Message from Matthew -- April 2, 2014

Message from Matthew


April 2, 2014

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As in the last message, first I shall speak for myself, about that message. By explaining why it was transmitted some considerable time after the plane went missing, I may have given the impression that I alone requested Ashtar to tell you about it, and that is not the case—the request was made by all souls here, where only the high vibrations of truth can be registered and telepathically sent forth.  


How we wish the anguished families could know that their loved ones are alive and well in a world that is similar to yours in some ways, much better in others! If you know any of those grieving people, sharing what Ashtar said about everything that was done to make life pleasant and comfortable in that world could give them a measure of comfort. It wouldn’t end mourning their loss, but it would end the specter of their beloved persons dying in icy waters and the speculation that the crew or some of the passengers hijacked the plane.


As to their factual whereabouts, some information from off-planet sources differs significantly from Ashtar’s, including a message attributed to him that several readers sent to my mother. The gist of their questions is: Which Ashtar can we believe?  My mother asked him how to reply, and at his request, we include what he told her:


      Suzy, it’s not your responsibility to “reconcile” the two versions, as some individuals are asking you to do. The information I gave you and you clearly received is what happened—those are the facts from our first moment of rescue through what was done to welcome the people aboard the aircraft and provide for their every need in that world. I don’t wish to disparage the receiver of that other message, but it is NOT from me. I understand that she believes it was, but some other source made that false claim and attributed it to me. This is a time when truths are coming out and what I told you is the truth.


Ashtar discussed with us other reactions to his information, too, and we know that the writers are not alone in pondering aspects of the rescue and relocation. We have the same knowledge as he and could address all the issues questioned; however, he wishes to reply to the two responses he asked my mother to type first, and we are happy to comply with his request that we answer the rest. 


If the soul contracts of the people on the plane didn’t include relocation to another world like Ashtar said, why did he decide to authorize some of his team to “step in” and do that?


Ashtar said: "None of the soul contracts of the crew and passengers included such an adventure, but neither did they include death at that time." How is this even possible? How can someone experience something that is not in their contract? And this is not a small deviation but a major, huge deviation from the soul contract. Not only for 1 person, but 239 people. Also disrupting the contract of other people with whom they had agreements (like relatives). Also, why didn't the soul guides of all these people intervene in the first place, preventing this event to happen, if this was not the soul contract? I find this very disturbing because this implies that universal laws were breached here. 


     This is Ashtar. In my first message I spoke about what I thought would be of most interest and importance to you—details about the rescue and the hospitable reception and accommodations given the people aboard the plane. Now I see that I could have provided other information, and I welcome this opportunity to add to what I said previously. 


     First, in reference to my statement “In cases like that, we are authorized to step in,” I had no part in that authorization decision. It’s never the prerogative of any extraterrestrial to decide what to do in an emergency situation where intervention could save the life of a resident of Earth or any other planet. Always in those situations, it is the original or amended soul contract that governs what is done because only the soul knows what experience will further its evolution.


      When the soul contract doesn’t include death in a lethal situation at hand, it’s cut and dried that authorization can be given to save the person’s life. If someone in that kind of situation has a contract that does include death then and the soul wants the physical lifetime to continue, it petitions to amend that provision. The petition is discussed at soul level with all the principals involved in the pre-birth agreement for sharing the lifetime. If any of them don’t agree with amending the contract as the petitioning soul wishes—and at that level, everything is done on a love basis—we never even know about it. When there is unanimous agreement, the decision is transmitted on a specific frequency to a central universal bureau, which notifies the crew whose craft has assistance capability nearest the distress area and they act instantly. All of those procedures happen within seconds in your concept of time.  


      It is extremely rare that neither rescue and relocation nor death at the time is part of any contract when such a large number of individuals are in the same situation anywhere in this universe, but that is the case of the people on that Malaysian plane. In my experience, this isn’t just rare, it is unique.


      When the plane’s problems developed like dominoes falling and wiped out all systems required to keep the plane under control, the crew and passengers knew their chances of surviving were slim to none. At soul level they knew they had a choice: death if the plane crashed—and it would have without intervention—or life on a different planet. At that level the unanimous choice was life, the steps to amend their contracts followed accordingly, and all principals agreed. That information was sent to the bureau and the authorization to undertake the rescue was given to the crew whose craft could handle it. If someone on that plane had chosen at soul level to die instead of going to another planet, by some natural cause, death would have occurred on the spot and the person would have transitioned to Nirvana.


