supremeatommelchizedek1.jpg?w=455&h=403&width=455Greetings everyone, what I wish to share with all of you today is of great importance and tremendous benefit for ALL of you who are ready to activate the SUPREME ATOM of your being and your 8th and 9thchakras.

A few days ago, as I was about to retire for the night, I saw a beautiful figure appear before me that of an old wise man with a long white beard. The energy surrounding him was spectacular, very calming, peaceful and yet incredibly inspiring. He swirled around me and disappeared from view. Then the next day I was sitting at my computer when all of a sudden I heard a “knock” of sorts and a message that you will see below started to flow through me. I was later shown a vision and given directions on the dimensions of the image that you now see here before you. I had this image commissioned for me by a very talented graphic artist named Kashif.

The being who has given this information to me, later introduced himself as Ascended Master Melchizedek!

And so, here is the channeling, the image and instructions on HOW to activate your SUPREME ATOM, what will happen when you do so, what to expect and how to handle this experience.

“The ascended masters of your concurrent reality desire to speak to humanity through your channel, and we ask for permission to be granted to proceed” After I gave my go ahead here is what followed…

Dearly beloved children of light, the time has come for us to disclose the informational decree set upon you through ethers of the past into the ethers of the NOW moment in time.

The informational decree regarding the atomic structure of your DNA and specifically the atom which resides in the solar plexus of your being. The atom of which we have spoken is indeed the atom that resides in the solar plexus of your being, accessible to you via the satellite of your heart’s codices, through the visual cortex of your brain structure.

For through the visual cortex you shall be able to activate the atom of which we speak which resides in the solar plexus of your being. Through the visual cortex of your vehicles a link shall be made to your heart and through said link the informational decree shall be delivered into your solar plexus.

Be mindful that upon the activation of said atom your solar plexus shall become quite sensitive indeed, be mindful for the solar plexus shall activate and send a signal to your heart and pineal gland for processing.

Following the processing of said unique energies you shall be able to connect to the divinity within yourself, through the activation of your solar plexus and the Supreme Atom that rests within you vehicle energy field.

Through your womb, your naval, your umbilicus, through the womb of your mother, through the connectedness to your mother, you have been connected to the universal womb of which you have come. The universal womb of cosmic proportions. Through your connectedness to your mother’s womb and the mother before her, all the way to the first mother to have walked the earthly planes of existence, the memories of eons past shall indeed be activated within your vehicle, said memories shall indeed be rebalanced, reconstructed and cleansed, allowing you to fully shed that which you are not, and align with that which indeed you are! For the vehicle in which you dwell carries the memories of eons past, memories which hinder the progress of your souls passage into the ethers of your chosen momentum. And hence, upon the cleansing of said atomic chain, upon the activation of your Supreme Atom, you shall then be able to fully align yourself with the divinity of that which indeed you are!

Be mindful that only those who have passed the ring past not, only those who have indeed cleansed their palate and have aligned all chakras of their being to ONESS, UNITY and COSMIC consciousness shall be able to utlize the following decree, and bring forth the hidden knowledge, understanding and pureness of Being onto the earthly planes of existence. Be mindful that upon such activation much shall become rapidly known to you. Understand that your consciousness shall expand to allow you to comprehend that which you shall be able to freely tune into. Know that the informational decree that you shall begin to receive may send you into an emotional turmoil for that which has been hidden shall become crystal clear to you now. Understand that you are to take precautions, know that your lives shall change. Proceed thus only if you are truly ready for transition to HIGHER OCTAVES OF BEING.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


The HOW –  Meditate upon the picture provided trice daily, upon awakening, mid day and prior to sleep. Hold the etheric quartz upon your vehicle of choice. Etheric quartz which shall be cleansed by you daily as you retire for the night. Continue said activations for the duration of 8 days and 8 nights. Take rest on day 9 and repeat said mediation for the duration of 24 days. Upon completion of said cycle, you are to inquire with the ascended masters of your chosen decree, the steps that you are to take to further accelerate your rise in the octave harmonics. Know that the crystalline structure of your vehicle shall come to the forefront of your being. Understand that ye to take frequent rests throughout the day as you proceed with the activation of your Supreme Atom. Liquefy your vehicle for the water which you shall drink, shall bind the debris which shall need to be washed out of your vehicles.

weavercrystalandcopper (1)I had no idea what Etheric Quartz is, at first when I heard this channeled information I thought it was an actual quartz that had that name, but then when I googled it, it turns out that there is actually a company out there who make Etheric Quartz Crystals! I was in awe of the clarity of the information that I have received! So I was led to this site here:

When asked to confirm I was told that this is it.

sephirot2.jpg?w=700However, I also asked if any other tools that I presently have will work, and turns out that Natalya’s recent creation which is called the “Sephirot (SERAPHIM) Disc”, that she sent to me roughly 3 weeks ago will work just as well. Her tool is infused with Seraph’s energies, as she was visited by a Seraph to create this disc. When I tuned into this disc for the first time I held it in my hand I cried and cried with immense relief, I then felt as if I was taken to see my home yet again. It was such an amazing experience, where everything just fell away for a moment and I was able to experience being myself again, the real true me with all of my benevolent healing powers and light emanating every which way. It only lasted for a few minutes as I had to get back to earth :) But whenever I would use this tool in my healing and mediations I felt all of my chakras activate.

So, when I asked I was told that this tool is made out of quartz, copper and the image of a Seraph and Sephirot. The image that you see on this tool as you can see here is of a Seraph. The gemstones that are placed on the tool are the ones that balance all 7 of your chakras, combining to create a kaleidoscope of lights, activating a rainbow frequency within your being allowing you to connect to activate the 10 emanations of the Three of Life. Sephirot meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof(The Infinite) reveals himself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms (Seder hishtalshelus). The term is alternatively transliterated into English as Sefirot/Sefiroth, singular Sephirah/Sefirah etc. These attributes are

Chokhmah- “Wisdom”

Binah- “Understanding”
Daat- “Knowledge”

Conscious emotions(Primary emotions:)

Chesed- “Kindness”
Gevurah- “Severity”
Tiferet- “Beauty”
(Secondary emotions:)
Netzach – “Eternity”
Hod- “Glory”
Yesod- “Foundation”
(Vessel to bring action:)
10 Malkuth – “Kingship”

To learn more about this tool please see Natalya’s site here:

So as you can see you have choices, of course you should look deep within and see what resonates with you, perhaps you will discover that you can use yet another tool to fasciliate this activation technique.

I hope that this will be useful for you and hope to see all of your abilities activated within you in divine right timing. . I love you all very much! As always Thank you for being here on earth, and being a part of this divine unfolding we call “mission to earth”.


P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL

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