Last night I did more work on my body. I don't recall if I've mentioned it yet, but I have a technique I'm starting to use in yoga and stretching that I think some instructors would kill for. (Figuratively, of course.) I can direct my consciousness through my muscles and dislodge blockages and remove great tension at a rate that would probably take several yoga sessions for the average person to achieve. I did it so well last night that I thought I was dying. I laid myself down in bed, barely able to feel my legs they were so light... I called out to my twin flame, told him I was scared, and it felt like I was on dex (A dissociative) he said I was probably just getting used to my body feeling this relaxed. It's true, I've had bad anxiety most my life, and I'm a pretty tense person. The funny thing is I'm intellectually, mentally, and emotionally chill most of the time. Just... Physically it's like I'm afraid someone's going to attack me at any moment. I've wondered if it could be because I have Lumanian genetics. (People who were genetically modified to short-circuit the urge of aggression, which left them very physically weak and vulnerable.) I was born with the instinct not to harm anything around me and a kind of aggression blockage (but with spurts of extreme, almost irrational aggression at times or when provoked.)
Now, to put your troubled minds at ease, the communication issue with my love has been dissipating, along with some very large emotional issues and fears that were tied to the issue. I just had to chill. Anyway, time to finish eating and drugging myself with the sweet perfume of the earth, then I shall retire to the land of non-physical dreams. Trying to work our sleep routine out to fit a combination of advice from our favorite educational source and the concept of sleeping during daylight hours for more peaceful and deeply rejuvenating rest.
I will report on how that works out for us.
I shall leave you with this:
Check out their upcoming album.
The revolution is sweeping the nation.