Never for an instant are you alone.Countless souls in spirit are traveling by your side and countlessothers inphysical worlds are helping you in other ways along your journey. Ourbelovedbrothers and sisters, what a joyous, exciting time this is for all of us!
This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. Let us speak about something that
affects the United States but is of great concern to peoples throughout
world, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We know of the various
as to what caused this grave environmental situation: the work of
saboteurs; another Illuminati “black ops” tactic to further delay
recognition of space beings’ presence; some dark civilization is the
and some are wondering if God had a hand in it, like a strong wake-up
while others have defined it as a wrathful God punishing sinners.
Simply, the ultimate cause was a mechanical malfunction, but most assuredly this was no “accident.” During the
past decades of increasing numbers of seismic events, extracting oil
from a mile
beneath the waters was deliberately courting disaster—it was not a
matter of
“if,” but when strong planetary
movement would disrupt mechanical operations at that depth.
The root of this environmental destructiveness is the intention of a few minds steeped in greed to keep your
world dependent upon petroleum, and to that end, they have suppressed
developments in free energy that would have eliminated their source of
fortunes. The relentless pursuit of monetary wealth has withered their
conscience, thus there is no consideration given to the potential
effects of
desecrating the environment; and they don’t understand that Earth is a
evolved soul, a sentient being whose blood is the fluids within her
We cannot say exactly when attempts to end the spewing of the oil will be successful, but this manmade disaster
requires a manmade solution. We know of your visualizing marine life
safe in
pristine waters and your prayers that the oil will not reach coastlines.
By all
means continue—never underestimate
your power to change any situation!
Some of you are pleading for our space family to come down and save the day, while others are disappointed, even
distressed, that they aren’t already there. They have not landed en
masse only
because it is not yet safe for you if they do so, but they are indeed
They are keeping the currents gentle and the oil away from the shore to
extent possible without creating unwanted side effects, and they have a
eye on the ones who might be persuaded to produce storms or seismic
in the Gulf. They are doing what they can to lessen the toxic effects of
surface oil and the pools floating beneath; however, only after their
technologies are in use on the planet can total eradication of the oil
the Gulf waters be achieved.
If every cloud has a silver lining, as your expression goes, then you could say that this cloud is surrounded by a
brilliance that is billowing ever outward through your skies. The oil
spill has
given rise to demands for changes to insure that never again will such a
disaster imperil your natural world. “Big Oil” will not be able to stem
growing tide of people curtailing gasoline consumption and looking for
substitutes for petroleum-based products.
This is adding impetus to efforts to create a “green world” through renewable energy sources; clean manufacturing;
ending pollution from all sources; expanding recycling and stopping
wastefulness; preserving rain forests, which are essential not only for
habitats, but your very breath. You see these recent or extended
developments as
promising, and rightly so. We wish you also could see how lighted beings
throughout the universe are cheering on the “grassroots movement” as it
in many directions.
Along with growing emphasis in those crucial areas is the ever louder outcry to end corporate control of governments;
negotiate resolutions instead of wage war; eliminate massive
impoverishment; end
the reign of chemicals; and dig deeper into the pockets of corruption
deception, where only the tips of those icebergs are apparent.
Originally the Golden Age master plan created by the highest council called for a gradual emergence of the many truths
during the process of world transformation and spiritual renewal.
However, the
tenacity of the dark ones has created a time crunch of sorts, as many
revelations still must come forth so that once again the peoples will
know they
are powerful gods and goddesses, inseparable parts of the universal
family of
Even with considerable time to assimilate that ultimate truth, it would be difficult for many, and perhaps
impossible for some, to believe it. Yet, that reality and many others of
shocking nature have to be disclosed within a brief period so that
changes of a magnitude you can hardly imagine can be accomplished, and
all of
those changes are gathering momentum. The 2012 timetable for Earth to
exit third
density’s darkness is much less than the two and a half years your
indicate. Time as you perceive it will continue to pass faster and
faster the
closer you approach the continuum wherein linear time’s past, present
and future
are happening simultaneously in different energy planes.
Our beloved Earth is right on target on her ascension pathway, that we can assure you, but we don’t know who will
choose to see the light of universal truths and who will not. The light
spiritual clarity and changes cellular structure from carbon-based to
crystalline form that enables bodies to survive in the vibratory levels
of the
Golden Age. Those who choose the light will physically accompany Earth
and those
who do not will go to other worlds where they will have as many
opportunities as
they need “to see the light.”
I think it is pertinent at this point to address a reader’s comment—many minds are pondering much the same: I don’t understand how you can be so sure about something happening in the future, like the Golden Age, but you
predict what will happen in situations existing right now.
