Maybe not so random daydream...

As I was doing my evening meditation, I had a hard time staying focused. Instead of struggling with it, I decided to go with it and see where it led me. I found myself thinking about what I would do when the GFL came into our skies, and a daydream started.
I found myself within a large crowd in the town I live in and had the irresistable urge to procure a bullhorn and speak. Borrowng a bullhorn from a kind peace officer, I climbed up on the bed of a truck, took a deep breath and started to speak. I spoke of who these craft are and why there were here, of the need to let go of fear and embrace them as family, beloved grandparents, or the cool uncle with the really neat toys, or the wonderful aunt that makes the best cookies... I mentioned that I have been associated with them for some time and know that they are here for our benefit. As I was speaking, I mentioned that in time, all would meet them and that it would be necessary to set aside the familiar ways of being, of thinking through issues, and simply feel. Feel the truth, don't try to find it with your intellect. During this monolog I mentioned that folks, Masters, like Ashtar, Sananda, SaLuSa (I pronounced it s'loosa), Hattor, and others may be available in time for everyone to seek answers to questions. As I finished that sentence, I felt a prescence behind me and heard a gentle voice say, "It's pronounced 'Saloo-sa'..." Well, I was a little taken aback, and turned around to find SaLuSa standing behind me. I appologized for the error, and with a chuckle, he said "That's ok. it happens a lot". I offered the bullhorn to him and asked him if he would like to speak. He accepted and began to address the crowd. I don't remember what he said, but I do remember that it brought tears to the crowd. After he finished, I thanked him and made ready to be on my way. He offered me a chance to come up to the ship and spend some time with him there. I was overjoyed and quickly, perhaps too quickly accepted...Then I had the thought, "Who am I to be given this honor? What did I do to deserve this?". That's when the wonderful daydream sort of ended.
I pondered this for a time, and as I was pondering, my thoughs moved to the nature of my existance and the oneness that we all have been privy too. I wondered how this could be, that duality... Another daydream started, but this one was more in the nature of reading a book, or a lecture. It came to me that a good example of this would be to think of myself as a single neuron in the most immense and complex mind beyond imagining. A single cell amongst countless trillions of other cells, Each with the capacity to experience the collective thought, the construct of reality within that framework of the entire mind, yet still one mind. What each cell was doing at each moment colored the thoughts of that mind. Each cell experienced it's role in those thoughts while being unaware of the experiences of the neighboring cells. Eventually, every thought will have been thunk, every experience will have been played out... Then that immense mind will sift through all those thoughts and choose the best ones to hold dear, toss out the ones that are unimportant and dwell in the full knowledge of having experienced All that Is.
If this was your mind, would you not want to have every neuron be focused on the best things that could be experienced?
A little later, after writing the first part of this story, I returned to bed to continue my nightly journey. Of course, as these things go I was unable to get these thoughts out of my mind. So I continued to explore... I again found myself thinking about the nature of human existance, but this time, as seen from the perspective of the preceeding neuron example and my thoughts turned to seeing a common thread within humanity. That thread lead me to see our role as that of the "quantifier". Humans seem to have an innate need to quantify everything, to measure and record... Everything in our existance has a degree, or assigned value. We have very little in our perceptions that either is, or is not. Very few absolutes. We have degrees of love, hate, fear, time, feelings and a host of other things that make up our collective reality. We live a little, or live to the fullest... we love a little bit or with all our hearts... Some find a bit of fear fun, like scary movies or carnival rides, but a lot is unacceptable... we can ask for a "bit of time" or we can take "forever"... It seems that we have taken on the role of quantifying the perceived universe and perhaps this was our role as neurons in that vast mind, a role that was needed, but is now fulfilled. Now I understand that just like everything, there is some blurred boundaries... Our cosmic brothers and sisters don't seem to demonstrate this quantification in much of what they reveal to us. Their mentioning of love is not different from one to another, it seems to be absolute. Sananda has shown in his words that he does not love Mary more than any of us, just that there is something extra that makes that relationship special. Of course, some quantification would be necessary, in our limited understanding, for things like navigation, organizaton and such. But over all, it seems that the perception of quantity in most things is not a part of their reality. Is this what we are being groomed for; the abandonment of the need to quantify? The recognition of absolutes in all things? It makes sense, in light of what has been revealed of the comng 5D existance. Manifestation with a thought would be very problematic if we weren't well versed in absolutes. Without absolute love, our manifestations would be colored with a small quantity of fear. Without absolute certainty, we would always be questioning ourselves and getting nowhere. Without absolute trust, we would always be suspicious of the motives of our neighbors and ourselves. Without absolute faith we would constantly be wondering when it will end. Except within our own minds, there is no degrees of success or failure. One either succeeds or fails. We quantify success or failure to justify our efforts. We work hard, or hardly work... It is rare and precious that we either do, or do not. We even have words in our language that personify this need to quantify. Try, attempt, kind-of, maybe... You see what I mean?
So what's next? I really don't know. I don't have the answers to how we are to move away from the need to assign value to everything, and simply recognize "is or is not"... I'm sure, though, being that this seems a necessary thing, there is a plan.
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