way you explain death to them now. People will continue to die daily from all the causes they do now—it will not be a simultaneous exodus of billions as some theories purport. 

As for the care of children whose parents die, that will be no different from now, when other family members or closest friends step in. Children will accept forthcoming changes more easily than adults, whose beliefs and customs that have been molded by authorities and superficial societal standards will require a great deal of adjustment. 
Although we hope that none of you is apprehensive about the recent predictions of cataclysms, we shall tell you that there will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide with Earth; radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant will not cause population extinction; no plague will annihilate most of the world’s peoples; living underground will not be necessary; the fight for freedom in Arab countries will not ignite WWIII. Your desires that none of those will occur are added to Earth’s intention that they will not, and the energy produced in the collective consciousness assures that none of those devastating events can be manifested. 

The godliness of generously sharing with those in need does not extend to forcing your beliefs upon those whose own beliefs are different. Third density peoples embrace spiritual and universal enlightenment at the right time for each of them, and your ultimate responsibility is your own evolution in those respects. 

Many are asking how they can best counter damage being done by a number of disparate sources or can help those who are enduring severe hardships. Rather than inserting all the questions, we shall mention only the specific areas mentioned: financial institutions, military actions, radiation, local and national governing bodies, homelessness, pollution, unjust laws, unfair taxation, poor health care, gasoline prices, deforestation, renewable energy sources, food production and education. 

We rejoice at the outpouring of caring about others and the eagerness to participate in transforming your world! Follow your heart, do what you feel inspired to do. On a practical basis that could be sharing with needy individuals and local charitable groups whatever resources you have—time, talents and skills, knowledge, money, tools and equipment, transportation, shelter—or supporting national and international organizations engaged in environmental preservation or legal, political and economic reforms. 

On a higher plane, visualize the world you want for yourselves, your children and their children: a world of love, peace, mutual respect and life in harmony with all of Nature. Never underestimate your power to turn visions and thoughts into actuality! 

Our overall guidance in every area where betterment is needed is, Know your godself and live your light! Knowing that love-light, the most powerful energy in the cosmos, is the “ingredient” of souls and the basis on which soul contracts are made is part of spiritual clarity, and expanding that clarity is the purpose of all physical lifetimes of every soul. The speed at which awareness is available and the scope of enlightenment being offered to your civilization at this time is unique in this universe. 

All light beings are beaming love to you, and some are walking beside you, unseen but ever present. 
Suzanne Ward

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