We do not predict anything. When messengers of the light tell you something with total assurance, such as the
advent of the Golden Age, it is because that already exists
in the “timeless”
continuum. At soul level you do know this, but you do not consciously
your excitement about being selected to participate in this
swift passage of a world out of deep third density into fourth and
apace to fifth, and you can’t perceive as “completed” anything that in
linear time is still underway. And even “underway” in this regard is
only to the relatively few of the world’s population who understand that
all the
upheavals in your world are the old ways disintegrating
during Earth’s rapid
transition to a glorious new era.
When we speak of an ongoing situation and cannot give you a timeframe for the outcome, or perhaps cannot even tell you
what the outcome will be, it is because those are not conclusive in
energy field of potential, where varying energy intensities and
directions are
in perpetual motion. Energy, the essence of everything in existence
the cosmos—the indivisible consciousness of I AM Creator Creation—is
What gives energy streamers
direction and enables them to manifest in substance are the positive and
negative charges, or the “light” and “dark” attachments, and those are
continuously being formed by individual and collective thoughts,
feelings and
actions. That is why we repeatedly have urged you to focus on what you
WANT for
your life and for your world, not
what you don’t want!
Returning to our explanation, let us say that “light” energy streamers around a specific situation are gathering
momentum. The “dark” streamers affecting that same situation will
diminish or
increase in accordance with the intensity of consciousness put into
them. That
is what lets possibilities evolve into probabilities and, in turn, into
realities when the momentum becomes unstoppable. It was that unstoppable
momentum that enabled us to tell you before the primary elections in the
States that Barack Obama would become that country’s president. The same
kind of
momentum was reached several months prior to the invasion of Iraq; that
is why I
could I state at that time that despite peace rallies and other efforts
preclude that happening, the war could not be prevented [Part
VI, “War” in Illuminations for a New Era].
However, even when it appears that the energy surge in a specific direction has minimal opposing force along its
way to “unstoppable momentum,” it is folly to conclude that its
direction cannot
be changed by an abrupt infusion of conflicting consciousness. I fell
into that
folly. Activity in the field of potential strongly indicated that
Bush, whose Illuminati faction had bought the presidency, would be
because his rhetoric so often made him look foolish in the eyes of other
leaders, and that didn’t serve the best interests of either his faction
or the
one that opposed him. With the energy of both factions strongly aligned
in this
respect and nothing in opposition, I stated in a message that George W.
term in office would be one of the shortest on record.
Everyone knows that he completed two full terms, but very few know what went on behind the scenes. The Bush clone was
removed from office according to the agreed-upon plan, but the
faction hadn’t expected the sudden betrayal by the Bush faction, which
put in a
“new, improved” clone simultaneously with removing some of the
individuals who
were acting on behalf of Vice President Cheney. Nevertheless, the
outcome was
that a succession of Bush clones held the office that Cheney clones
I think a bit of background here will be helpful. At one time the Illuminati was a tightly knit group with the same
aim—world domination. That aim has never changed, but as one generation
succeeded another and their numbers grew with marriages and other
egos, greed and lust for power began to unravel the original unity.
the infighting resulted in a split into two competing factions, one in
and the other in the United States. The same infighting that caused that
spilled into each faction, and they splintered into smaller factions. In
United States, Bush is in one, Cheney in another.
A natural product of the fierce competition among the various factions were life-threatening situations for the
most influential principals in each splinter group, and that gave rise
cloning those individuals so that if an assassination attempt succeeded,
a clone
would take the place of the person. This also served the Illuminati’s
purpose of
maintaining the public appearance of continuity of their people in high
[If you are interested in the cloning
process, that and other information about clones are in “Human Cloning,”
Revelations for a New Era.]
Now then, readers who are dismayed that the greatly respected Stephen Hawkings expressed distrust of alien civilizations want to know if he has been taken over by the dark side;
will his
opinion be taken seriously by the planners of the TV announcement about
civilizations; will this delay the arrival of ETs or dissuade them from
does this bode ill for them if they make their presence known. I don’t
know why
Stephen said what he did, but there is no darkness within the heart of
this dear
soul, and it is only surmising that it may have been similar to what
Carl Sagan to claim that there is no firm evidence of intelligent life
elsewhere: threats to his family. But nothing will delay, much less
deter, our
universal family members from joining you as soon as they have absolute
assurance of your safety!
