Meredith Murphy: Disclosure, Cosmic Connections and the 5th Dimensional Plane of Peace


Note: I came across this article today by Meredith written in June 2011 but found it very applicable and helpful for today. It has really enlightening info on connecting with our star families, our I AM Presence or Higher Selve/5th Dimensional Selves, connecting in with the New Earth which presently exists in the 5th dimension, and visiting this and our higher selves every day in meditation. A kind of “checking in” with the new 5th dimensional earth and our 5th dimensional life. This new earth does already exist in the 5th dimension as time does not exist in the higher dimensions. It is simply we and our 3rd dimensional bodies which are “catching up” in vibrational rate and accelerating into a higher frequency so that we can eventually merge into this 5th dimension. -Goldenlight

Disclosure, Cosmic Connections and the 5th Dimensional Plane of Peace

Meredith Murphy
a message from Naeshira channeled by Meredith Murphy

Disclosure and Making Cosmic Connections

I am seeing how liberating energy from beyond the veil creates the opportunity for greater communion, communication with star beings of light.  This reconnection has been long awaited by many present on the Earth plane who are well aware of their connection to the stars, and by their corresponding star families who have been impulsing and initiating this communication across the corridors of time, anticipating the great opening.

The establishment of the 5th dimensional plane of peace is creating a new space in which these communications can be connected and in which that which is transmitted may be perceived–the bridging of the energy from beyond the veil from various star locations committed and actively involved in the Earth’s planetary ascension progress.  Transmission that are not yet able to directly reach most beings on Earth, can be received here, and many many more beings on Earth are spending sleep time and other moments throughout their day embodying the frequency of the 5th dimensional plane of peace, the emerging 5th dimensional new earth plane, which has been established.  And at this location in time/space, communication with their star families is significantly enhanced.

There is an incredible energy of joy on the plane of peace that is created by these great reunions.  Many who long for disclosure, for a public, highly visible disclosure of the star beings who are participating in planetary ascension will be fed by participating in the 5th dimensional energy plane of peace in ways that will sustain them and answer their questions and longings about how to fully embody and represent as an ambassador, as an emissary, the star communities which they spring forth from, in a way which gives their life greater purpose and focus.

Full disclosure of our relationship to our star families is happening.  It is happening in individual connections as those who are present on the Earth plane are ready to receive expanded knowledge of their own, multidimensional lineage, and guidance and instruction to help them remember what they know in other planes of focus and therefore can take action upon and create from this knowing.

There is much in the world today to encourage anyone who questions the participation of star families in the Earth’s process.  From multidimensional crop circles to channeling from other realms, to the individual experiences of remembering the versions of their origins, to the glimpses of movement in the night skies which most instinctively reveal to you the presence of other beings from other realms.

It is possible that you might begin to understand that perception of your star family and star families in general is a function of the ability to receive the fullness of this information.  There is nothing about planetary ascension which will be forced upon anyone.  There is total freedom in the domain of the Earth plane and all beings have the freedom to choose not to believe, not to see, not to recognize, not to acknowledge, not even to notice the presence of energy from beyond the veil.

And so those of you who are longing for some type of massive disclosure—you may not get what you’re looking for.  If you are willing to trust in your own experience and desire your own connection to your star family to be revealed, this is easily accomplished.

The path to planetary ascension does not necessitate a forceful entry from beyond the biosphere by your star families that are collaborating in this process.

Planetary ascension is dependent upon a willingness of a core number of individuals to align with their heart centers and move into the harmonics of love and unity, this is what completes the pivotal manifestation of the new earth.  Upon manifestation of the new earth there will be many who choose not to participate in the dimension of the new earth.  The new earth will be located in the 5th dimension.  There are those beings upon the planet who have never intended to participate in the 5th dimension, but they do intend to participate in planetary ascension.  Once the Earth has safely successfully, stably transitioned into the 5th dimension, many of these beings will ascend—will ascend to other dimensions and other locations, which has been their intention all along.  There are many who will continue to reside in the 3rd dimensional Earth as a construct of the past—of what you would call the linear past.  This will take place by re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere choosing a locator in time/space that precedes the Earth’s ascension.  There will be many who re-enter the Earth-sphere countless times in an effort to resolve the DNA lineages which they carry and ultimately participate in planetary ascension in whatever way facilitates them arriving at whatever arrival point is their ultimate desired intention.

The qualities of light and darkness have both been essential to the ability for the Earth to uplift itself and migrate to a new dimensional orientation within the galaxy.  This trajectory has been planned for tens of thousands of years in anticipation of the planetary alignment with the galactic center and the movement of the Earth into the photon band.  It is this high frequency energy field which the Earth is currently residing in which allows cosmic particles carrying substantial and fundamental information from vast galaxies, to enter the energetics of the Earth’s biosphere.

