Seeing with the Heart, Channeler: Julie Miller

How many Children of God are trying to cultivate themselves to having more spiritual clarity?

This path requires dedication and consistent training and understanding that there is always a better way to communicate and to connect with others and with the divine.

Each of you is alive; each of you has purpose, you have feelings, needs, and wants.

So many are searching for ways to connect to what is most precious to your hearts and that is to the Creator of your Being - to God and to be able to see His divinity in all people, regardless if they are friend or stranger, rich or poor, intelligent or unintelligent…

His divinity is living and breathing in each dear soul upon this fine earthly home.

When you are able to see His Light in all people, you are able to make deeper connections with others that are based on equivalence, and characterized by your compassionate heart that is able to receive as well as be the giver.

It is possible even now dear ones, if you have not trained yourself to see with spiritual clarity to foster this divine ability through self-compassion, honesty and empathy.

This does embody your primary self-sufficiency: you begin choosing to either nurture a connection with your present NOW moment by centring your consciousness on what you are observing, on your feelings and emotions, on what your needs and wants are, or you are deciding to respond or reply to someone or something that is done out of habit, a way that you have been conditioned to respond which will squander your energy and provide disconnections to different areas in your life that are characterized by what you are thinking about; possibly what is right or wrong, good or bad, who deserves what, where blame is to go, etc.

Many times your responses come forth with automated precision - they are robot-like and habitual. It is more than possible to undo your conditioning that causes you to react and respond in the ways you do through your emotional upsets.

By choosing to focus on life and on the dynamic flow of your feelings, needs and wants you become increasingly aware of the ebb and flow of life as certain needs come into the picture alongside with certain feelings and emotions.

Life offers you so many opportunities to learn and to grow from. Your feelings and emotions are great indicators of what is going on inside of you.

They are not meant to control you. You are encouraged to observe them, learn from them, but not to be trapped by them.

When you have learned the reason why they are there, then let them go, say good-bye to them until the next time you meet.

Your cycle with your emotions and feelings will always subside and emerge as you make your way through your path of life, meeting all kinds of incredible challenges that have the potential of being life-changing.

Learning how to rise above your emotions that are heavy and cumbersome will give you a sense of liberation and allow room to attract more positive interactions and changes into your life.

Along the way you have picked up a few tricks that help you tend to any hurts and discord you come across along your journey.

You become more self-aware of inner hurts and allow yourself to mourn the old ways that you have allowed yourself to let-go.

You have learned to enable yourself to grow from the old ways and adapt to newer light-loving giving ways.

You have learned from your disappointments and understand that they were rich with lessons that were pertinent to your journey.

You come to understand that you are your worst critic and to be less judgmental and hard on yourself.

By giving yourself consideration, love and compassion, you are allowing God to also strengthen His connection with you and to give you healing when you need it most.

Your body does give signals through certain sensations, pulses, and even through your emotions and feelings. Inside you dear ones is a divine pathway that leads you to your heart that is profoundly connected to God.

When you take the time to explore your inner-self you begin to understand how important you are and learn what it is you truly value in life, what your needs and wants are and you also come to certain conclusions what you can do without in order to make room for more Light and Love from God to enter.

There is so much you have achieved thus far, so much you have to be grateful for right now.

The joy, pleasure, peace and love that you are able to connect to easily emerges and is shared with others when your own needs have been met.

This measure of self-awareness becomes something of a catalyst for your ability to manifest the appropriate energy that is needed to sustain your total self and to continue giving to your loves ones, to yourself and to serving humanity in the ways that have been made possible for you.

You are connected to all life and to the life that is living and thriving all around you.

Life is dynamic and even within the social structures of your environment there is potential of personal transformation as each person comes to the realization of who they truly are and of their divine potential and purpose.

Think dear ones about a great divinity that you already love and respect, someone like Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Buddha or another great teacher of love and compassion and consider what their purpose was, what you think their image was to others.

Who are these people to you and why, what makes their image, their ways effect you?

Do they provide you with the spiritual clarity and perception to make deeper connections with your inner self, and with God?

God’s word has always been centered on love, love is what He fosters and what He wishes for each dear child to have in their hearts, not the romantic love that is written about in your novels, but unconditional love, a love that is pure and doesn’t need any reward or praise.

When you come to the understanding of God’s word of Love, you come to understand and know that you can always depend on God’s Love and through His love that He willingly bestows upon you; you are able to share this love with others, as it is the way.

Yes God can seem like a strict Father, having you go through so many difficult challenges, but you already know He would not have you go through anything that you could not handle - He knows your strengths, He knows your weaknesses and each challenge you succeed you begin to know them as well as you grow from them.

He is a most merciful God and He loves each of you with the same amount of exuberance and energy.

Because of certain conditioning many dear souls have a preconception about rules, authority, leadership, etc., and they tend to cloud their ability to see clearly, to get to the heart of the matter and this mainly surrounds fear, a fear of the unknown.

The more you learn, the less likely you are to give judgemental comments, the more likely you will think before speaking or acting and the more you will allow God to direct a different and more suitable path for you to take.

Real, true understanding comes into a relationship with clarity when both individuals are willing to set aside their previously held assumptions and judgments, and at the level of the heart, open themselves to God’s energy, love and light that has brought both people together regardless if the relationship is platonic or otherwise.

When you put aside your differences and see each other from the heart, with pure unconditional love, you are able to see so much clearer and many times you will this person in front of you for the very first time and you may have known them your entire life.

We encourage you to try just for one day, to think about what you consider to be true and make a connection with God to ask Him if your preconceived thought is really true or does it require you look a little deeper in order see its falseness.

While you are asking God what is true, think about who God is to you.

Remember all answers concerning your own growth and development are already inside of you, what God will do is make them more observant, maybe help you uncover them; just know with God at your side, your journey will take on a whole new meaning.

Having spiritual clarity wakens your beautiful spiritual heart and wakens your mind so together they are able to make deeper and stronger connections to your well-being that is mutual and interdependent with others.

Learn to lean on God more often, allow Him to make suggestions for you to choose and when you are about to make a choice, ask yourself from your heart, if what you are about to decide is for your highest good, will it cause harm or increase joy, and happiness into your life and into the lives that are closest to you.

He may not be able to choose for you, but with His light and love working from within you, your direction will be greatly illuminated - you will know what is right at that precise moment and you will commit to your decision and embrace all the wonders it has waiting for you.

I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller


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