A reader who has heard a great deal about Pleiadians would like to know more about them. This may not add to her
knowledge, but it may be enlightening to others that many of you have
who came from the Pleiades in antiquity to participate in the planetary
population seeding program, and some of you came to Earth directly from
group of star nations specifically to play a role in this unique time in
universe. So there is significant Pleiadian influence among the
populace, but it
is not exclusive by any means. Other civilizations that had a large hand
those early stages include Arcturus, Sirius and Lyra, and their progeny
incarnated on the planet time and time again, including these recent
years for
the same purpose as the Pleiadians.
I have been asked if the universe’s astrological aspects are as significant as some people believe. Without knowing
how much importance each individual ascribes to planetary movement, I
can only
say that their changing positions do indeed affect your lives. You
choose your
birth time in accordance with celestial activity because its influences,
which you are energetically aligned, enhance other choices in your soul
contract. The juxtaposition of some planets is favorable for evoking
feelings, high energy and meaningful productivity, while other
present considerably more challenges in those respects. Knowledge of the
astrological influences can be helpful in decision-making, but
dependence upon
daily “readings,” even from a chart with meticulous accuracy, would be
suppressing the spiritual growth that comes from recognizing and heeding
guidance, your soul’s messages that come as intuition.
A United Methodist Church pastor asked if I can “shed any light on the future of the Christian Church in the U.S. in light of the many changes
that are
taking place.” I could say that this dear soul replied to himself in
part by
twice using “light” in his request. My response is not restricted to his
country or Christian churches, however, because it is immensely
heartening for
us to observe that church leaders and congregations of different
and faiths around the world are responding to the intensity of light on
Because the religious teachings of old cannot provide satisfying answers to today’s questions, church people are
starting to listen to their inner voice. In resisting the long-held view
homosexuals have no place in church leadership, women and men of that
orientation are being welcomed into those positions. Increasingly “You
are your
brother’s keeper” is going well beyond church doors, establishing new or
enlarging community outreach services. Individuals are holding onto the
aspects and discarding the dogmatic rules of their respective faiths as
and minds are transitioning from religion to spirituality.
The historic side of religion is not that positive. The radical beliefs of some individuals are the distortions
passed down through generations of hatred and oppression; but the basis
religion did not derive from noble purposes. The intent of the
originators, who
then ruled church and state, was to control the masses through rigorous
religious rules. They decided what should constitute sinning and claimed
whoever sinned would feel the wrath of a vengeful God. When Christianity
the people in power altered the records that became the Bible so it
would suit
their purposes, portrayed Jesus as the “only son of God,” and put layers
“authorities” between the people and God. They also were greedy and
great wealth by instituting tithing and other means of extracting money
from the
The influence of religion through the ages has been so powerful that it led to the Crusades, persecution, execution,
torture, imprisonment, assassinations. The divisiveness, caste systems
ostracism that religions have caused still exists, and so do fear of
“God’s laws” and guilt and remorse when one strays from strict
adherence. In the Mormon Church, families of the
deceased can pay to have their beloved souls assured one of the limited
in heaven; and, despite glowing accounts from some celebrities, the
Church of
Scientology basically is a mind control organization. Even Satanism is
officially acknowledged as a religion!
Of all that the darkness has devised throughout the ages to capture souls, religions have been the most effective in
keeping believers in bondage. Once back in spirit life, souls realize
that they
had fallen into that spell still another time and once again they choose
break religion’s hold when next they incarnate.
Although some of the foregoing has been mentioned in previous messages, it bears repeating because the religiously
devout will become lightworkers’ greatest challenge. There will be
disbelief and confusion, and likely militant resistance in some
quarters, when
ancient records are brought forth as evidence of what we have been
telling you.
The souls whose religion is the foundation of their lives will need
patience and kindness—simply by living
your light you can assist those whose minds are ajar. We
shall rejoice with you when they
embrace the truth of their power and unlimited potential as parts of
God, but if
they choose to deny that, it would not be a failing on your part. Or
theirs. No
experience, however different from soul contracts, ever is wasted, and
each soul
in its own timing will return to the pure love essence of its
You are supremely prepared to deal with everything on the near horizon! During your multiple lifetimes you have amassed wisdom, strengths and
that may surprise you when they pop up, and they will when the occasion
is ripe,
you could say. That is why your fervent request to be where you are was
by the highest council when many other souls just as eager as you were
chosen. It is true that some of the chosen are lingering in a state of
unawareness, and that is all right for them and for you. They will have
opportunities to bring light to struggling civilizations, and you are so
eminently qualified to carry the ball, to use your expression, that in
continuum you are enjoying the thrill of success.
Never for an instant are you alone. Countless souls in spirit are traveling by your side and countless others in
physical worlds are helping you in other ways along your journey. Our
brothers and sisters, what a joyous, exciting time this is for all of us!
Suzanne Ward
MATTHEW BY Suzy Ward - All languages