Also being received and carried by key members of the living library who carry fundamental ability to combine with these particles creating energetic keys which open further pathways of light and information entering the Earth-sphere.  There is an enormous, cosmic dance taking place, which supersedes involvement from the star families being of primary importance in a visible way in the news, on the Earth plane and acknowledged by the Earth’s government.  This is not an essential element of planetary ascension.  Earth’s government is an illusionary authority given power by the collective thoughtform held and amplified by individual people who do not trust their own ability to make decisions for themselves.

The desire to have the Earth’s government acknowledge the participation in planetary ascension, the very FACT of planetary ascension for starters—the presence of star beings in the process, is looking for means outside of yourself, for some endowed member of authority to come into alignment with what you hope to be true in your heart and therefore give you permission to believe in what you sense is your own inner truth.  Can you see how distorted this is?

Any being with a strong sense of self, with a profound inner knowing of the divine truth of their identity would not turn over their ability to determine their existence.  They would not give over their center, their source, of connection and knowing, to any other point of focus.  Nor need another point of focus to acknowledge or recognize their truths.

Calling Forth from Beyond the Veil

To call forth the lineage you carry you can begin by meditating and activating the cosmic DNA that lies either dormant, actively emerging or actively online within your energy field.  So if you lie quietly, grounded, in a place where you will not be interrupted, you can call forth your planetary connection.

Here are the instructions for a technique for calling forth from beyond the veil your star family connection.

  • Ground yourself
  • Lie in a peaceful, quiet place, where you are warm and comfortable and will not be disturbed.
  • Breathe deeply activating your spinal pathways with light and breath.  Breath moves energy throughout your body; focus gives direction to the energy.  Words give focus to energy.
  • State your desire to activate your cosmic DNA and to realize your star family connection in divine timing and as it pre-ordained by you and your higher self.  The more you merge with your higher self, which is ultimately the most important aspect of this entire process, the more access you will have to other versions in which your higher self is currently, simultaneously flowing—which includes your star family connections—because you have a presence in that family which can be located through the connection with your higher self.
  • Allow yourself to feel, sense and accept whatever ideas and information come forth to you.
  • Thank your star family for this communication and let them know when you intend to continue this communication again.

Living from a place of claiming what you know and understand expands your access to increased knowing.  To know more; live from what you already know.  Trust yourself and you will expand your perspective.

There is nothing better about a star family connection than an Earth family connection—they’re just different.  There is a sense that reuniting with your star family connection will feel great and provide an enormous sense of fulfillment and this is true, for this is about wholeness and greater awareness.  However, the ultimate shift into wholeness and greater awareness is merging with your I AM presence, your higher self.

Arcturian Codes of Light

Arcturian Starships are present along the Lemurian grid, currently participating in the harmonic upgrades which are allowing sound vibration to be incorporate into the body of the 144,000; the house of David.  Incorporating the vibration of source creation; the coherent organizing of the law of one into the DNA of the 13:13:13 soul group, the ascension codes.

This harmonic, which is not an overtone—it is a fundamental tone—from source creation, can be resonantly absorbed through conscious participation and focus upon the plane of peace.  Again, it is on the 5th dimensional plane that you are able to access this higher vibrational frequency which cannot be fully manifested in your physical body until your physical body ascends, but you can begin the energetic integration into your auric field and your other energy bodies as you locate in the 5th dimensional plane of peace, and choose to receive and incorporate Jacob’s Ladder.  (ascension codes)

Focus on Essentials; Stabilize and Participate in New Earth Co-Creation

It is important that you being to organize your thinking around the realm of the 5th dimensional plane of peace.  The emergent 5th dimensional earth is in place, can be connected with, incorporated and you can flow this into your energetic presence in the 3rd dimension.  This will greatly accelerate the available field carrying the ascension codes for the 3rd dimensional biosphere.  It’s really about Lightworkers who have the ability to access the plane of peace becoming a much stronger bridge to the 5th dimension.  A bridge to the 5th dimension in a new way because the harmonics of source creation are now being imbibed, if you will, by those who are present on the 5th dimensional plane of peace.  As one moves into harmonic alignment with this heart-line–this timeline of the Earth’s trajectory toward the 5th dimensional manifestation of the new earth—the new earth embodiment of the plane of peace—it’s increasingly important for Lightworkers to spend time in the 5th dimension as part of their daily meditation.

So, there are Lightworkers working on multiple levels.  Some are continually present and participating in holographic transmissions bridging incredible amplitudes of energy into the 5th dimensional plane of peace, and the 5th dimensional plane of peace is a convergence point in which energy from other dimensional beings and sources can be received.

