Medical Astrology & The Death Of Elvis Presley

Medical Astrology & The Death Of Elvis Presley

According to Express, Elvis Presley died on the toilet on August 16, 1977, at the age of 42.  The coroner investigating the cause of death of Elvis Presley discovered over 35 pounds of white chalky fecal matter in Elvis' colon at the time of death (and this "last bowel movement of Elvis" was bought by singer/piano-player Billy Joel for $1.7 million click ). It was reported that Elvis' personal physician wanted Elvis to get a colostomy bag, but Elvis refused to do this. The medical astrology chart below will be used for analysis of health concerns.


Below is the horoscope of Elvis Presley:


Pluto is at home in the 8th House. Old-school astrology teaches the 8th House as "the house of death," and this house may indicate cause of death. Note that George Harrison had Saturn in Gemini in the 8th House; Gemini rules the lungs (according to the chart above) and Saturn traditionally defines "restrictions and inhibitions" (and George Harrison died of lung cancer). But this house can also represent areas of the individual or entity that are "none of anyone's business" (i.e. sexual activity, long term investments, banking, tax liability, involvement with the occult, wills, trusts, espionage work, secret investigations, and activities with the elite). Pluto is the natural ruler of the 8th House, and this may explain why the life of Elvis contained much intensity involving these 8th House descriptions. Note that JFK and Jimi Hendrix also had Pluto in the 8th House, and (unlike Elvis) JFK and Hendrix had very huge sexual appetites. Also note that all three men had huge bank accounts when they died. But Elvis was an accommodating man when it came to involvement with "activities of the elite;" JFK and Hendrix reportedly angered many of the U.S. elite class due to politics and Vietnam (unlike Elvis, who supported the Vietnam War). Pluto and Scorpio rule the 8th House, and the rectum and colon are also ruled by Pluto and Scorpio. And while the colon was not involved with the cause of death of JFK or Hendrix, it played a huge role in the cause of death of Elvis Presley. Drawn in red below, Elvis Presley has a stressful triangle involving a Pluto Sesquiquadrate Ascendant placement and a Uranus Sesquiquadrate Ascendant placement. Sesquiquadrates (along with Semi-Squares) may indicate health issues, as explained in my book "Basic Principles of Horoscope Interpretation." Neptune rules drugs (including narcotics) and transiting Neptune crossed the Ascendant of Elvis on October 29,1976. During the last recording session of Elvis (which was Oct. 31, 1976), Elvis' longtime lead guitarist and bandleader James Burton was asked if he or any of Presley's band ever verbally expressed that Presley was too intoxicated to perform: It really wasn't our call to do that, y'know? The 'Memphis Mafia' guys went through with that, and it was really. . . It would really be more their decision than ours. Y'know what I'm saying? If they did, they didn't do it in front of us. The Ascendant can represent "the environment of the individual or entity," and it is fair to say there was probably a lot of drugs in the environment of Elvis Presley during his last recording session. Ten months later (after this session) would reveal reported worsening health conditions of Elvis, especially involving his ability to eliminate fecal matter from the rectum. Below is the horoscope of Elvis (inner chart) with the transits (outer wheel) taking place at the time of the final two words of Elvis before his death (which was the response "I won't" to a concerned fiance [Ginger] warning him not to fall asleep on the toilet). Elvis was taking lots of pain meds and narcotics at this time, and Neptune rules drugs. Note the transit of Neptune Square Neptune (which was exact on June 17,1977) is within 2 degrees of being exact at the time of death, and the midpoint of Neptune/Ascendant is 13 degrees Sagitarrius 24 minutes. Transiting Neptune was exactly equal to the Neptune/Ascendant midpoint (which may represent "drugs, deception, or disappointments in the environment"). Neptune rules "deception" and "disappointments" in addition to "drugs," and certain side effects of drugs (i.e. constipation) may bring disappointments.


Please note that slow moving transits that transit over the natal personal points of the horoscope (which include the Sun, Moon, Nodal Plane, Ascendant, and Midheaven) are notorious for causing major events in one's life. Also note that the Ascendant area of the Elvis horoscope could be a potential "hot spot" for colon issues (Pluto) with the weak Pluto Sesquiquadrate Ascendant placement and a strong Uranus Sesquiquadrate Ascendant placement.  This is especially true if potential Sesquiquadrate health issues are brought on by your "revolutionary associates" (Uranus) supplying you with drugs (Neptune) that aggravate your colon (Pluto). Transiting Neptune was 1 degree 2 minutes away from the Ascendant at the time of death of Elvis. Transiting Neptune was also applying a hard Sesquiquadrate to natal Uranus in the 5th House within 1 degree at this time as well. Uranus in the 5th House may have at one time represented the fellow musicians (or "revolutionary associates") involved in 5th House entertainment matters in earlier years. But the meaning of this Uranus placement may have transformed to represent the Memphis Mafia associates that watched his back (and may have also supplied Elvis with huge amounts of narcotics in addition to his prescribed medications for pain). Elvis loved fried foods, and these types of foods combine poorly with narcotics. Narcotics slow down the movement of fecal matter through the intestines, and this can lead to constipation and impaction in the colon. Fried foods take longer to digest, and combined with narcotics may lead to serious constipation or impaction. And it may have been this impacted matter (combined with narcotics that made impaction matter more hard and dense) that caused a defecating Elvis Presley to strain too hard and result in a heart attack. It is known that defecation can sometimes trigger a vasovagal response that can stop the heart, especially if one has heart issues (and Elvis took LOTS of amphetamines in earlier years. Amphetamines are very bad for the heart). Defecation puts pressure on the vagus nerve, which can sometimes slow your heart rate. And if your heart is not in good shape, the act of defecation can stop the heart from beating (especially if you are straining too hard).

Thus, colon issues (ruled by natal Pluto in the 8th House) were a key factor in the death of Elvis Presley.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,



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