Message from Archangel Michael, June 2010

Message From Archangel Michael, June 2010

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

"Balance Your Subconscious, Conscious, And
Superconscious Minds"

Dear Ones,

When you are receiving information from the higher realms, you must use your discernment and your wisdom and you must go within your Heart Center to determine if this information is true and correct for you. There is much information that is not always correct in the many messages you read. Each person who channels is channeling through the filter of their subconscious mind, through the filters of their accumulated wisdom of their spiritual growth in this life and through past life experiences. There are many who believe that those who channel are of great authority and knowledge and to be followed blindly, through their channeling. All have spiritual gifts, and those who channel have been given this spiritual gift and have agreed before their incarnation in this lifetime, to bring forth these messages. It does not mean that they have reached the pinnacle of spiritual development, above all others. There is no such thing, as spiritual growth is ongoing, continual and a sacred journey and path, all will continue, long after they have completed planetary ascension.

We ask you to stand in your personal power and take the pearls of wisdom from these messages, which resonate with you. Use your discernment, and your wisdom to determine if the message is your truth. You may ask for validation three times, within your Heart Center. This validation may come from within, it may come through others, in the form of the spoken word, it may come through something you read. We ask you to understand, and know that your own inner wisdom, your God Self is your best and most accurate wisdom. Only you know what is best for you and the path which you choose to follow. Those who channel may bring forth to you messages and wisdom from the higher realms, yet there may be inaccuracies within these messages, depending upon the clarity of the channel, and plane which the channel is accessing. Stand in your power, Beloved Ones, and integrate these many blessed teachings, with discernment, love, wisdom and your own inner guidance.

We ask you to become more aware of your three minds and to work within the process of integrating these minds to work in balance and harmony with each other. Your subconscious mind does not differentiate from your inner and outer reality and produces that which you feed to it, with your thoughts. Notice your thoughts, and you will raise your consciousness, as you begin to feed your subconscious mind empowering thoughts. When you feed your subconscious mind disempowering thoughts such as "I am tired, I give up", the subconscious mind knows only to produce that within your reality. Spend time reprogramming your subconscious mind, with positive affirmations, as your subconscious mind is already the product of much programming you have received throughout this lifetime, and a product of past life programming which you have brought into this lifetime, to heal.

Your conscious mind is the expression of your personality, God's personality, as you lift yourself up into the expression of your God Self. As you balance your seven chakras and the seven rays, in harmony with your four bodies, you will express within the conscious mind, the personality of God, as the seven rays and the five higher rays carry the aspects and attributes of God. They can be called God's personality.

Not all are meant to channel beings of the higher realms, yet all are meant to be in communication with their higher Self and their superconscious minds. Your superconscious mind is with you, in every Now moment, ready to guide you and direct you in the higher wisdom of your God Self. It has been guiding you and directing you, throughout your lifetime, although most of you have not listened and connected with this wisdom. Spend time in meditation, speak with your higher Self, your superconscious mind. Ask questions, and then expect and know that you will receive the answers. It may not come to you through a word dialog, but you must be open to receive this communication in the form of a message through others you may have communication with, through readings, though a coincidence or synchronicity. Listen, pay attention, and your communication will come to you.

Trust and know, Dear Ones, that you are Divinely guided, as you are God. As you allow your God Self to come forth, through your expressions, your daily activities, you will become stronger and develop the strength and courage to stand in your power and rely upon your own inner wisdom. You will understand that you too, are channeling this inner wisdom from your superconscious mind, and if you choose to formally channel your superconscious mind, this practice is available to each and every one of you. Begin with the small steps of asking questions and allowing the answers to come forth naturally. You will gain confidence and be ready to move forth to the next step of a deeper integration with your superconscious mind.

Ultimately, Dear Ones, your subconscious, conscious, and superconscious minds will blend, merge and become one beautiful God mind, in balance and harmony with your God Self. You will be the personality of God, as you are God. You have only to realize this knowing, and express this knowing. Live it in the Now, as you create Heaven on Earth and return to beauty, balance and harmony, as you express the love and joy, peace and wisdom of your God Self.

I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.


Love and Many Blessings,

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  • Thank you Archangel Michael for all you have represented and still represents in my life. And thank you Ben-Arion for sharing this message.
  • thank you! great blessings.
  • Great message. Thank You. Its all L.O.V.E (Law Of Vabrational Energy), get to know your vibrations :)
  • feels right-thank you-love...g.
  • very true. A lot of false prophets active lately. This message realy resonates
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