So this ability to locate yourself in the dimension—the 5th dimensional plane of peace—and to energetically place your focus there, and call forth and ask to receive the full activation of all that is present there; to come into coherent alignment with the dynamically emerging energy field there.  It’s like giving yourself a daily tonic—accelerating  your unfoldment. Following this process with like an acceleration integration chamber (Pleiadian Lightwork*) is like a really powerful little duo to consider adding into your process every day.

So to recognize that many levels of beings are participating in this collaborative, expression of the impulse of source creation to fulfill this galactic cycle that happens every 26,000 years—this particular version of this galactic cycle which involves the Earth up-shifting to a new role within the galaxy and ultimately within the cosmos, is not the only shift taking place at this time.  And certainly the shift taking place on the Earth at this time is having broad implications for the entire cosmos.

The plane of peace is currently available to any who place their focus there.  The self-awareness and the clarity of what is present will expand as the individual who focuses there is able to receive the frequencies and the perspective to more fully comprehend the energetic of this plane in the same way that we do not perceive everything on the Earth—based on our ability to understand and acknowledge, and comprehend what is taking place—the same is true when locating on the plane of peace.  What is revealed is based on the harmonic resonance with what is present.  For those who are able to energetically accommodate high frequencies of multiple dimensions, there will be many things visible on this plane.

Star families are gathering in various communities on this plane and already beginning to create infrastructures that harmonize with the Law of One.  Infrastructures that relate to energy, dynamics of the flow of air and water, balancing of magnetics, things that relate the vibrational spin and the transformation of the core energetic of the planet, a re-establishing of the harmonics of the devic kingdom—the plant and animal kingdom–a harmonizing of the re-emergence of past civilizations which will be participating in the new 5th dimensional earth, the establishment of mystery schools to assist those who arrive here to expand their ability to participate.

SO I am seeing how as we are able to participate in the plane of peace we can join with our star family there and be creating (it’s SO cool) our new 5th dimensional earth experience.  It’s something like we’re kind of closing the gap between these…we’re here, we’re there—we’re creating it in the present time there, and it’s sort of like the Earth will catch up to that point and merge with it and we can participate in that.

So I would really divest your energy form the existing earth structures and just allow them to fall apart and be reformed as it makes sense.  And anyone who is to be working on the newness of those structures will be doing it.  And just trust that you are to fulfill your role and your purpose and to focus on locating yourself on the 5th dimensional plane of peace and allowing that to take place.

It’s really a super important time to just trust that this inner work is just vital and alive; and MORE real then what you may see with your eyes.  So of course you want to make sure you have food in your refrigerator and your clothes are clean and you can sleep, and enjoy nature and all these other things…and yet realize that a lot of the structures of the world, may at some point look fundamentally, entirely different, enjoy what is, but don’t be too attached to the form and the way things are happening.  Just focus on the essential qualities of life; on what you need to feel alive and creative and stimulated is really important right now because it is the essence of these things which is what you want to be continually focusing on, so that as the basic structure and nature of reality changes, the essential experiential qualities that you treasure and that bring your into fullest aliveness, will be very stable for you.

So it’s important not to focus on, “Oh, I need a great cashmere sweater from J.Crew,” but more to focus on, “I choose to experience the sensation of comfort, in a beautiful, luxurious way,” for example—this might be a fundamental way of re-creating that, carrying the vibrational qualities of what is essential to your energetic blueprint THRIVING; spinning in a radiant, harmonious balanced, expanded, unobstructed free flowing way.  You’re trying to conjure up the integrity and the coherence of your energy system, and realize that as you are doing this, the dynamics of the environment in which you are situated are being HUGELY FUNDAMENTALLY altered and transforming….I don’t want to say before your eyes, it’s really BEYOND your eyes.

So, focus on the essentials.  Take time to participate in the 5th dimensional plane of peace.  Cultivate merging with your higher self.  And realize that there are multiple destinations that will be the outcome of the planetary ascension process for people.

And lastly, that your connection with your star family, is ultimately eclipsed by your Divine I AM Presence, but certainly key aspects of your cosmic DNA and your galactic DNA are here for a reason and can be activated and be more fully understood, by communing in focus with this connection—activating this connection through your focus and awareness—while in alignment with the 5th dimensional plane of peace.

*Pleiadian Lightwork are ancient mystery school teachings channeled by Amorah Quan Yin, and can be accessed via the book “The Pleiadian Workbook,” or through working with Amorah.

Copyright (c) 2009 – 2013 by Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved. You may translate, link to or quote this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website: - Any other use of this article is strictly prohibited.

This message was originally posted here

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