Message from Archangel Ariel, with Archangels Barachiel, Metatron and the Council of Radiant Light
by Ailia Mira
Divine One,
We greet you in love.
We know how much you want to be in conscious communication with LIFE and it is this drive to be aware of your own vaster self, which prompts our communication today.
LIFE knows you.
Absolutely and beyond a doubt.
Whether or not you feel this is about what you are willing to consider.
Most of you live your lives not believing, or asking us to participate.
You like us, you like knowing we're here...yet... in your day to day lives you perpetuate a sense of separation from All That You Are, from All that Is.
What could come of your experience here, if you invited Divine LOVE to support you?
What might your days be like, if you thought about and engaged Divine LOVE, the All, Creation, Source, and invoked our support?We'd love for you to find out!
LIFE is organized coherently, harmoniously arranging All, and highly responsive to YOU.
This natural orchestration and composing is going on all the time, whether or not you allow yourself to notice this, or feel it as real.
What if beloved, you allowed LIFE to LOVE YOU, more?
To help you, more? What if you invited the mystery of LIFE to show you the way?
We know that at times you do this, but we'd like to encourage you to do this more often, in fact, to do this with everything.
All those mundane things that you think we don't know about or can't be bothered with, are really so clear and in our knowing.
We are happy to assist with anything. We are in fact, trying to do so.
It is so hard to get through to you though, when you think it's all on you.
The overwhelming feelings, the sense of inadequacy that you carry because you try to do it all yourselves.
We honor your choices here, of course, and yet we are not sure you understand that you are choosing that. That you do tend to make that real - the feeling that you must figure things out, work hard, earn your way, fix yourself before you can have what you want in life.
Before life can be free, joyful, fun and fulfilling to you.
Dear friend - that is not the case, unless you believe it is so. Then it is. And we cannot alter that.
Yet we do manage to get through that filter when you're unconscious, in sleep or when showering and letting go of thought and somehow being in a way that fosters more openness...
It happens when you make love and let go, when you are tired and give up...
In these small moments you do drop the reins and then we are able to rush in and lift you up.
We do so gladly and are always happy to light the way.
If you want to live knowing how dearly loved you are, you must consider that this might be so and invite us in.
We cannot come forth in your awareness without your permission, or in contradiction to the beliefs you make real.
You must somehow find a way to choose to be willing to know life differently.
That small opening is all it takes.
Invite the Divine In.
Invite LOVE to show you how supported, precious and loved you are.
Invite LOVE to give you small, soft knowing, the kind you feel within you...
Not demanding.
Not overwhelming.
Not bossy or telling you what to do.
Just a soft knowing, of what feels right now.
Or even a stronger impulse to DO THAT NOW.
That is us (Smile) And when you hear us? We are joyful.
For it is this multidimensional co-creation which we intended when you embodied
And we are here and available to you,
When you ask
When you remember
When you realize and rearrange your thoughts to include the DIVINE LIGHT THAT IS YOU
In your life here.
And in that simple shift, everything opens to you.
Burdens fall steadily away and things begin to hum.
We love you very much.