Message 85 Call it Forward |
Each new day is truly a gift that so often is put aside as you pick up the remains of yesterday. Remember that when old programs and doubts pop up you are offered the opportunity to transform that piece of emotional/mental dysfunctional energy. There are those who embrace this shift and welcome it with open arms and there are those who resist every step of the evolutional path. They are engaged in the process of the struggle and it is the challenge of the struggle that makes them feel powerful and in control. If you could observe your cheering section of non-physical energy as you go about your interactions each day, you would be awesomely inspired. The idea that you have a physical body and maintain that body is the first and most important aspect of manifesting. Each human comes equipped with incredible capabilities. However, they use only a few of their awesome abilities. Each human has programs that veil and disguise their multidimensional talents. It is time to remove the veil and the dysfunctional disguises. The concerns and worries hanging out in the edges of your consciousness are the remnants of the old patterns of helplessness, hopelessness and powerlessness. When they surface you have the opportunity to shift this dysfunctional pattern and choose another behavior, emotion, or thought to replace it. This is a game, a hologame. Play it with joy and abandon. Play it with wonder and skill. Envision the most delicious possibilities reflected in your life. Imagine the very best result and call it forward. Your joy, gratitude and appreciation are the magnets which pull it to you. ©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: subscribe to the FREE 88 messages. Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: Thank you. To make an appointment for your personal reading/transmission please Share this website Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. |