     I don’t know if “soul guides…preventing this event to happen” means preventing the plane’s problems or preventing the rescue and relocation. Nothing that any physical beings could do would have prevented the former and all aboard the plane chose the latter.Nothing done for them was a breach of any universal laws—on the contrary, it washonoring the universal law that soul-level decisions take precedence over any and all other considerations.


      Matthew, I hope this dispels misgivings as to why we “stepped in,” and I thank you for answering all other questions.


Thank you, Ashtar. Before speaking for all souls here, I shall address readers’ query as to how, from my station in the timeless continuum, I could determine how much linear time had elapsed between the plane’s disappearance and my mother’s question about it. Her question included “three days ago,” but even if it hadn’t, the time was in her thoughts and that would have been the source of my awareness. 


The following questions were selected because the answers will give the most insight into this incident and, in some cases, can be applied to other situations, too.


Ashtar said that neither dying nor being transported to another planet was in the passengers’ soul contracts. I was under the impression that NOTHING could happen that was not in our soul contracts. If that were so, life in your world could be ideal instead of a karmic merry-go-round. The contracts are made prior to birth and forgotten soon after birth—it is free will decisions consciously made throughout the course of a lifetime that lead to happenings that can vary 180 degrees from what is in the soul contract.


Why weren’t the people in the plane transferred to the spacecraft and brought back down to Earth?  A midair transfer at “breathing” altitude could not have guaranteed the survival of everyone on the plane. Just as important, the craft’s pressurization system requires special breathing apparatus for bodies of lower density make-up than the crew’s, and the craft wasn’t outfitted with sufficient apparatus for all aboard the plane. Crews in your skies are using their technology in the many ways we have mentioned in numerous messages; on occasion they are authorized to rescue people in dire circumstances, but that isn’t the primary purpose of their presence. And, as Ashtar mentioned, the need to accommodate so many persons in the same emergency situation—in this case, 239—is an extreme rarity. 


Of course I’m glad the people on the Malaysian airliner are safe, but I don’t understand why they were given that extraordinary assistance and so many others are left to perish in plane crashes. Is it because they chose in their soul contracts to die that way?  Contracts have a degree of flexibility as to the cause, or source, of chosen experiencing, including death. When persons die in a plane crash, it’s because they have completed their choices of lifetime longevity and death coming abruptly in an “accident.” However, it could happen around the same time by a different means such as a car crash or fatal injury in a fall or being buried in an avalanche—one of those also would fill the contract’s provision for the lifetime to end suddenly and “accidently.” It is because of contract choices that some persons die in the same incident that others survive.


Please tell Matthew to ask Ashtar to put some airplane parts where they’ll be found so the heartbroken families can have closure.  Ashtar understands just as we do the compassion underlying this request, but light beings assist only within the truth of any matter.  


Why didn’t the ETs use their high level technology to repair the plane while it was in the air instead of taking it to some other planet?  The technology aboard their crafts is indeed advanced, even beyond your science fiction depictions, but it’s not designed to repair malfunctioning systems of your airplanes. An apt analogy could be your cell phone having the capability to fix a flat tire. 


I was wondering if the people on the plane had any memory of their life on Earth when they were relocated to the other planet.  Yes, they do.  Nothing they experienced during their time on Earth is forgotten any more so than if they still were living there. Life in their new world has differences, of course, but those can be likened to the differences in any life on Earth when a major change occurs. 


Could Ashtar provide the name of the galaxy and planet those people were transferred to? Andalusa is in your Milky Way galaxy, the closest planet to your solar system that is similar to Earth in the ways he mentioned in his first message. 


Why weren’t the people on the plane taken to Hollow (Inner) Earth so they could come back to the surface and be reunited with their families? The residents of Inner Earth manifested cities and all living conditions in higher vibratory levels than surface residents could enter and their bodies remain viable. If Inner Earth residents wish to come to the surface, they realign their vibratory attunement; surface residents’ bodies don’t have that capability because, with few exceptions, your populace hasn’t reached that level of conscious and spiritual awareness. 


