



We are Agarthians and we greet you this day and age our dearly beloved companions of the magnificent planet that we all call home.

The mother star ship that is floating amongst the stars.

We come to you today to heed this message to those that have come into this world to undertake this task and to those that will listen.

We the Agarthians are here to REMIND you of your mission at hand for which some of you have signed up before incarnating here on earth.

Many of you have been hearing the call of the mother earth. Many of your own hearts have been opening wide to the new waves of eternal love coming form your mother Gaia, the healing processes have indeed been running deeply enrooted in the hearts of humanity.

We come to you today and ask that those of you who have come here with an encoded genetic DNA code of the ages to step forward.

Those of you reading this message who are overcome with the all knowing sensation that it is indeed YOU whom we are speaking to, we ask you to step forward to your mission, and to activate the code within your hearts of freedom, the GOD code of the glorious new earth and the new order of life, love, spirit and the eternal OM, and so…

Let us briefly explain to you the situation at hand, for eons we have remained in the inner core of the earth, for eons we have remained her grateful servants, for eons we have kept the secrets of the universals truth beneath the layers of soil, rock and water, beneath the layer of protection within our beloved mother GAIA, and so the time has now come to purge all that is no longer welcomed on the surface of your planet, and to finally release the Universal truth to humanity.
To assist our dearly beloved human brothers and sisters in finding their own way home.

Therefore it is time to REMIND those amongst you who have with the informational codes within their hearts DNA, to step forward and to come here to Agartha and activate the Crystals Clusters hidden beneath the earth in the Agarthian planes of existence.

To do so we ask that you ask to see me - PI and I shall come to greet you at the gates of your choosing.

We await your return!

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Personal Note: In quite a few recent healings, I have begun to get the messages for various light workers that they are needed in Agartha.

What happened recently is while doing a healing on someone,

I was pulled into Agartha (Inner Earth).

There I was greeted by a being whose name is Pi (yes that Pi p).

The message you have read above is the message that he has asked that I post for all of you here.

When I arrived in Agartha, I was then taken to one of the location that sits right beneath an important place on earth where there still exists a mind cloaking and controlling device that send out various negative and controlling energies to the people of earth.

From various points in Agartha it is possible to reprogram these machines and to instead have it spread VIOLET light to all of humanity within its vicinity and break the codes under which they are currently living.

Those of you who resonate with this message and feel that he is talking to you directly, should simply go into a meditative state and ask to see a being named “Pi”, he will then assist you in this mission.

This needs to be done before August 25th. - Love ~Anna

Channeled by Anna Merkaba - Energy Healer- Channeler - Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension - Key of Life - DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL -http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

And for those of you that might not fully believe here is SCIENTIFIC proof.. although science is WAYYYYYY behind the times.. in any case her it is :http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/26/mind-blowing-research-suggests-that-earth-could-actually-be-hollow/#_


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  • It may have been from last year, but meant for this year since there is no time and space in other dimensions.  I plan to meet him in Agartha.  Thanks Anna Merkaba.

  • This is an old channelling from August last year.
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