3/2/10 3:33:33 PM
May the Love of your Father be showered upon you in the light it is for All Eternity.
At times we disallow the father from shining the compassion we normally allow for, by judging, andbeing unkind. know the love of the Father is by no means held back by thefather, only by our misguided choices of actions do we disallow this to flow tous, and into our realities
There comes a point in all of our lives when we must decide to be our own saviour and transform into the Christ we normally seek from theexternal worlds, which are by no means the place to seek truth, for there is notruth in illusion, it is illusory.
When one seeks externally, that which is internal has the integrity within to remain pristine as Divine, then one has not the truth toknow it is not without, it is within. This is exemplified in those around uswho are insecure; these individuals cling to you (as well as others). Fear of truth is of one particularinterest to those of us on most high, as we do not know fear. This happens inall creations of which are young in experience, for without experience oncannot (as well as will not) be without fear. It takes many incarnations for ayoung soul to evolve its being into an ascended realm of light. This Graduationceremony is what is being experienced in the Now on this world.
We of the Central Command wish only the most pure intentions upon all those in this world, which is in the lower universe, one of many. Inthe Higher Universes, all fear has been transcended long before the Disciple inwhich an Ascended Master has taken upon themselves to guide, teach, and loveunconditionally, has attained enough experience to be lifted up out of thelower planes of existence. There is much more to this process, however this isthe initial stage of the transcending Arc, in the Arcana of Life. The Alpha andOmega flows of Metatronic Light, which is the Angelscripts of creation inactualized form of formlessness, the Language of Light. As we speak thereforewe are. Our wordings are key to our truth we hold in integrity, for some notwithin integrity. No matter forconcern, for all flow back to the same source in which we have been created.
Seeker of Truth- This is a be-ing whom makes it their entire purpose to seek only higher wise truth.
When we become stagnant in our seeker ship for keeper ship, we lose our illumination, as our light begins to be siphoned off by baseresonance emotions. WE choose fear, hatred, anger, and of the like. All of oneconsciousness which seeks to resist our truth. When we allow our truth to betaken from us, our light, we allow for ourselves to remain in a “gloomy” space,whether it be of a relationship(romantically) or plutonic in nature is nomatter for concern either, as long as one can bring self to acknowledge we arenot as large as we thought we were when our ego inflated everything to appeaseour fear. All Ascended Masters have fear as it has been acknowledged longbefore the attainment of Master was in play in the realities being experienced.It is how the fear is administered and dealt with that is the discerning factorof a Master and a Disciple. Those who are ready for Ascended Life willacknowledge the fear with in, and if no fear is identified, then the Masterwill Acknowledge that if there lies any fear within, it is to be removed andtransmuted for the higher forces of light to re introduce to the system oflove.
This is all in accordance to our Pillars of fire we are, as well as those of us who are actualizing as a pillar of creation. There is muchcoming to us dear hearts, and I love all my BeLoveds. Namaste with love and joyblessings to us all here for this, Adonai