Could the people on that flight have been dematerialized and later rematerialized somewhere safe on Earth? No. While that process has been done—and much more often than you may think—in rescues of individuals by their guardian angels, who are souls of vibrating light and sometimes need to call upon additional angelic assistance, it is a greatly different situation when people are rescued by physical beings.


Ashtar said they took the plane to a higher dimension. Does that mean those people on board Flight 370 ascended to a higher dimension, say perhaps 5D?  “Dimension” in Ashtar’s message refers to location—that is, to a dimension beyond Earth’s flight routes—and not the status of conscious and physical evolvement that denotes personal ascension.However, the souls aboard that flight moved forward in that respect because they fearlessly chose to experience life in a strange new world.


Why wasn’t the plane put on the moon and provisions taken to the people until they could be brought back here? Putting them on the moon wasn’t an option. Even if the plane could have been put down intact in the conditions prevailing there, its seriously compromised condition couldn’t assure its structural integrity for any length of time and the people aboard could not have survived in the moon’s atmosphere. Even if the plane remained intact, oxygen wouldn’t last until transportation back to Earth could be provided.


Ashtar said others have been rescued and taken to that planet. Who are they and why did they need to be rescued?  Rescues were authorized for individuals in small planes or boats in the area you call the Bermuda Triangle when the powerful force of that energy vortex overrode their vehicles’ control systems. For the same reason, rescues have occurred in the few other energy vortices on Earth that are that powerful. The astronauts on the Challenger were rescued from the space shuttle before it exploded—because they were outfitted with “spacesuits,” midair transfer was possible. The perception in your world was that no one survived the explosion, therefore at both conscious and soul levels, the shuttle crew chose to go to that planet and live out their various contract provisions regarding life span. 


What kind of a planet is this?  Is it a 4 or 5D planet and how is it possible for these people to graduate so quickly from 3D life and live on a higher plane when all of the rest of us lightworkers must endure and wait, wait and wait some more?  The planet is near the high end of fourth density in location; and in spiritual and conscious evolvement, most of its inhabitants range from high third density to high fourth, with a small number at fifth and even fewer at sixth—all aboard the Malaysian plane are within that range.  Lightworkers chose to be where they are not only to contribute light to Earth and the civilization, but doing so is advancing their soul evolvement status. Please do not think in terms of enduring and waiting, but rather in positive ways, such as thinking about the goodness you have brought to others’ lives and what they have contributed to yours.   


We always hear that the Source is in all things everywhere, that there is no place He is not and that He is in total control of all. He works miracles every day. How in this case, if it was no one on the plane's time to die, he couldn't have just "fixed" instantly whatever went wrong with the plane and had it land as it would have normally?  When we asked God—the source of everything that exists in this universe—what He wanted us tell you, He said He would to do this Himself.  


     This is God saying, I’m happy to do this. My dear child—all my dear children—a long, long time ago I set our universe in motion and came up with some laws to keep it running smoothly. Since then I’ve been adhering to Creator’s law that everyone’s free will must be honored no matter how they choose to use it—so you see, I’m not “in total control of all.” 


     And I delegate the job of “miracles” happening when they’re supposed to. Zillions of my emissaries—you call them angels or spirit guides or good ETs—are doing a fine job of that, so I stay out of their way and handle things like keeping celestial bodies in orbit and the universe in balance. Also I weep with all my children who are weeping, I feel the joy of all who are joyous, and I perpetually shower each and every soul in our big family with unconditional love. We’re all in this together for eternity, you know—let’s do it loving each other.  


       Matthew, that says it all.  


Thank you, God. 


Why not set [the plane] down on farmland near the destination in a civilized area with food and water (and people to rescue them) at the ready?? In Earth’s location in the weaker vibrations of low fourth density, the rescue craft could not have maneuvered the plane into a landing position with absolute certainty that it wouldn’t sustain further damage and cause serious injuries or death to the people on board. The planet where the people were taken is in high fourth density where lighter, or stronger, vibrations assure a gentler, safe landing.


