This is a medical astrology lesson concerning the importance of monitoring the Nodal Plane for possible events affecting one's health in some way. The Nodal Plane is used a lot in karmic astrology for past and present life analysis. Mundane and medical astrology treat the Nodal Plane differently; the Nodal Plane is a "connecting apparatus" with the environment, and anytime a transiting planet (or any natal point) touches either Nodal Plane (transiting or natal) there is a "connection" made with the energies that represent that planet or point (which include health aspects). Please use the Medical Astrology Chart above for cross referencing of the ailment with the planet. All demographics (name, date, place, and time) are blacked out. All times for the events used are 12:00 pm unless known time is used (and it will not be revealed if the time used for the event is 12:00 pm or the actual time of the event). There will be no use of the Ascendant or Midheaven, and the house system will be Zero-Degrees Aries equal house system for all horoscopes (and this means there are no traditional houses, only zodiac signs). This also makes the position or use of the Moon as a questionable one. The following horoscope concerns a patient who reportedly watched CNN almost all the time at both home and in the hospital; the patient reportedly had visual hallucinations while watching CNN before their hospital admission and after their hospital admission. This cross references to the planet Uranus on the Medical Astrology Chart for "hallucinations." It is questionable to say this incident may implicate physiological harm was caused from the broadcasts of CNN (but also note that this is the old CNN before new managment took over in 2024. Some viewers have described that these CNN broadcasts appeared to be "programming aimed at the viewer concerning what the proper narrative was, and only from CNN"). Others complained of excessive bias before this new 2024 management came in. Nevertheless, this health care event overall seems to define that watching too much television may be bad for you. Especially considering of this is that a key portion of CNN sponsors are primarily pharmaceutical ads with 1/2 of the ad explaining the physiological possibilities of the drug and the other 1/2 of the ad explaining the bad side effects of the drug that may land you in the emergency room. Note transiting Uranus over the South Node component of the Nodal Plane:
The next chart (below) concerns a patient who lived in a tent and ate nothing but processed foods (and a six-pack of cheap beer) every freaking day for many years. The patient was diagnosed with esophageal cancer; the planet Uranus gets cross referenced again but this time under the meaning of Uranus with "x rays" (and this is because on that date x ray technology was used as a diagnostic tool (along with others) for determining the diagnosis). Transiting North Node (of the Nodal Plane) falls on a Moon Conjunction Venus transit, with a transitng Uranus forming a T-Square to the Nodal Plane (containing the Moon Conjunction Venus placement). Please note that Venus rules the throat and the Moon rules the stomach; the combination of this Conjunction with the Uranus T-Square Nodal Plane formation may define "a big shock concerning the throat and the stomach."
This chart below is the same patient used in the event chart above, but this time it concerns a later date when this same patient jumped out of bed and physically attacked (and yelled at) a surveillance monitoring system. This monitoring system has a camera and verbally requests the patient to stop certain activities due to safety concerns. The patient unplugged the system and pushed it into the hallway, and yelling at it as the system was pushed out of the room. Note the midpoint of the transiting North Node and transiting Moon ("connections with the community") is within 15 minutes of equality with the natal Chiron placement (which rules "surveillance technology"). Also note that this same transiting midpoint and natal Chiron are within 1/2 a degree of Opposition with the transiting Sun. Finally, the Yod formation ("Finger of God") of transiting Saturn and Chiron applying to natal Mercury may help in explaining for the very loud verbal outburst of this patient over a monitoring system in his room communicating with the patient to stop certain activities due to safety concerns.
The last chart below concerns a patient with a severe lung infection. Transiting Mercury rules the lungs and transiting Mars rules the nose; and both were on the transiting Nodal Plane (and forming a T-Square with the natal Neptune placement). The patient reported severe head and nasal congestion along with fever and difficulty with breathing. The white sputum coughed up indicated massive use of the immune system; the sputum consisted mainly of White Blood Cells (ruled by Neptune). This indicated that the immune system was fighting the lung infection. Finally, per Uranian Astrology methods, please note that the midpoint Mars/Neptune is strongly associated with "infection," and this midpoint was within 10 minutes of equality with Mercury ("lungs and breathing").
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,