Merlin on HaitiChannelled through Whitefeather 21/1/10

Dear Ones,I come at this time because many of you are reeling from the recent Earth movements and the devastations that have resulted. Many are asking why does God allow this ? Why the poorest peoples ? Why ? Why ? Why ? So many questions dear ones, yet you know the answers. Have you forgotten Alchemy - nothing is ever really destroyed, just transformed, transmuted, rearranged.You have all had many lifetimes on he Earth Mother, some more than others, and some were amongst the first peoples to arrive. These souls are highly evolved and many have chosen this lifetime to incarnate into the midst of violence, hatred, abuse, poverty, to undergo pain and suffering, even loss of their physical being, because their higher purpose was to raise the vibrations of humanity on a global scale, what better what to do this than by committing ones physical self to be part of the suffering in order that humanity would undergo an outpouring of love and compassion for its fellow beings.Hard as it may seem for you in the comfort of your material worlds, without these catastrophic events, humanity would continue to go about their materialistic lives blissfully unaware and untouched by the sufferings of their brothers and sisters around the world. Event of this nature have been foretold and humanity can blame no one but themselves for this, the warnings have been written and spoken of numerous times and still humanity chooses to ignore the fact that you are all a part of the whole, and therefore, you are each a part of the problem and the solution.The Earth must be cleansed, Her natural rhythm is for constant change, only humanity strives to keep things as they were, to refuse to change even in the face of destruction. You seek the elusive philosphers stone yet shun its true Alchemy.As the power of Alchemy continues to shape the Earth and Her inhabitants, then these changes will increase in frequency and intensity, many in the most densely populated area’s where suffering and pain are being ignored behind closed doors.Humanity has misused and abused the Earths resources for too long without thought for Her creatures, of which humans are but one, small part, yet your impact has been far greater than that of all the other creatures combined, even the locusts of your biblical stories.We, the Ascended Masters have walked the Earth as you do now, many times in many forms, and we have seen first hand the traits of humanity, experienced pain and suffering, often first hand at the hands of less enlightened individuals, just as many of you do now.At this current time, whilst the work of the Lightworkers is honourable, much needed and most welcomed, it is only after events such as the recent devastations that the rest of humanity can express and outpouring pf Love and Compassion. A sad fact, but a true one, and we are all, as should you be, very grateful to the brave and enlightened souls who willing gave up their Earthly physicalities for the greater good of the whole of humanity.Dear, dear children, your differences must become irrelevant if humanity wishes to ascend fully without further upheavals, yet I am aware that these words will reach so few, as does the words of the rest of my family of Light working with our disciples to spread the wisdom and truths so desperately needed at this time. Lightworkers, we are so grateful to you for all this work you do.This year has much to offer and some may feel deeply saddened and burdened by the seemingly good things that come their way whilst around them so much devastation continues. But all is as it should be. As Lightworkers, you are being gifted the things that will lift you into the places you need to be in right now, in the next level of existence and into ascension. From these new positions you will have greater advantages for reaching out to others and expanding the Lightwork you already do. Your task, is not to get caught in the drama’s of the crumbling world around you, hold your light brightly and trust that however feeble you feel your work may be, in the greater scheme of things, know that it is much needed and is indeed working to awaken humanity and is helping the Earth Mother create Herself anew. You are all a part of the ascension plan and each has their own role to play in opening the hearts of humanity and raising the collective consciousness.Do not pity those that suffer. Pity is a negative emotion. Honour them, Bless them, Heal them, Love them. For they are the brave ones working to help humanity. Do not pity, instead seek out like minded souls and come together in groups pf loving energy, sending waves and acting as beacons of Love and Compassion for the world, into the hearts of all humanity, especially those that you deem to be tyrants, perpetrators, nay-sayers and controllers, for it is they that need their hearts opening. Those that suffer as the Earth shakes and rolls, already have their hearts open, open with love and compassion for the whole of humanity.And so dear ones, those that read my words are already enlightened souls, or are at least on the road to enlightenment, and so you must open the hearts of the hardened ones, seek out those who turn a blind eye to the worlds suffering and flood them with your love and light energies.Returning anger, hatred or malice at then will only serve to add to their negative energies and harden them further, you can no longer fight them with wars, weapons, demonstrations, angered words or other activities that carry aggression. Now you must quietly and gently pour loving energy and the Alchemical Flame of Violet Love and Compassion into their hearts, this is done gently and without words, but through the transference of loving light energy and the cords of the Violet Flame. Only with this gentle, sustained and continued practice of pouring out love and compassion to those who refuse to ‘see’ and acknowledge the light of consciousness, can the world be saved and humanity raise its frequencies in the collective consciousness.Be the Alchemy, Be the Transformation, Be who you truly are - Ascended Masters incarnate.My deepest blessings dear ones. Merlin.
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