We light workers are keeping the grieving families in our meditations, but it's not enough. I’m remembering messages where Matthew talks about how thoughts & feelings, such as anxiety, sadness, loneliness and so on emit lower vibrations.  But what if those are my feelings about the state of things plus guilty that I know what happened with this plane and all aboard and their families don’t? Compassion and caring don’t have to be accompanied by emotions with low vibrations, and knowing that those aren’t helping the grieving families will make it easier to change your feelings about what has happened. Visualize in golden-white light a crowd that you “designate” as those families and feel yourself within that light, too—breathing in its healing vibrations will lighten your heart and mind and dispel negative feelings. Gladness that the people who had been on the plane are living in a fine world will replace guilt that you know this and their families don’t. We are not strangers to the spectrum of emotions and offer these suggestions because we have experienced their effectiveness.  


Do you know if there is a physical remnant of the plane to be found?  The plane was dematerialized after all on board disembarked, so any floating debris identified as parts of that plane would be in error.   


Matthew has said ETs talk with our world leaders. If they speak out about [the rescue], people will see that they’re here to help us. That will expedite the mass landings we’ve been waiting for. All light beings in this universe wish this could be so, but with good reason your elected leaders are reluctant to be that forthright—most of your populace would think they’re crazy. Imagine the chaos as throngs demanded those leaders’ resignations and the field day of their political opponents; and potentially the wildness of stock markets, “scare” buying of food and other essentials, and members of militias acting violently. Until your world is ready to welcome strangers with unusual appearances, the mystery of the plane’s disappearance will be solved “logically.”


If that planet has its own spirit world, will the people go there when they die or can they go to Nirvana and be reunited with loved ones?  It is the energy of love bonds that reunites souls, and reunions can be in spirit worlds with the same vibratory levels anywhere in this universe.  It’s the same when people move on from Nirvana into a new physical lifetime on Earth or elsewhere—during sleep state, they have reunions with loved ones wherever they are in spirit or physical worlds with compatible vibrations.


I wonder what lessons this air accident has exposed to the world, besides the questions we are all left with. Investigations into potential improvements in all systems on that plane’s configuration, security measures and the mindset of crew personnel will come from pertinent agencies. Introspective lessons will come from Self. Knowing that time with persons you value can end at any moment, vowing not to waste it in dissension or mean-spiritedness would be a worthy lesson from the heart-wrenching experience for the family and friends of the people they believe are dead.  


I know what it’s like to lose family and close friends and I’m speaking with empathy, not insensitivity to the feelings of the people whose lives are most affected by the plane’s disappearance. I don’t understand why this has been given so much more world interest than anything else that has happened since September 11, 2001. Every single day in the 12 ½ years since that tragedy, thousands have died from starvation or diseases caused by horrendous living conditions. All of those people were precious to their families, too, so why haven’t they gotten more attention? What kind of world gives searching for pieces of an airplane so much more importance than doing something about the conditions that are taking the lives of millions every year? When will there be enough caring about those painful and needless deaths to prevent them?  I hope you will answer my questions but I’ll understand if you can’t. 


With full hearts we share the writer’s feelings, giving honest and satisfying answers to the questions is not that easy. It is without judgment that we say, beyond giving families evidence and closure in this traumatic situation, the unprecedented search for plane parts is emblematic of your society’s need to assign blame so lawsuits can ensue, and here there are a few hundred persons to deal with. The survivors of people who die every year from starvation and disease caused by lamentable living conditions don’t have legal or media advocacy, and they number in the many millions. It is not apathy, but a sense of helplessness to change such a massive situation that is the root of its continuance.   


Gradually this outlook is changing. Thousands are dedicating their lives to alleviating horrendous conditions on site, others are speaking out more loudly about the plight of those many millions, many are donating money to fund the efforts of those who are providing medical care, clean water, food and rudimentary shelter. That such a formidable task cannot be swiftly managed is offering a twofold opportunity: Souls in those desperate circumstances are experiencing what they chose to complete third density karmic lessons and evolve spiritually and consciously, and your society can rally as ONE to uplift the lives of those who are suffering.


Your steadfastness in the light is undergirding the move toward that rally, and light beamed to Earth from other civilizations is aiding your endeavors to transform your world. Think of the sweeping changes you have accomplished during the past few years! Change comes much more slowly in some areas than others, and uplifting the lives of many millions—billions—is the vastest of undertakings. But it shall be done because lightworkers on Earth and the countless others who are helping off-planet will not cease until all souls in your world are sharing the abundance of God’s gifts.




Suzanne Ward

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